Uses of Class

Packages that use KettlePluginException

Uses of KettlePluginException in org.pentaho.di.core

Methods in org.pentaho.di.core that throw KettlePluginException
 void KettleEnvironment.loadPluginRegistry()

Uses of KettlePluginException in org.pentaho.di.core.plugins

Methods in org.pentaho.di.core.plugins that throw KettlePluginException
<T> T
PluginRegistry.getClass(PluginInterface plugin, String className)
          Load the class with a certain name using the class loader of certain plugin.
<T> T
PluginRegistry.getClass(PluginInterface plugin, T classType)
          Load the class with a certain name using the class loader of certain plugin.
 ClassLoader PluginRegistry.getClassLoader(PluginInterface plugin)
          Create or retrieve the class loader for the specified plugin
 void BasePluginType.handlePluginAnnotation(Class<?> clazz, Annotation annotation, List<String> libraries, boolean nativePluginType, URL pluginFolder)
          Handle an annotated plugin
 void PluginTypeInterface.handlePluginAnnotation(Class<?> clazz, Annotation annotation, List<String> libraries, boolean nativePluginType, URL pluginFolder)
          Handle an annotated plugin
static void PluginRegistry.init()
          This method registers plugin types and loads their respective plugins
<T> T
PluginRegistry.loadClass(Class<? extends PluginTypeInterface> pluginType, Object object, Class<T> classType)
          Load the class of the type specified for the plugin that owns the class of the specified object.
<T> T
PluginRegistry.loadClass(Class<? extends PluginTypeInterface> pluginType, String pluginId, Class<T> classType)
          Load the class of the type specified for the plugin with the ID specified.
 Object PluginRegistry.loadClass(PluginInterface plugin)
          Load and instantiate the main class of the plugin specified.
<T> T
PluginRegistry.loadClass(PluginInterface plugin, Class<T> pluginClass)
          Load and instantiate the plugin class specified
 void BasePluginType.registerCustom(Class<?> clazz, String category, String id, String name, String description, String image)
          This method allows for custom registration of plugins that are on the main classpath.
 void PluginRegistry.registerPlugin(Class<? extends PluginTypeInterface> pluginType, PluginInterface plugin)
 void LifecyclePluginType.searchPlugins()
          Let's put in code here to search for the step plugins..
 void JobEntryPluginType.searchPlugins()
          Let's put in code here to search for the step plugins..
 void BasePluginType.searchPlugins()
          Let's put in code here to search for the step plugins..
 void PluginTypeInterface.searchPlugins()
 void PluginRegistryTest.testPluginRegistry()
 void PluginRegistryTest.testPluginRegistryInit()

Uses of KettlePluginException in org.pentaho.di.trans.step

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.step that throw KettlePluginException
 void StepPartitioningMeta.createPartitioner(String method)
 void StepPartitioningMeta.setMethod(String method)

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.trans.step that throw KettlePluginException
StepPartitioningMeta(String method, PartitionSchema partitionSchema)