Class BackgroundCancellableProcessHelper

  • public class BackgroundCancellableProcessHelper
    extends Object
    Helper class used to run database queries in the background and provide the user with a cancellable "wait" dialog.
    • Method Detail

      • executeProcessWithCancelDialog

        public static void executeProcessWithCancelDialog​(Thread workerThread,
                                                          CancelListener cancelListener,
                                                          Component parent)
        Always give a message
        Executes the specified PreparedStatement in a background thread while displaying a "please wait" dialog with a Cancel button. If the JDBC driver running the statement supports cancelling the query, the cancel button will cancel the query.
        workerThread - the thread to run and monitor
        cancelListener - a optional listener to cancel the process
        parent - the parent frame to which the dialog will attach
      • executeProcessWithCancelDialog

        public static void executeProcessWithCancelDialog​(Thread workerThread,
                                                          CancelListener cancelListener,
                                                          Component parent,
                                                          String message)
      • getWindowAncestor

        protected static Window getWindowAncestor​(Component component)