Interface IPlatformPlugin

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IPlatformPlugin extends IPluginLifecycleListener
This interface represents the contract for the specification of a plugin. A IPluginProvider is responsible for serving these to requesting clients, such as the IPluginManager. The presence of an instance of an IPlatformPlugin does not necessarily mean that the plugin is loaded. An implementations of this interface represents merely a plugin configuration.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns the unique ID of this plugin
      the plugin id
    • getSourceDescription

      String getSourceDescription()
      A short description of where this plugin came from, e.g. "biserver/solutions/pluginA"
    • getContentGenerators

      List<IContentGeneratorInfo> getContentGenerators()
      Returns the list of content generators for this plug-in
    • getOverlays

      List<org.pentaho.ui.xul.XulOverlay> getOverlays()
      Returns a list of overlays for this plug-in
    • getContentInfos

      List<IContentInfo> getContentInfos()
      Returns a list of content info objects for this plug-in
    • getPluginPerspectives

      List<IPluginPerspective> getPluginPerspectives()
      Returns a list of perspective objects for this plug-in
      plugin perspectives
    • getBeans

      Returns a list of bean configurations for this plugin-in
    • getBeanFactory

      org.springframework.beans.factory.ListableBeanFactory getBeanFactory()
      Returns the Spring application context for this plugin
    • getStaticResourceMap

      Map<String,String> getStaticResourceMap()
      Returns a list of static resource paths for this plugin-in
    • getLifecycleListenerClassnames

      List<String> getLifecycleListenerClassnames()
      Returns the list of fully qualified name of the lifecycle listener class defined by this plugin. The class must be a IPluginLifecycleListener.
      lifecycle listener class name
    • addLifecycleListener

      void addLifecycleListener(IPluginLifecycleListener listener)
      Registers a lifecycle listener with this plugin. This listener will be notified when lifecycle events occur on this plugin.
      listener - a lifecycle listener
    • init

      void init() throws PluginLifecycleException
      Description copied from interface: IPluginLifecycleListener
      Called just prior to the plugin being registered with the platform. Note: This event does *not* precede the detection of the plugin by any IPluginProviders
      Specified by:
      init in interface IPluginLifecycleListener
      PluginLifecycleException - if an error occurred
    • loaded

      void loaded() throws PluginLifecycleException
      Description copied from interface: IPluginLifecycleListener
      Called after the plugin has been registered with the platform, i.e. all content generators, components, etc. have been loaded.
      Specified by:
      loaded in interface IPluginLifecycleListener
      PluginLifecycleException - if an error occurred
    • unLoaded

      void unLoaded() throws PluginLifecycleException
      Description copied from interface: IPluginLifecycleListener
      Called when the plugin needs to be unloaded. This method should release all resources and return things to a pre-loaded state.
      Specified by:
      unLoaded in interface IPluginLifecycleListener
      PluginLifecycleException - if an error occurred
    • getMetaProviderMap

      Map<String,String> getMetaProviderMap()
      The storage mechanism for a plugin to know what ISolutionFileMetaProvider class should be used for a particular content type.
      a map of content types (extensions) keys and ISolutionFileMetaProvider (or deprecated IFileInfoGenerator) classnames for values
    • getServices

      Returns the list of the webservices defined by this plugin.
      the definitions of the webservices for this plugin
    • getLoaderType

      Indicates what kind of classloader should be used to load classes and resources from this plugin. The default classloader type is no more than an extension of URLClassLoader.
      the type of classloader to use for this plugin
      See Also:
    • getExternalResourcesForContext

      List<String> getExternalResourcesForContext(String context)
      Return a List of scripts registered for a given context.
      context - named area in the platform
      list of registered scripts