Package org.pentaho.di.core.database

Contains all the different database dialects as well as the DatabaseMeta class (definition) and the Database class (execution)


Interface Summary
DatabaseInterface This interface describes the methods that a database connection needs to have in order to describe it properly.
DataSourceProviderInterface The purpose of this interface is to provide a way to get data sources from more places than just JNDI.

Class Summary
AS400DatabaseMeta Contains AS/400 specific information through static final members
BaseDatabaseMeta This class contains the basic information on a database connection.
CacheDatabaseMeta Contains DB2 specific information through static final members
Catalog Contains the information that's stored in a single catalog.
Database Database handles the process of connecting to, reading from, writing to and updating databases.
DatabaseMeta This class defines the database specific parameters for a certain database type.
DatabaseMetaInformation Contains the schema's, catalogs, tables, views, synonyms, etc we can find in the databases...
DatabaseTest Try to test database functionality using a hypersonic database.
DataSourceProviderFactory This class provides the extension point for tools to override the default DataSourceProviderInterface implementation.
DB2DatabaseMeta Contains DB2 specific information through static final members
DbaseDatabaseMeta Contains dBase III, IV specific information through static final members
DerbyDatabaseMeta Contains Generic Database Connection information through static final members
Exasol4DatabaseMeta Contains Exasol 4 specific information through static final members
ExtenDBDatabaseMeta Contains ExtenDB specific information through static final members
FirebirdDatabaseMeta Contains Firebird specific information through static final members
GenericDatabaseMeta Contains Generic Database Connection information through static final members
GreenplumDatabaseMeta Contains PostgreSQL specific information through static final members
GuptaDatabaseMeta Contains Gupta SQLBase specific information through static final members
H2DatabaseMeta Contains Hypersonic specific information through static final members
HypersonicDatabaseMeta Contains Hypersonic specific information through static final members
InformixDatabaseMeta Contains Informix specific information through static final members
IngresDatabaseMeta Contains Computer Associates Ingres specific information through static final members
InterbaseDatabaseMeta Contains Interbase specific information through static final members
KingbaseESDatabaseMeta Contains Firebird specific information through static final members
LucidDBDatabaseMeta Contains LucidDB specific information through static final members
MonetDBDatabaseMeta Contains Generic Database Connection information through static final members
MSAccessDatabaseMeta Contains MySQL specific information through static final members
MSSQLServerDatabaseMeta Contains MySQL specific information through static final members
MySQLDatabaseMeta Contains MySQL specific information through static final members
NeoviewDatabaseMeta Contains HP Neoview specific information through static final members
NetezzaDatabaseMeta Contains Netezza specific information through static final members
OracleDatabaseMeta Contains Oracle specific information through static final members
OracleRDBDatabaseMeta Contains Oracle RDB specific information through static final members
PartitionDatabaseMeta Class to contain the information needed to parition (cluster): id, hostname, port, database
PostgreSQLDatabaseMeta Contains PostgreSQL specific information through static final members
RemedyActionRequestSystemDatabaseMeta Contains Database Connection information through static final members for a BMW Remedy Action Request System.
SAPDBDatabaseMeta Contains SAP DB specific information through static final members
SAPR3DatabaseMeta Contains SAP ERP system specific information through static final members
Schema Contains the information that's stored in a single schema.
SelectCountTests Tests the value returned from org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseInterface.getSelectCountStatement for the database the interface is fronting.
SqlCommentScrubber This class represents a parser that will remove SQL comments (both multi-line and single-line) from a string representing a SQL query.
SQLiteDatabaseMeta Contains SQLite specific information through static final members
SQLStatementParserTest Verify the BaseDatabaseMeta can properly parse a script for individual statements
SybaseDatabaseMeta Contains Sybase specific information through static final members
SybaseIQDatabaseMeta Contains Sybase IQ specific information through static final members
TeradataDatabaseMeta Contains NCR Teradata specific information through static final members
UniVerseDatabaseMeta Contains IBM UniVerse database specific information through static final members
VectorWiseDatabaseMeta Contains Computer Associates Ingres specific information through static final members
Vertica5DatabaseMeta Vertica Analytic Database version 5 and later (changed driver class name)
VerticaDatabaseMeta Contains Vertica Analytic Database information through static final members
VerticaDatabaseMetaTest Tests for the Vertica Database Meta classes.

Exception Summary
DataSourceNamingException This class provides a wrapper around NamingException or other exceptions that may occur when trying to get a data source by name.

Package org.pentaho.di.core.database Description

Contains all the different database dialects as well as the DatabaseMeta class (definition) and the Database class (execution)