Interface IPentahoSystemListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
BirtSystemListener, GlobalObjectInitializer, HibernateSystemListener, JFreeReportSystemListener, KettleSystemListener, MondrianSystemListener, NonPooledDatasourceSystemListener, PluginManager, PMDSystemListener, PooledDatasourceSystemListener, QuartzSystemListener, VersionCheckSystemListener

public interface IPentahoSystemListener

Classes that implement this interface can be notified about key system events, in order to perform one-time operations such as initialization, maintenance or other tasks.


Method Summary
 void shutdown()
          Notification of system shutdown.
 boolean startup(IPentahoSession session)
          Notification of system startup.

Method Detail


boolean startup(IPentahoSession session)
Notification of system startup. This event fires at the end of system initialization, after all system components have started successfully.


void shutdown()
Notification of system shutdown. This event fires right before the server context is shutdown.