Uses of Interface

Packages that use UndoInterface
org.pentaho.di.job This package contains the different elements that make up a Job. 
org.pentaho.di.trans This package contains the classes needed to define and execute transformations. 
org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon This package contains the classes needed by Spoon. 

Uses of UndoInterface in org.pentaho.di.core

Methods in org.pentaho.di.core with parameters of type UndoInterface
 void AddUndoPositionInterface.addUndoPosition(UndoInterface undoInterface, Object[] obj, int[] pos, Point[] prev, Point[] curr)

Uses of UndoInterface in org.pentaho.di.core.gui

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.core.gui with parameters of type UndoInterface
SnapAllignDistribute(UndoInterface undoInterface, List<? extends GUIPositionInterface> elements, int[] indices, AddUndoPositionInterface addUndoPositionInterface, Redrawable redrawable)

Uses of UndoInterface in org.pentaho.di.job

Classes in org.pentaho.di.job that implement UndoInterface
 class JobMeta
          Defines a Job and provides methods to load, save, verify, etc.

Uses of UndoInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans

Classes in org.pentaho.di.trans that implement UndoInterface
 class TransMeta
          This class defines a transformation and offers methods to save and load it from XML or a PDI database repository.

Uses of UndoInterface in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon

Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon that return UndoInterface
 UndoInterface Spoon.getActiveUndoInterface()

Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon with parameters of type UndoInterface
 void Spoon.addUndoChange(UndoInterface undoInterface, Object[] from, Object[] to, int[] pos)
 void Spoon.addUndoChange(UndoInterface undoInterface, Object[] from, Object[] to, int[] pos, boolean nextAlso)
 void Spoon.addUndoDelete(UndoInterface undoInterface, Object[] obj, int[] position)
 void Spoon.addUndoDelete(UndoInterface undoInterface, Object[] obj, int[] position, boolean nextAlso)
 void Spoon.addUndoNew(UndoInterface undoInterface, Object[] obj, int[] position)
 void Spoon.addUndoNew(UndoInterface undoInterface, Object[] obj, int[] position, boolean nextAlso)
 void Spoon.addUndoPosition(UndoInterface undoInterface, Object[] obj, int[] pos, Point[] prev, Point[] curr)
 void Spoon.redoAction(UndoInterface undoInterface)
 void Spoon.setUndoMenu(UndoInterface undoInterface)
          Sets the text and enabled settings for the undo and redo menu items
 void Spoon.undoAction(UndoInterface undoInterface)