Package org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.formula.function.math

Class Summary
AbsFunction This function returns the absolute (nonnegative) of the value.
AbsFunctionDescription Describes AbsFunction function.
AcosFunction This function returns the acos of the value.
AcosFunctionDescription Describes AcosFunction function.
AcoshFunction This function returns the acos of the value.
AcoshFunctionDescription Describes AcoshFunction function.
AsinFunction This function returns the acos of the value.
AsinFunctionDescription Describes AsinFunction function.
Atan2Function This function returns the acos of the value.
Atan2FunctionDescription Describes Atan2Function function.
AtanFunction This function returns the acos of the value.
AtanFunctionDescription Describes AtanFunction function.
AverageAFunction This function returns the average of the number sequence.
AverageAFunctionDescription Describes AverageFunction function.
AverageFunction This function returns the average of the number sequence.
AverageFunctionDescription Describes AverageFunction function.
CosFunction This function returns the acos of the value.
CosFunctionDescription Describes CosFunction function.
EvenFunction This function returns the rounding of a number up to the nearest even integer.
EvenFunctionDescription Describes EvenFunction function.
ExpFunction This function returns the acos of the value.
ExpFunctionDescription Describes ExpFunction function.
LnFunction This function returns the acos of the value.
LnFunctionDescription Describes LnFunction function.
Log10Function This function returns the acos of the value.
Log10FunctionDescription Describes Log10Function function.
LogFunction This function returns the acos of the value.
LogFunctionDescription Describes AtanFunction function.
MathFunctionCategory Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 14:30:36
MaxAFunction This function returns the maximum from a set of numbers.
MaxAFunctionDescription Describes MaxFunction function.
MaxFunction This function returns the maximum from a set of numbers.
MaxFunctionDescription Describes MaxFunction function.
MinAFunction This function returns the minimum from a set of numbers.
MinAFunctionDescription Describes MinFunction function.
MinFunction This function returns the minimum from a set of numbers.
MinFunctionDescription Describes MinFunction function.
ModFunction This function returns the remainder when one number is divided by another number.
ModFunctionDescription Describes ModFunction function.
NFunction Todo: Document me!

Date: 25.01.2010 Time: 15:24:27

NFunctionDescription Describes ModFunction function.
OddFunction This function returns the rounding a number up to the nearest odd integer, where "up" means "away from 0".
OddFunctionDescription Describes OddFunction function.
PiFunction This function returns the acos of the value.
PiFunctionDescription Describes PiFunction function.
PowerFunction This function returns the value of one number raised to the power of another number.
PowerFunctionDescription Describes PowerFunction function.
SinFunction This function returns the acos of the value.
SinFunctionDescription Describes SinFunction function.
SqrtFunction This function returns the sqrt of the value.
SqrtFunctionDescription Describes SqrtFunction function.
SumAFunction Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 17:39:19
SumAFunctionDescription Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 17:41:12
SumFunction Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 17:39:19
SumFunctionDescription Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 17:41:12
VarFunction This function returns the acos of the value.
VarFunctionDescription Describes VarFunction function.