Package org.pentaho.platform.web.http.filters

Class Summary
PentahoAwareCharacterEncodingFilter Looks at the context-param named encoding in web.xml for its encoding selection.
PentahoRequestContextFilter Populates the PentahoRequestContextHolder with context information obtained from the HttpServletRequest.
PentahoWebContextFilter If the request is searching for a webcontext.js, it writes out the content of the webcontext.js
ProxyTrustingFilter This servlet is used to filter Servlet requests coming from another server for processing and sets authentication for the user passed in by the parameter _TRUST_USER_.
SetCharacterEncodingFilter Example filter that sets the character encoding to be used in parsing the incoming request, either unconditionally or only if the client did not specify a character encoding.
SystemStatusFilter The purpose of this filter is to check to make sure that the platform is properly initialized before letting requests in.