Uses of Class

Packages that use PentahoSystemBoot

Uses of PentahoSystemBoot in org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.system.boot

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.system.boot that return PentahoSystemBoot
 PentahoSystemBoot PentahoSystemBoot.define(Class<?> interfaceClass, Class<?> implClass)
          Define a locally scoped object (aka prototype scope -- unique instance for each request for the class)
 PentahoSystemBoot PentahoSystemBoot.define(Class<?> interfaceClass, Class<?> implClass, IPentahoDefinableObjectFactory.Scope scope)
          Define an arbitrarily scoped object
 PentahoSystemBoot PentahoSystemBoot.define(String key, Class<?> implClass)
          Define a locally scoped object (aka prototype scope -- unique instance for each request for the class)
 PentahoSystemBoot PentahoSystemBoot.define(String key, Class<?> implClass, IPentahoDefinableObjectFactory.Scope scope)
          Define an arbitrarily scoped object
 PentahoSystemBoot PentahoSystemBoot.define(String key, String implClassName, IPentahoDefinableObjectFactory.Scope scope)
          Define an arbitrarily scoped object

Uses of PentahoSystemBoot in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.boot

Subclasses of PentahoSystemBoot in org.pentaho.platform.plugin.boot
 class PentahoBoot
          This class is designed to help embedded deployments start the Pentaho system

Uses of PentahoSystemBoot in org.pentaho.test.platform.engine.core

Subclasses of PentahoSystemBoot in org.pentaho.test.platform.engine.core
 class MicroPlatform
          This is a test-oriented booter class that extends PentahoSystemBoot.