Uses of Class

Packages that use KettleValueException
org.pentaho.di.compatibility Contains all classes that make up the possible Value types: ValueString, ValueNumber, ..., the interface and the Value class itself. 

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.compatibility

Methods in org.pentaho.di.compatibility that throw KettleValueException
 Value Value.abs()
 Value Value.acos()
 Value Value.add_days(long days)
          Add a number of days to a Date value.
 Value Value.add_months(int months)
 Value Value.asin()
 Value Value.atan()
 Value Value.atan2(double arg0)
 Value Value.atan2(Value arg0)
 Value Value.ceil()
 void Value.convertString(int newtype)
          Convert this Value from type String to another type
 Value Value.cos()
 Value Value.dat2num()
 Value Value.dat2str()
 Value Value.dat2str(String arg0)
 Value Value.dat2str(String arg0, String arg1)
 Value Value.divide(BigDecimal v)
 Value Value.divide(byte v)
 Value Value.divide(double v)
 Value Value.divide(int v)
 Value Value.divide(long v)
 Value Value.divide(Value v)
 Value Value.exp()
 Value Value.first_day()
 Value Value.floor()
 Value Value.hexToByteDecode()
          Change a hexadecimal string into normal ASCII representation.
 Value Value.hexToCharDecode()
          Change a hexadecimal string into normal ASCII representation.
 Value Value.last_day()
 Value Value.length()
 Value Value.log()
 Value Value.minus(BigDecimal v)
 Value Value.minus(byte v)
 Value Value.minus(double v)
 Value Value.minus(int v)
 Value Value.minus(long v)
 Value Value.minus(Value v)
 Value Value.mod(BigDecimal arg)
 Value Value.mod(byte arg)
 Value Value.mod(double arg0)
 Value Value.mod(int arg)
 Value Value.mod(long arg)
 Value Value.mod(Value arg)
 Value Value.multiply(BigDecimal v)
 Value Value.multiply(byte v)
 Value Value.multiply(double v)
 Value Value.multiply(int v)
 Value Value.multiply(long v)
 Value Value.multiply(Value v)
 Value Value.num2dat()
 Value Value.num2str()
 Value Value.num2str(String format)
 Value Value.num2str(String format, String decimalSymbol)
 Value Value.num2str(String format, String decimalSymbol, String groupingSymbol)
 Value Value.num2str(String format, String decimalSymbol, String groupingSymbol, String currencySymbol)
 Value Value.power(BigDecimal arg)
 Value Value.power(double arg)
 Value Value.power(Value v)
 Value Value.round()
          Rounds off to the nearest integer.
 Value Value.round(int decimalPlaces)
          Rounds the Number value to a certain number decimal places.
 Value Value.sign()
 Value Value.sin()
 Value Value.sqrt()
 Value Value.str2dat(String arg0)
 Value Value.str2dat(String arg0, String arg1)
 Value Value.str2num()
 Value Value.str2num(String pattern)
 Value Value.str2num(String pattern, String decimal)
 Value Value.str2num(String pattern, String decimal, String grouping)
 Value Value.str2num(String pattern, String decimal, String grouping, String currency)
 Value Value.tan()
 void ValueTest.testHexByteRegression()
          Regression test for bug: hexdecode/encode would not work for some UTF8 strings.
 void ValueTest.testHexCharTest()
          Test for Hex to Char decoding and vica versa.
 void ValueTest.testHexToByteDecode()
          Test hexToByteDecode.
 Value Value.trunc()
 Value Value.trunc(double level)
 Value Value.trunc(int level)
 Value Value.v_decode(Value[] args)
 Value Value.v_if(Value[] args)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.core

Methods in org.pentaho.di.core that throw KettleValueException
 int compare, int[] is, boolean[] bs)
 BigDecimal RowMetaAndData.getBigNumber(int index, BigDecimal def)
 BigDecimal RowMetaAndData.getBigNumber(String valueName, BigDecimal def)
 byte[] RowMetaAndData.getBinary(int index, byte[] def)
 byte[] RowMetaAndData.getBinary(String valueName, byte[] def)
 boolean RowMetaAndData.getBoolean(int index, boolean def)
 boolean RowMetaAndData.getBoolean(String valueName, boolean def)
 Date RowMetaAndData.getDate(int index, Date def)
 Date RowMetaAndData.getDate(String valueName, Date def)
 Long RowMetaAndData.getInteger(int index)
 long RowMetaAndData.getInteger(int index, long def)
 Long RowMetaAndData.getInteger(String valueName)
 long RowMetaAndData.getInteger(String valueName, long def)
 double RowMetaAndData.getNumber(int index, double def)
 double RowMetaAndData.getNumber(String valueName, double def)
 String RowMetaAndData.getString(int index, String def)
 String RowMetaAndData.getString(String valueName, String def)
 String Condition.getXML()
 String Condition.getXML(int level)
 void RowMetaAndData.removeValue(String valueName)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.core.encryption

Methods in org.pentaho.di.core.encryption that throw KettleValueException
 void EncrTest.testDecryptPassword()
          Test password decryption.
 void EncrTest.testDecryptPasswordIfNotUsingVariables()
          Test password decryption (variable style).
 void EncrTest.testEncryptPassword()
          Test password encryption.
 void EncrTest.testEncryptPasswordIfNotUsingVariables()
          Test password encryption (variable style).

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.core.hash

Methods in org.pentaho.di.core.hash that throw KettleValueException
static int ByteArrayHashIndex.generateHashCode(byte[] key, RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
static int LongHashIndex.generateHashCode(Long key)
 byte[] ByteArrayHashIndex.get(byte[] key)
 Long LongHashIndex.get(long key)
 void ByteArrayHashIndex.put(byte[] key, byte[] value)
 void LongHashIndex.put(long key, Long value)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.core.row

Methods in org.pentaho.di.core.row that throw KettleValueException
static Object ValueDataUtil.abs(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static Object ValueDataUtil.addDays(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
static Object ValueDataUtil.addHours(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
static Object ValueDataUtil.addMinutes(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
static Object ValueDataUtil.addMonths(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
static Object ValueDataUtil.addTimeToDate(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB, ValueMetaInterface metaC, Object dataC)
static String ValueDataUtil.byteToHexEncode(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
          Change a string into its hexadecimal representation.
static Object ValueDataUtil.ceil(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static String ValueDataUtil.charToHexEncode(ValueMetaInterface meta, Object data)
          Change a string into its hexadecimal representation.
 Object[] RowMetaInterface.cloneRow(Object[] objects)
          Clone row.
 Object[] RowMeta.cloneRow(Object[] objects)
 Object[] RowMetaInterface.cloneRow(Object[] objects, Object[] cloneTo)
          Clone row.
 Object[] RowMeta.cloneRow(Object[] objects, Object[] newObjects)
 Object ValueMeta.cloneValueData(Object object)
          Clones the data.
 Object ValueMetaInterface.cloneValueData(Object object)
          Clone value data.
static Object ValueDataUtil.combination1(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB, ValueMetaInterface metaC, Object dataC)
          A + B * C
static Object ValueDataUtil.combination2(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
          SQRT( A*A + B*B )
 int[] rowData1, Object[] rowData2)
          Compare 2 rows with each other using all values in the rows and also considering the specified ascending clauses of the value metadata.
 int[] rowData1, Object[] rowData2)
          Compare 2 rows with each other using all values in the rows and also considering the specified ascending clauses of the value metadata.
 int[] rowData1, Object[] rowData2, int[] fieldnrs)
          Compare 2 rows with each other using certain values in the rows and also considering the specified ascending clauses of the value metadata.
 int[] rowData1, Object[] rowData2, int[] fieldnrs)
          Compare 2 rows with each other using certain values in the rows and also considering the specified ascending clauses of the value metadata.
 int[] rowData1, Object[] rowData2, int[] fieldnrs1, int[] fieldnrs2)
          Compare 2 rows with each other using certain values in the rows and also considering the specified ascending clauses of the value metadata.
 int[] rowData1, Object[] rowData2, int[] fieldnrs1, int[] fieldnrs2)
          Compare 2 rows with each other using certain values in the rows and also considering the specified ascending clauses of the value metadata.
 int[] rowData1, RowMetaInterface rowMeta2, Object[] rowData2, int[] fieldnrs1, int[] fieldnrs2)
          Compare 2 rows with each other using certain values in the rows and also considering the specified ascending clauses of the value metadata.
 int[] rowData1, RowMetaInterface rowMeta2, Object[] rowData2, int[] fieldnrs1, int[] fieldnrs2)
          Compare 2 rows with each other using certain values in the rows and also considering the specified ascending clauses of the value metadata.
 int data1, Object data2)
          Compare 2 values of the same data type
 int data1, Object data2)
          Compare 2 values of the same data type
 int data1, ValueMetaInterface meta2, Object data2)
          Compare 2 values of the same data type
 int data1, ValueMetaInterface meta2, Object data2)
          Compare 2 values of the same data type
 Object ValueMeta.convertBinaryStringToNativeType(byte[] binary)
          Convert the binary data to the actual data type.
- byte[] --> Long (Integer) - byte[] --> Double (Number) - byte[] --> BigDecimal (BigNumber) - byte[] --> Date (Date) - byte[] --> Boolean (Boolean) - byte[] --> byte[] (Binary)
 Object ValueMetaInterface.convertBinaryStringToNativeType(byte[] binary)
          Convert the given binary data to the actual data type.
- byte[] --> Long (Integer)
- byte[] --> Double (Number)
- byte[] --> BigDecimal (BigNumber)
- byte[] --> Date (Date)
- byte[] --> Boolean (Boolean)
- byte[] --> byte[] (Binary)

 Object ValueMeta.convertData(ValueMetaInterface meta2, Object data2)
          Convert the specified data to the data type specified in this object.
 Object ValueMetaInterface.convertData(ValueMetaInterface meta2, Object data2)
          Convert the specified data to the data type specified in this object.
 Object ValueMeta.convertDataCompatible(ValueMetaInterface meta2, Object data2)
          Convert the specified data to the data type specified in this object.
 Object ValueMetaInterface.convertDataCompatible(ValueMetaInterface meta2, Object data2)
          Convert the specified data to the data type specified in this object.
 Object ValueMeta.convertDataFromString(String pol, ValueMetaInterface convertMeta, String nullIf, String ifNull, int trim_type)
          Convert the specified string to the data type specified in this object.
 Object ValueMetaInterface.convertDataFromString(String pol, ValueMetaInterface convertMeta, String nullif, String ifNull, int trim_type)
          Convert the specified string to the data type specified in this object.
 Object ValueMeta.convertDataUsingConversionMetaData(Object data2)
          Convert an object to the data type specified in the conversion metadata
 Object ValueMetaInterface.convertDataUsingConversionMetaData(Object data)
          Convert an object to the data type specified in the conversion metadata
 int RowMetaInterface.convertedValuesHashCode(Object[] rowData)
          Calculates a hashcode of the converted value of all objects in the supplied row.
 int RowMeta.convertedValuesHashCode(Object[] rowData)
          Calculates a hashcode of the converted value of all objects in the supplied row.
 Object ValueMeta.convertNormalStorageTypeToBinaryString(Object object)
 Object ValueMetaInterface.convertNormalStorageTypeToBinaryString(Object object)
          Convert a normal storage type to a binary string object.
 Object ValueMeta.convertToBinaryStringStorageType(Object object)
          Converts the specified data object to the binary string storage type.
 Object ValueMetaInterface.convertToBinaryStringStorageType(Object object)
          Converts the specified data object to the binary string storage type.
 Object ValueMeta.convertToNormalStorageType(Object object)
          Converts the specified data object to the normal storage type.
 Object ValueMetaInterface.convertToNormalStorageType(Object object)
          Converts the specified data object to the normal storage type.
static Row RowMeta.createOriginalRow(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] rowData)
 Value ValueMeta.createOriginalValue(Object data)
          Create an old-style value for backward compatibility reasons
 Value ValueMetaInterface.createOriginalValue(Object data)
          Create an old-style value for backward compatibility reasons
static Object ValueDataUtil.DateDiff(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
          Returns the number of days that have elapsed between dataA and dataB.
static Object ValueDataUtil.DateWorkingDiff(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
static Object ValueDataUtil.dayOfMonth(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static Object ValueDataUtil.dayOfWeek(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static Object ValueDataUtil.dayOfYear(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static Object ValueDataUtil.divide(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
 boolean RowMetaInterface.equals(Object[] rowData1, Object[] rowData2, int[] fieldnrs)
          Compare 2 rows with each other for equality using certain values in the rows and also considering the case sensitivity flag.
 boolean RowMeta.equals(Object[] rowData1, Object[] rowData2, int[] fieldnrs)
          Compare 2 rows with each other for equality using certain values in the rows and also considering the case sensitivity flag.
static Object ValueDataUtil.floor(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
 BigDecimal ValueMeta.getBigNumber(Object object)
 BigDecimal ValueMetaInterface.getBigNumber(Object object)
          Convert the supplied data to a BigNumber
 BigDecimal RowMetaInterface.getBigNumber(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get a BigNumber value from a row of data.
 BigDecimal RowMeta.getBigNumber(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get a BigNumber value from a row of data.
 byte[] ValueMeta.getBinary(Object object)
 byte[] ValueMetaInterface.getBinary(Object object)
          Convert the supplied data to binary data
 byte[] RowMetaInterface.getBinary(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get a Binary value from a row of data.
 byte[] RowMeta.getBinary(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get a Binary value from a row of data.
 byte[] ValueMeta.getBinaryString(Object object)
 byte[] ValueMetaInterface.getBinaryString(Object object)
          convert the supplied data to a binary string representation (for writing text)
 Boolean ValueMeta.getBoolean(Object object)
 Boolean ValueMetaInterface.getBoolean(Object object)
          Convert the supplied data to a Boolean
 Boolean RowMetaInterface.getBoolean(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get a Boolean value from a row of data.
 Boolean RowMeta.getBoolean(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get a Boolean value from a row of data.
 String ValueMeta.getCompatibleString(Object object)
 String ValueMetaInterface.getCompatibleString(Object object)
          Convert the supplied data to a String compatible with version 2.5.
 Date ValueMeta.getDate(Object object)
 Date ValueMetaInterface.getDate(Object object)
          Convert the supplied data to a Date
 Date RowMetaInterface.getDate(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get a Date value from a row of data.
 Date RowMeta.getDate(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get a Date value from a row of data.
 Date RowMetaInterface.getDate(Object[] dataRow, String valueName, Date defaultValue)
          Gets the date.
 Date RowMeta.getDate(Object[] dataRow, String valueName, Date defaultValue)
static String ValueDataUtil.getFileEncoding(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
          Get file encoding.
 Long ValueMeta.getInteger(Object object)
 Long ValueMetaInterface.getInteger(Object object)
          Convert the supplied data to an Integer
 Long RowMetaInterface.getInteger(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get an Integer value from a row of data.
 Long RowMeta.getInteger(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get an Integer value from a row of data.
 Long RowMetaInterface.getInteger(Object[] dataRow, String valueName, Long defaultValue)
          Gets the integer.
 Long RowMeta.getInteger(Object[] dataRow, String valueName, Long defaultValue)
 Double ValueMeta.getNumber(Object object)
 Double ValueMetaInterface.getNumber(Object object)
          Convert the supplied data to a Number
 Double RowMetaInterface.getNumber(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get a Number value from a row of data.
 Double RowMeta.getNumber(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get a Number value from a row of data.
 String ValueMeta.getString(Object object)
 String ValueMetaInterface.getString(Object object)
          Convert the supplied data to a String
 String RowMetaInterface.getString(Object[] row)
          Get the string representation of the data in a row of data.
 String RowMeta.getString(Object[] row)
          Get the string representation of the data in a row of data
 String RowMetaInterface.getString(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get a String value from a row of data.
 String RowMeta.getString(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Get a String value from a row of data.
 String RowMetaInterface.getString(Object[] dataRow, String valueName, String defaultValue)
          Gets the string.
 String RowMeta.getString(Object[] dataRow, String valueName, String defaultValue)
 Object ValueMeta.getValueData(Value value)
          Extracts the primitive data from an old style Value object
 Object ValueMetaInterface.getValueData(Value value)
          Extracts the primitive data from an old style Value object
 String ValueMetaAndData.getXML()
          Produce the XML representation of this value.
 int ValueMeta.hashCode(Object object)
          Calculate the hashcode of the specified data object
 int ValueMetaInterface.hashCode(Object object)
          Calculate the hashcode of the specified data object
 int RowMetaInterface.hashCode(Object[] rowData)
          Calculates a simple hashCode of all the native data objects in the supplied row.
 int RowMeta.hashCode(Object[] rowData)
          Calculates a simple hashCode of all the native data objects in the supplied row.
static String ValueDataUtil.hexToByteDecode(ValueMetaInterface meta, Object data)
          Change a hexadecimal string into normal ASCII representation.
static String ValueDataUtil.hexToCharDecode(ValueMetaInterface meta, Object data)
          Change a hexadecimal string into normal ASCII representation.
 boolean ValueMeta.isNull(Object data)
          Determine if an object is null.
 boolean ValueMetaInterface.isNull(Object data)
          Determine if an object is null.
 boolean RowMetaInterface.isNull(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Determines whether a value in a row is null.
 boolean RowMeta.isNull(Object[] dataRow, int index)
          Determines whether a value in a row is null.
static Object ValueDataUtil.loadFileContentInBinary(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static void SpeedTest.main(String[] args)
static Object ValueDataUtil.minus(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
static Object ValueDataUtil.monthOfDate(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static Object ValueDataUtil.multiply(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
static Object ValueDataUtil.nvl(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
 int RowMetaInterface.oldXORHashCode(Object[] rowData)
 int RowMeta.oldXORHashCode(Object[] rowData)
static Object ValueDataUtil.percent1(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
          100 * A / B
static Object ValueDataUtil.percent2(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
          A - ( A * B / 100 )
static Object ValueDataUtil.percent3(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
          A + ( A * B / 100 )
static Object metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
static Object ValueDataUtil.plus3(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB, ValueMetaInterface metaC, Object dataC)
static Object ValueDataUtil.quarterOfDate(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static Object ValueDataUtil.removeTimeFromDate(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
 void RowMetaInterface.removeValueMeta(String string)
          Remove a value with a certain name from the row metadata.
 void RowMeta.removeValueMeta(String valueName)
static Object ValueDataUtil.round(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static Object ValueDataUtil.round(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
 long SpeedTest.runTestMixed10(int iterations)
 long SpeedTest.runTestMixed100(int iterations)
 long SpeedTest.runTestMixed1000(int iterations)
 long SpeedTest.runTestStrings10(int iterations)
 long SpeedTest.runTestStrings100(int iterations)
 long SpeedTest.runTestStrings1000(int iterations)
static Object ValueDataUtil.sqrt(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static Object ValueDataUtil.sum(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA, ValueMetaInterface metaB, Object dataB)
 void RowDataUtilTest.testAddRowData()
 void RowDataUtilTest.testAddValueData()
 void ValueDataUtilTest.testIsSpace()
          Deprecated. Use Const.isSpace(char) instead
 void ValueDataUtilTest.testLeftTrim()
          Deprecated. Use Const.ltrim(String) instead
 void RowDataUtilTest.testRemoveItem()
 void RowDataUtilTest.testRemoveItems()
 void RowDataUtilTest.testResizeArray()
 void ValueDataUtilTest.testRightTrim()
          Deprecated. Use Const.rtrim(String) instead
 void ValueDataUtilTest.testTrim()
          Deprecated. Use Const.trim(String) instead
static Object ValueDataUtil.weekOfYear(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static Object ValueDataUtil.weekOfYearISO8601(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static Object ValueDataUtil.yearOfDate(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)
static Object ValueDataUtil.yearOfDateISO8601(ValueMetaInterface metaA, Object dataA)

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.core.row that throw KettleValueException
ValueMetaAndData(String valueName, Object valueData)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.core.util

Methods in org.pentaho.di.core.util that throw KettleValueException
static Date StringUtil.str2dat(String arg0, String arg1, String val)
static double StringUtil.str2num(String pattern, String decimal, String grouping, String currency, String value)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.repository.kdr.delegates

Methods in org.pentaho.di.repository.kdr.delegates that throw KettleValueException
 Collection<RowMetaAndData> KettleDatabaseRepositoryDatabaseDelegate.getDatabaseAttributes()
 Collection<RowMetaAndData> KettleDatabaseRepositoryConnectionDelegate.getDatabaseAttributes(ObjectId id_database)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.accessoutput

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.accessoutput that throw KettleValueException
static Object[] AccessOutputMeta.createObjectsForRow(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] rowData)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.edi2xml

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.edi2xml that throw KettleValueException
 String Edi2XmlMeta.getXML()

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.formula

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.formula that throw KettleValueException
static Object RowForumulaContext.getPrimitive(ValueMetaInterface valueMeta, Object valueData)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getxmldata

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.getxmldata that throw KettleValueException
GetXMLDataField(Node fnode)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.googleanalytics

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.googleanalytics that throw KettleValueException
 String GaInputStepMeta.getXML()

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.jsoninput

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.jsoninput that throw KettleValueException
JsonInputField(Node fnode)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ldifinput

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.ldifinput that throw KettleValueException
LDIFInputField(Node fnode)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.loadfileinput

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.loadfileinput that throw KettleValueException
LoadFileInputField(Node fnode)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rssinput

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.rssinput that throw KettleValueException
RssInputField(Node fnode)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.script

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.script that throw KettleValueException
 Object Script.getValueFromJScript(Object result, int i)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.scriptvalues_mod

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.scriptvalues_mod that throw KettleValueException
 Object ScriptValuesMod.getValueFromJScript(Object result, int i)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.userdefinedjavaclass

Methods in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.userdefinedjavaclass that throw KettleValueException
 BigDecimal FieldHelper.getBigNumber(Object[] dataRow)
 byte[] FieldHelper.getBinary(Object[] dataRow)
 Boolean FieldHelper.getBoolean(Object[] dataRow)
 Date FieldHelper.getDate(Object[] dataRow)
 Long FieldHelper.getInteger(Object[] dataRow)
 Double FieldHelper.getNumber(Object[] dataRow)
 Serializable FieldHelper.getSerializable(Object[] dataRow)
 String FieldHelper.getString(Object[] dataRow)

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.validator

Subclasses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.validator
 class KettleValidatorException

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinput

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinput that throw KettleValueException
XMLInputField(Node fnode)
XMLInputFieldPosition(String encoded)
          Construnct a new XMLFieldPosition based on an a code: E=Elementame, A=Attributename

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinputsax

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.xmlinputsax that throw KettleValueException
XMLInputSaxField(Node fnode)
XMLInputSaxFieldPosition(String encoded)
          Construnct a new XMLFieldPosition based on an a code: E=Elementame, A=Attributename
XMLInputSaxFieldPosition(String name, int type)
          Create a new XML Input Field position.
XMLInputSaxFieldPosition(String name, int type, int elementNr)
          Create a new XML Input Field position.

Uses of KettleValueException in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.yamlinput

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.yamlinput that throw KettleValueException
YamlInputField(Node fnode)