Uses of Class

Packages that use Value
org.pentaho.di.compatibility Contains all classes that make up the possible Value types: ValueString, ValueNumber, ..., the interface and the Value class itself. 

Uses of Value in org.pentaho.di.compatibility

Methods in org.pentaho.di.compatibility that return Value
 Value Value.abs()
 Value Value.acos()
 Value Value.add_days(long days)
          Add a number of days to a Date value.
 Value Value.add_months(int months)
 Value Value.and(Value v)
 Value Value.asin()
 Value Value.atan()
 Value Value.atan2(double arg0)
 Value Value.atan2(Value arg0)
 Value Value.bool_and(Value v)
 Value Value.bool_not()
 Value Value.bool_or(Value v)
 Value Value.bool_xor(Value v)
 Value Value.byteToHexEncode()
          Change a string into its hexadecimal representation.
 Value Value.ceil()
 Value Value.charToHexEncode()
          Change a string into its hexadecimal representation.
 Value Value.Clone()
          Build a copy of this Value
 Value Value.cos()
 Value Value.dat2num()
 Value Value.dat2str()
 Value Value.dat2str(String arg0)
 Value Value.dat2str(String arg0, String arg1)
 Value Value.different(Value v)
 Value Value.divide(BigDecimal v)
 Value Value.divide(byte v)
 Value Value.divide(double v)
 Value Value.divide(int v)
 Value Value.divide(long v)
 Value Value.divide(Value v)
 Value Value.e()
 Value Value.equal(Value v)
 Value Value.exp()
 Value Value.first_day()
 Value Value.floor()
static Value Value.getInstance()
 Value Row.getValue(int index)
          Get the value on a given position in the row.
 Value Value.greater_equal(Value v)
 Value Value.greater(Value v)
 Value Value.hexToByteDecode()
          Change a hexadecimal string into normal ASCII representation.
 Value Value.hexToCharDecode()
          Change a hexadecimal string into normal ASCII representation.
 Value Value.initcap()
 Value Value.last_day()
 Value Value.leftstr(int len)
 Value Value.leftstr(Value len)
 Value Value.length()
 Value v)
 Value Value.log()
 Value Value.lower()
 Value Value.lpad(int len)
 Value Value.lpad(int len, String padstr)
 Value Value.lpad(Value len)
 Value Value.lpad(Value len, Value padstr)
 Value Value.ltrim()
 Value Value.minus(BigDecimal v)
 Value Value.minus(byte v)
 Value Value.minus(double v)
 Value Value.minus(int v)
 Value Value.minus(long v)
 Value Value.minus(Value v)
 Value Value.mod(BigDecimal arg)
 Value Value.mod(byte arg)
 Value Value.mod(double arg0)
 Value Value.mod(int arg)
 Value Value.mod(long arg)
 Value Value.mod(Value arg)
 Value Value.multiply(BigDecimal v)
 Value Value.multiply(byte v)
 Value Value.multiply(double v)
 Value Value.multiply(int v)
 Value Value.multiply(long v)
 Value Value.multiply(Value v)
 Value Value.num2dat()
 Value Value.num2str()
 Value Value.num2str(String format)
 Value Value.num2str(String format, String decimalSymbol)
 Value Value.num2str(String format, String decimalSymbol, String groupingSymbol)
 Value Value.num2str(String format, String decimalSymbol, String groupingSymbol, String currencySymbol)
 Value Value.nvl(Value alt)
 Value Value.or(Value v)
 Value Value.pi()
 Value v)
 Value v)
 Value v)
 Value v)
 Value v)
 Value v)
 Value Value.power(BigDecimal arg)
 Value Value.power(double arg)
 Value Value.power(Value v)
 Value Value.replace(String repl, String with)
 Value Value.replace(Value repl, Value with)
 Value Value.rightstr(int len)
 Value Value.rightstr(Value len)
 Value Value.round()
          Rounds off to the nearest integer.
 Value Value.round(int decimalPlaces)
          Rounds the Number value to a certain number decimal places.
 Value Value.rpad(int len)
 Value Value.rpad(int len, String padstr)
 Value Value.rpad(Value len)
 Value Value.rpad(Value len, Value padstr)
 Value Value.rtrim()
 Value Row.searchValue(String name)
          Search the Value by name in the row.
 Value Value.sign()
 Value Value.sin()
 Value Value.smaller_equal(Value v)
 Value Value.smaller(Value v)
 Value Value.sqrt()
 Value Value.startsWith(String string)
 Value Value.startsWith(Value string)
 Value Value.str2dat(String arg0)
 Value Value.str2dat(String arg0, String arg1)
 Value Value.str2num()
 Value Value.str2num(String pattern)
 Value Value.str2num(String pattern, String decimal)
 Value Value.str2num(String pattern, String decimal, String grouping)
 Value Value.str2num(String pattern, String decimal, String grouping, String currency)
 Value Value.substr(int from)
 Value Value.substr(int from, int to)
 Value Value.substr(Value from)
 Value Value.substr(Value from, Value to)
 Value Value.sysdate()
 Value Value.tan()
 Value Value.trim()
          Performs a right and left trim of spaces in the string.
 Value Value.trunc()
 Value Value.trunc(double level)
 Value Value.trunc(int level)
 Value Value.upper()
 Value Value.v_decode(Value[] args)
 Value Value.v_if(Value[] args)
 Value Value.xor(Value v)

Methods in org.pentaho.di.compatibility with parameters of type Value
 void Row.addValue(int idx, Value v)
          Add a value on a certain location in the row.
 void Row.addValue(Value v)
          Add a value after the last value of the row
 Value Value.and(Value v)
 Value Value.atan2(Value arg0)
 Value Value.bool_and(Value v)
 Value Value.bool_or(Value v)
 Value Value.bool_xor(Value v)
 int v)
          Compare 2 values of the same or different type! The comparison of Strings is case insensitive
 int v, boolean caseInsensitive)
          Compare 2 values of the same or different type!
 Value Value.different(Value v)
 Value Value.divide(Value v)
 Value Value.equal(Value v)
 boolean Value.equalValueType(Value v)
 boolean Value.equalValueType(Value v, boolean checkTypeOnly)
          Returns whether "types" of the values are exactly the same: type, name, length, precision.
 Value Value.greater_equal(Value v)
 Value Value.greater(Value v)
 Value Value.leftstr(Value len)
 Value v)
 Value Value.lpad(Value len)
 Value Value.lpad(Value len, Value padstr)
 void Value.merge(Value other)
          Merges another Value.
 Value Value.minus(Value v)
 Value Value.mod(Value arg)
 Value Value.multiply(Value v)
 Value Value.nvl(Value alt)
 Value Value.or(Value v)
 Value v)
 Value Value.power(Value v)
 Value Value.replace(Value repl, Value with)
 Value Value.rightstr(Value len)
 Value Value.rpad(Value len)
 Value Value.rpad(Value len, Value padstr)
 void Row.setValue(int idx, Value v)
          Set the value on index idx.
 void Value.setValue(Value v)
          Copy the Value from another Value.
 Value Value.smaller_equal(Value v)
 Value Value.smaller(Value v)
 Value Value.startsWith(Value string)
 Value Value.substr(Value from)
 Value Value.substr(Value from, Value to)
 Value Value.v_decode(Value[] args)
 Value Value.v_if(Value[] args)
 void ValueUsedListener.valueIsUsed(int index, Value value)
 Value Value.xor(Value v)

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.compatibility with parameters of type Value
Value(String name, Value v)
          Constructs a new Value as a copy of another value and renames it...
Value(Value v)
          Constructs a new Value as a copy of another value
Value(Value metaData, DataInputStream dis)
          Read the data of a Value from a DataInputStream, the meta-data of the value has to be set before calling this method!

Uses of Value in org.pentaho.di.core.row

Methods in org.pentaho.di.core.row that return Value
 Value ValueMeta.createOriginalValue(Object data)
          Create an old-style value for backward compatibility reasons
 Value ValueMetaInterface.createOriginalValue(Object data)
          Create an old-style value for backward compatibility reasons

Methods in org.pentaho.di.core.row with parameters of type Value
 Object ValueMeta.getValueData(Value value)
          Extracts the primitive data from an old style Value object
 Object ValueMetaInterface.getValueData(Value value)
          Extracts the primitive data from an old style Value object

Uses of Value in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.script

Fields in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.script declared as Value
 Value[] ScriptData.values_used

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.script with parameters of type Value
 boolean ScriptMeta.getValue(javax.script.Bindings scope, int i, Value res, StringBuffer message)

Uses of Value in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.scriptvalues_mod

Fields in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.scriptvalues_mod declared as Value
 Value[] ScriptValuesModData.values_used

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.scriptvalues_mod with parameters of type Value
 boolean ScriptValuesMetaMod.getValue(org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable scope, int i, Value res, StringBuffer message)