Uses of Class

Packages that use TransSplitter
org.pentaho.di.trans This package contains the classes needed to define and execute transformations. 

Uses of TransSplitter in org.pentaho.di.trans

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans that return TransSplitter
static TransSplitter Trans.executeClustered(TransMeta transMeta, TransExecutionConfiguration executionConfiguration)

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans with parameters of type TransSplitter
static int Trans.cleanupCluster(LogChannelInterface log, TransSplitter transSplitter)
static void Trans.cleanupSlaveServer(TransSplitter transSplitter, SlaveServer slaveServer, TransMeta slaveTransMeta)
static void Trans.executeClustered(TransSplitter transSplitter, TransExecutionConfiguration executionConfiguration)
          executes an existing transSplitter, with transformation already split.
static Result Trans.getClusteredTransformationResult(LogChannelInterface log, TransSplitter transSplitter, Job parentJob)
static long Trans.monitorClusteredTransformation(LogChannelInterface log, TransSplitter transSplitter, Job parentJob)
          Consider that all the transformations in a cluster schema are running now...
Now we should verify that they are all running as they should.
If a transformation has an error, we should kill them all..
This should happen in a separate thread to prevent blocking of the UI.

When the master and slave transformations have all finished, we should also run
a cleanup on those transformations to release sockets, etc.

static long Trans.monitorClusteredTransformation(LogChannelInterface log, TransSplitter transSplitter, Job parentJob, int sleepTimeSeconds)
          Consider that all the transformations in a cluster schema are running now...
Now we should verify that they are all running as they should.
If a transformation has an error, we should kill them all..
This should happen in a separate thread to prevent blocking of the UI.

When the master and slave transformations have all finished, we should also run
a cleanup on those transformations to release sockets, etc.