Interface Summary | |
DatabaseFactoryInterface | |
DatabaseInterface | This interface describes the methods that a database connection needs to have in order to describe it properly. |
DataSourceProviderInterface | The purpose of this interface is to provide a way to get data sources from more places than just JNDI. |
Class Summary | |
AS400DatabaseMeta | Contains AS/400 specific information through static final members |
BaseDatabaseMeta | This class contains the basic information on a database connection. |
CacheDatabaseMeta | Contains DB2 specific information through static final members |
Catalog | Contains the information that's stored in a single catalog. |
ConnectionPoolUtil | |
Database | Database handles the process of connecting to, reading from, writing to and updating databases. |
DatabaseConnectionPoolParameter | |
DatabaseFactory | |
DatabaseMeta | This class defines the database specific parameters for a certain database type. |
DatabaseMetaInformation | Contains the schema's, catalogs, tables, views, synonyms, etc we can find in the databases... |
DatabaseTest | Try to test database functionality using a hypersonic database. |
DataSourceProviderFactory | This class provides the extension point for tools to override the default DataSourceProviderInterface implementation. |
DB2DatabaseMeta | Contains DB2 specific information through static final members |
DbaseDatabaseMeta | Contains dBase III, IV specific information through static final members |
DerbyDatabaseMeta | Contains Generic Database Connection information through static final members |
Exasol4DatabaseMeta | Contains Exasol 4 specific information through static final members |
ExtenDBDatabaseMeta | Contains ExtenDB specific information through static final members |
FirebirdDatabaseMeta | Contains Firebird specific information through static final members |
GenericDatabaseMeta | Contains Generic Database Connection information through static final members |
GreenplumDatabaseMeta | Contains PostgreSQL specific information through static final members |
GuptaDatabaseMeta | Contains Gupta SQLBase specific information through static final members |
H2DatabaseMeta | Contains Hypersonic specific information through static final members |
HypersonicDatabaseMeta | Contains Hypersonic specific information through static final members |
InfiniDbDatabaseMeta | |
InfobrightDatabaseMeta | |
InformixDatabaseMeta | Contains Informix specific information through static final members |
IngresDatabaseMeta | Contains Computer Associates Ingres specific information through static final members |
InterbaseDatabaseMeta | Contains Interbase specific information through static final members |
KingbaseESDatabaseMeta | Contains Firebird specific information through static final members |
LucidDBDatabaseMeta | Contains LucidDB specific information through static final members |
MonetDBDatabaseMeta | Contains Generic Database Connection information through static final members |
MSAccessDatabaseMeta | Contains MySQL specific information through static final members |
MSSQLServerDatabaseMeta | Contains MySQL specific information through static final members |
MSSQLServerNativeDatabaseMeta | |
MySQLDatabaseMeta | Contains MySQL specific information through static final members |
NeoviewDatabaseMeta | Contains HP Neoview specific information through static final members |
NetezzaDatabaseMeta | Contains Netezza specific information through static final members |
OracleDatabaseMeta | Contains Oracle specific information through static final members |
OracleRDBDatabaseMeta | Contains Oracle RDB specific information through static final members |
PartitionDatabaseMeta | Class to contain the information needed to parition (cluster): id, hostname, port, database |
PostgreSQLDatabaseMeta | Contains PostgreSQL specific information through static final members |
ReleaseSavePointTest | |
RemedyActionRequestSystemDatabaseMeta | Contains Database Connection information through static final members for a BMW Remedy Action Request System. |
SAPDBDatabaseMeta | Contains SAP DB specific information through static final members |
SAPR3DatabaseMeta | Contains SAP ERP system specific information through static final members |
Schema | Contains the information that's stored in a single schema. |
SelectCountTests | Tests the value returned from org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseInterface.getSelectCountStatement for the database the interface is fronting. |
SQLiteDatabaseMeta | Contains SQLite specific information through static final members |
SQLStatementParserTest | Verify the BaseDatabaseMeta can properly parse a script for individual statements |
SybaseDatabaseMeta | Contains Sybase specific information through static final members |
SybaseIQDatabaseMeta | Contains Sybase IQ specific information through static final members |
TablespaceDDLFragmentTest | |
TeradataDatabaseMeta | Contains NCR Teradata specific information through static final members |
UniVerseDatabaseMeta | Contains IBM UniVerse database specific information through static final members |
VectorWiseDatabaseMeta | Contains Computer Associates Ingres specific information through static final members |
VerticaDatabaseMeta | Contains Vertica Analytic Database information through static final members |
Exception Summary | |
DataSourceNamingException | This class provides a wrapper around NamingException or other exceptions that may occur when trying to get a data source by name. |
Contains all the different database dialects as well as the DatabaseMeta class (definition) and the Database class (execution)