
Defines a data access object (DAO) for create, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on users and roles.


Interface Summary
IPentahoRole A role in the Pentaho platform.
IPentahoUser A user of the Pentaho platform.
IUserRoleDao Contract for data access objects that read and write users and roles.

Class Summary
PentahoRole A role in the Pentaho platform.
PentahoUser A user of the Pentaho platform.

Exception Summary
AlreadyExistsException Thrown when an object already exists with the given identifier.
NotFoundException Thrown when no object exists with the given identifier.
UncategorizedUserRoleDaoException Represents some other, usually fatal, exception.
UserRoleDaoException Superclass of all exception types thrown by IUserRoleDao implementations.

Package Description

Defines a data access object (DAO) for create, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on users and roles. This DAO is needed in two places: (1) the Pentaho Administration Console for changing users and roles and (2) the Pentaho BI Platform for authentication. One implementation of IUserRoleDao is based on Hibernate. It uses Spring's HibernateDaoSupport. This package should not be confused with which contains implementations of IUserRoleListService. IUserRoleListService is primarily used for UIs that need to present security-related information for reading only. Such a UI is the Permission interface in the legacy Pentaho BI Platform.

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