Interface IObjectCreator

All Known Implementing Classes:
GlobalObjectCreator, LocalObjectCreator, ObjectCreator, SessionObjectCreator, ThreadObjectCreator


public interface IObjectCreator

NOTICE: This class is deprecated and will not exist in platform version 2.1.
Below is a guide for how to use the new API for factory-ing dynamic objects: The old way of creating objects via a factory was:

1. PentahoObjectFactory fac = new PentahoObjectFactory();
//set the object specifications (as a map of object creators)
//the object creator classes provided scoping to objects,
//allowing us to bind object to particular scopes
2. SessionObjectCreator creator = SessionObjectCreator("org.pentaho.platform.api.repository.ISolutionRepository")
3. Map objCreatorMap = new HashMap()
4. objCreatorMap.put("ISolutionRepository", creator)
5. fac.setObjectCreators(objCreatorMap);
6. ISolutionEngine eng = (ISolutionEngine)fac.getObject("ISolutionEngine", session);

The new way of factory-ing objects is:

1. IPentahoObjectFactory fac = new MyPentahoObjectFactory();
//configure the factory with an object specification file and/or a runtime context object
2. fac.init(objectSpecFile, contextObject) IPentahoObjectFactory.init(String, Object)
3. ISolutionEngine eng = fac.get(ISolutionEngine.class, session) IPentahoObjectFactory.get(Class, IPentahoSession)

You will notice that the new way of serving up objects does not expose an API for scoping of objects like the old way did. This behavior is now delegated to the particular IPentahoObjectFactory implementation, which means a factory implementation has total freedom to be as simple or sophisticated at it wants without being required to handle object scoping. Any kind of object binding/scoping or any other rules for the creation and management of objects is totally up the implementation. Typically, a factory implementation would be made aware of it's rules for object creation by way of a well-known objectSpecFile (see new way step #2 in the instructions above).

Method Summary
 Object getInstance(String key, IPentahoSession session)
 void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)

Method Detail


Object getInstance(String key,
                   IPentahoSession session)
                   throws ObjectFactoryException

Please use the new way of factory-ing dynamic PentahoObjects. See an explanation of how to switch from the old way to the new way here: IObjectCreator



void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)

Please use the new way of factory-ing dynamic PentahoObjects. See an explanation of how to switch from the old way to the new way here: IObjectCreator

Sets the classloader to be used to create objects. If this is not set the implementor can use a classloader of its choosing

classLoader -