Uses of Class

Packages that use Theme

Uses of Theme in org.pentaho.platform.api.ui

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.api.ui that return Theme
 Theme IThemeManager.getModuleTheme(String moduleName, String themeName)
          Returns the named local theme for the given named module or null if either is not found
 Theme IThemeManager.getSystemTheme(String themeName)
          Returns the named theme or null if not found.
 Theme ThemeResource.getTheme()

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.api.ui that return types with arguments of type Theme
 List<Theme> ModuleThemeInfo.getModuleThemes()
 Map<String,Theme> IThemeResolver.getSystemThemes()
          Return a map of system themes keyed by theme name.
 List<Theme> ModuleThemeInfo.getSystemThemes()

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.api.ui with parameters of type Theme
 void ThemeResource.setTheme(Theme theme)

Constructors in org.pentaho.platform.api.ui with parameters of type Theme
ThemeResource(Theme theme, String resource)

Uses of Theme in org.pentaho.platform.web.html.themes

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.web.html.themes that return Theme
 Theme DefaultThemeManager.getModuleTheme(String moduleName, String themeId)
 Theme DefaultThemeManager.getSystemTheme(String themeId)

Methods in org.pentaho.platform.web.html.themes that return types with arguments of type Theme
 Map<String,Theme> DefaultThemeManager.collectAllSystemThemes()
 Map<String,Theme> PluginThemeResolver.getSystemThemes()
 Map<String,Theme> ServletContextThemeResolver.getSystemThemes()