Interface IConnectionUserRoleMapper

All Known Implementing Classes:
MondrianAbstractPlatformUserRoleMapper, MondrianLookupMapUserRoleListMapper, MondrianOneToOneUserRoleListMapper, MondrianUserSessionUserRoleListMapper

public interface IConnectionUserRoleMapper

This interface provides for mapping a Platform user to a connection user, or a users' roles to known/valid roles for a connection.

Method Summary
 String[] mapConnectionRoles(IPentahoSession userSession, String connectionContextName)
          Provides a mapping from the roles defined for a user, and roles appropriate for the connection Rules: - If the user has no rights to the specified connectionContextName, you must throw PentahoAccessControlException - If null or empty array is returned, then no mapping is required, and connection can use defaults
 Object mapConnectionUser(IPentahoSession userSession, String connectionContextName)
          Maps the user from the given IPentahoSession into a user (or credential) appropriate for the connection Rules: - If the user has no rights to the specified connectionContextName, you must throw PentahoAccessControlException - If null or empty array is returned, then no mapping is required, and connection can use defaults

Method Detail


Object mapConnectionUser(IPentahoSession userSession,
                         String connectionContextName)
                         throws PentahoAccessControlException
Maps the user from the given IPentahoSession into a user (or credential) appropriate for the connection Rules: - If the user has no rights to the specified connectionContextName, you must throw PentahoAccessControlException - If null or empty array is returned, then no mapping is required, and connection can use defaults

userSession - The users' Session
connectionContextName - - The connection name (maybe a datasource name, a catalog, etc)


String[] mapConnectionRoles(IPentahoSession userSession,
                            String connectionContextName)
                            throws PentahoAccessControlException
Provides a mapping from the roles defined for a user, and roles appropriate for the connection Rules: - If the user has no rights to the specified connectionContextName, you must throw PentahoAccessControlException - If null or empty array is returned, then no mapping is required, and connection can use defaults

userSession -
connectionContextName - - The connection name (maybe a datasource name, a catalog, etc)