Package org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.layout.text

Interface Summary
ExtendedBaselineInfo Creation-Date: 04.04.2007, 14:47:05
Glyph Todo: Document Me
RenderableTextFactory Problem: Text may span more than one chunk, and text may influence the break behaviour of the next chunk.

Class Summary
DefaultExtendedBaselineInfo Creation-Date: 24.07.2006, 17:35:25
DefaultGlyph Creation-Date: 03.04.2007, 16:41:38
DefaultRenderableTextFactory Creation-Date: 03.04.2007, 16:43:48
GlyphList Todo: Document Me
LegacyFontMetrics Creation-Date: 15.04.2007, 14:40:35
TextUtility Creation-Date: 04.04.2007, 14:46:14