Package org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.formula.typing

Interface Summary
ExtendedComparator A comparator, that offers type support.
NumberConverter A class that converts arbitary data into a numeric representation.
NumberSequence Todo: Document Me
Sequence Todo: Document Me
Type Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 09:32:21
TypeRegistry The type registry manages the known value types.

Class Summary
DefaultComparator Creation-Date: 03.11.2006, 16:15:28
DefaultType Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 09:37:54
DefaultTypeRegistry Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 12:46:08
StaticArrayCallback An array call-back that copies all contents of the source into a private buffer.
TypeUtil Todo: Document me!

Date: 16.03.2010 Time: 18:33:23


Exception Summary
TypeConversionException Creation-Date: 10.04.2007, 14:13:40