Package org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.formula.function.text

Class Summary
AscFunction Todo: Document me!

Date: 25.01.2010 Time: 15:40:05

AscFunctionDescription Describes ExactFunction function.
CharFunction This function returns the given value as text.
CleanFunction Todo: Document me!

Date: 25.01.2010 Time: 15:40:05

CleanFunctionDescription Describes ExactFunction function.
CodeFunction This function returns the given value as text.
ConcatenateFunction This function returns the given value as text.
DollarFunction This function returns the given value as text.
ExactFunction This function reports if two given text values are exactly equal using a case-sensitive comparison.
ExactFunctionDescription Describes ExactFunction function.
FindFunction This function returns the starting position of a given text in the given text.
FindFunctionDescription Describes FindFunction function.
FixedFunction This function returns the given value as text.
LeftFunction This function returns a selected number of text characters from the left.
This function depends on MidFunction.
LeftFunctionDescription Describes LeftFunction function.
LenFunction This function returns the lengh in characters of the given value.
LenFunctionDescription Describes LenFunction function.
LowerFunction This function returns the given text in lower case.
LowerFunctionDescription Describes LowerFunction function.
MessageFunction Todo: Document me!

Date: 11.11.2009 Time: 13:02:29

MidFunction This function returns extracted text, given an original text, starting position, and length.
MidFunctionDescription Describes MidFunction function.
ProperFunction Todo: Document me!

Date: 23.01.2010 Time: 16:27:11

ProperFunctionDescription Describes UpperFunction function.
ReplaceFunction This function returns text where an old text is substituted with a new text.
ReplaceFunctionDescription Describes ReplaceFunction function.
ReptFunction This function returns text repeated Count times.
ReptFunctionDescription Describes ReptFunction function.
RightFunction This function returns a selected number of text characters from the right.
This function depends on MidFunction.
RightFunctionDescription Describes RightFunction function.
SearchFunction This function returns the starting position of a given text in the given text.
SearchFunctionDescription Describes SearchFunction function.
SubstituteFunction This function returns text where an old text is substituted with a new text.
SubstituteFunctionDescription Describes SubstituteFunction function.
TextFunction This function returns the given value as text.
TextFunctionCategory Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 14:30:36
TFunction This function returns the given text value or a zero lenght string for non text type.
TFunctionDescription Describes TFunction function.
TrimFunction This function returns the given text free of leading spaces.
TrimFunctionDescription Describes TrimFunction function.
UnicharFunction This function returns the given value as text.
UnicodeFunction This function returns the given value as text.
UpperFunction This function returns the given text in upper case.
UpperFunctionDescription Describes UpperFunction function.
URLEncodeFunction This function encodes a given text using the URL-Encoding schema.
URLEncodeFunctionDescription Describes LowerFunction function.