Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDocumentResourceLoader   

Uses of IDocumentResourceLoader in

Classes in that implement IDocumentResourceLoader
 class SolutionURIResolver

Uses of IDocumentResourceLoader in org.pentaho.platform.util

Classes in org.pentaho.platform.util that implement IDocumentResourceLoader
 class JarEntityResolver

Uses of IDocumentResourceLoader in org.pentaho.platform.util.xml

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.util.xml with parameters of type IDocumentResourceLoader
static String XForm.completeXForm(int outputType, String formName, StringBuffer xformHeader, StringBuffer xformBody, IPentahoSession session, IDocumentResourceLoader loader)
static InputStream XmlHelper.getLocalizedFile(String fullPath, Locale locale, IDocumentResourceLoader loader)
static InputStream XmlHelper.getLocalizedXsl(String path, String xslName, IDocumentResourceLoader loader)
          Get the File object corresponding to the path, filename (xslName), and locale.
static String XForm.transform(String xForm, String method, IPentahoSession session, IDocumentResourceLoader loader)
          Using html4.xsl, transform the xml in the xForm string to an HTML form snippet.
static String XForm.transformSnippet(Node xForm, IPentahoSession session, IDocumentResourceLoader loader)
static String XForm.transformSnippet(String xFormSnippet, String method, IPentahoSession session, IDocumentResourceLoader loader)
          Using html4.xsl, wrap the XForm String in xFormSnippet in a <pho:snippet>, and transform the wrapped XSL into an HTML form snippet.
static StringBuffer XmlHelper.transformXml(String xslName, String xslPath, InputStream docInStrm, Map params, IDocumentResourceLoader loader)
          Use the transform specified by xslPath and xslName and transform the document specified by docInStrm, and return the resulting document.
static StringBuffer XmlHelper.transformXml(String xslName, String xslPath, String strDocument, Map params, IDocumentResourceLoader loader)
          Use the transform specified by xslName and transform the document specified by docInStrm, and return the resulting document.