Class RootXmlReadHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • RootXmlReadHandler

        public RootXmlReadHandler​(org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.ResourceManager manager,
                                  org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.ResourceKey source,
                                  long version)
        Creates a new root-handler using the given versioning information and resource-manager.
        manager - the resource manager that loaded this xml-file.
        source - the source-key that identifies from where the file was loaded.
        version - the versioning information for the root-file.
      • RootXmlReadHandler

        public RootXmlReadHandler​(org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.ResourceManager manager,
                                  org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.ResourceKey source,
                                  org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.ResourceKey context,
                                  long version)
        Creates a new root-handler using the given versioning information and resource-manager.
        manager - the resource manager that loaded this xml-file.
        source - the source-key that identifies from where the file was loaded.
        context - the key that should be used to resolve relative paths.
        version - the versioning information for the root-file.
    • Method Detail

      • getContext

        public org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.ResourceKey getContext()
        Returns the context key. This key may specify a base context for loading resources. (It behaves like the 'base-url' setting of HTML and allows to reference external resources as relative paths without being bound to the original location of the xml file.)
        the context.
      • getResourceManager

        public org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.ResourceManager getResourceManager()
        Returns the resource-manager that is used to load external resources.
        the resource-manager.
      • isFirstCall

        public boolean isFirstCall()
        Checks, whether this is the first call to the handler.
        true, if this is the first call, false otherwise.
      • getSource

        public org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.ResourceKey getSource()
        Returns the source key. This key points to the file or stream that is currently parsed.
        the source key.
      • getDependencyCollector

        public org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.resourceloader.DependencyCollector getDependencyCollector()
        Returns the current dependency collector for this parse-operation. The Collector allows to check compound-keys for changes.
        the dependency collector.
      • getCommentHandler

        public CommentHandler getCommentHandler()
        Returns the comment handler that is used to collect comments.
        the comment handler.
      • getParserConfiguration

        public org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.config.DefaultConfiguration getParserConfiguration()
        Returns the parser-configuration. This can be use to configure the parsing process.
        the parser's configuration.
      • setDocumentLocator

        public void setDocumentLocator​(Locator locator)
        Receive an object for locating the origin of SAX document events.

        The documentLocator allows the application to determine the end position of any document-related event, even if the parser is not reporting an error. Typically, the application will use this information for reporting its own errors (such as character content that does not match an application's business rules). The information returned by the documentLocator is probably not sufficient for use with a search engine.

        Specified by:
        setDocumentLocator in interface ContentHandler
        setDocumentLocator in class DefaultHandler
        locator - the documentLocator.
      • getDocumentLocator

        public Locator getDocumentLocator()
        Returns the current documentLocator.
        the documentLocator.
      • setHelperObject

        public void setHelperObject​(String key,
                                    Object value)
        Adds an object to the registry.
        key - the key.
        value - the object.
      • getHelperObject

        public Object getHelperObject​(String key)
        Returns an object from the registry.
        key - the key.
        The object.
      • getHelperObjectNames

        public String[] getHelperObjectNames()
        Returns the array of all currently registered helper-objects. Helper objects are used as simple communication process between the various handler implementations.
        the helper object names.
      • setRootHandler

        protected void setRootHandler​(XmlReadHandler handler)
        Sets the root SAX handler.
        handler - the SAX handler.
      • getRootHandler

        protected XmlReadHandler getRootHandler()
        Returns the root SAX handler.
        the root SAX handler.
      • recurse

        public void recurse​(XmlReadHandler handler,
                            String uri,
                            String tagName,
                            Attributes attrs)
                     throws SAXException
        Start a new handler stack and delegate to another handler.
        handler - the handler.
        uri - the namespace uri of the current tag.
        tagName - the tag name.
        attrs - the attributes.
        SAXException - if there is a problem with the parser.
      • delegate

        public void delegate​(XmlReadHandler handler,
                             String uri,
                             String tagName,
                             Attributes attrs)
                      throws SAXException
        Delegate to another handler.
        handler - the new handler.
        tagName - the tag name.
        uri - the namespace uri of the current tag.
        attrs - the attributes.
        SAXException - if there is a problem with the parser.
      • unwind

        public void unwind​(String uri,
                           String tagName)
                    throws SAXException
        Hand control back to the previous handler.
        tagName - the tagname.
        uri - the namespace uri of the current tag.
        SAXException - if there is a problem with the parser.
      • getCurrentHandler

        protected XmlReadHandler getCurrentHandler()
        Returns the current handler.
        The current handler.
      • interceptFirstStartElement

        protected void interceptFirstStartElement​(String uri,
                                                  String localName,
                                                  String qName,
                                                  Attributes attributes)
                                           throws SAXException
        A helper call that allows to override the first call to the startElememt method. This allows the implementation of an multiplexing parser, which requires the information from the root-level elements.
        uri - the namespace uri of the current tag.
        localName - the unqualified tag-name.
        qName - the qualified tag-name.
        attributes - the attributes of the current element.
        SAXException - if something goes wrong.
      • pushDefaultNamespace

        protected final void pushDefaultNamespace​(String nsuri)
        Updates the current default namespace.
        nsuri - the uri of the current namespace.
      • installRootHandler

        protected void installRootHandler​(XmlReadHandler handler,
                                          String uri,
                                          String localName,
                                          Attributes attributes)
                                   throws SAXException
        Sets and configures the root handle for the given root-level element.
        handler - the read handler for the root element.
        uri - the uri of the root elements namespace.
        localName - the local tagname of the root element.
        attributes - the attributes of the root element.
        SAXException - if something goes wrong.
      • characters

        public void characters​(char[] ch,
                               int start,
                               int length)
                        throws SAXException
        Process character data.
        Specified by:
        characters in interface ContentHandler
        characters in class DefaultHandler
        ch - the character buffer.
        start - the start index.
        length - the length of the character data.
        SAXException - if there is a parsing error.
      • getResult

        public Object getResult()
                         throws SAXException
        Tries to return the parse-result of the selected root-handler.
        the parse-result.
        SAXException - if an error occurs.
      • isXmlnsUrisNotAvailable

        public boolean isXmlnsUrisNotAvailable()
        Returns, whether the parser resolves namespace-URIs.
        true, if the parser will *NOT* resolve namespaces, false otherwise.
      • setXmlnsUrisNotAvailable

        public void setXmlnsUrisNotAvailable​(boolean xmlnsUrisNotAvailable)
        Sets a hint that the parser will not be able to return URIs for XML-Namespaces. You should not see this nowadays, as all the common JAXP-parser implementations seem to work fine with namespaces.
        xmlnsUrisNotAvailable - a flag indicating that the XML parser has troubles resolving namespaces.