Uses of Interface

Packages that use GCInterface
org.pentaho.di.job This package contains the different elements that make up a Job. 
org.pentaho.di.trans This package contains the classes needed to define and execute transformations. 
org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon This package contains the classes needed by Spoon. 

Uses of GCInterface in org.pentaho.di.core.gui

Classes in org.pentaho.di.core.gui that implement GCInterface
 class SwingGC

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.core.gui with parameters of type GCInterface
BasePainter(GCInterface gc, Object subject, Point area, ScrollBarInterface hori, ScrollBarInterface vert, Point drop_candidate, Rectangle selrect, List<AreaOwner> areaOwners, int iconsize, int linewidth, int gridsize, int shadowSize, boolean antiAliasing, String noteFontName, int noteFontHeight)

Uses of GCInterface in org.pentaho.di.job

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.job with parameters of type GCInterface
JobPainter(GCInterface gc, JobMeta jobMeta, Point area, ScrollBarInterface hori, ScrollBarInterface vert, JobHopMeta candidate, Point drop_candidate, Rectangle selrect, List<AreaOwner> areaOwners, List<JobEntryCopy> mouseOverEntries, int iconsize, int linewidth, int gridsize, int shadowSize, boolean antiAliasing, String noteFontName, int noteFontHeight)

Uses of GCInterface in org.pentaho.di.trans

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.trans with parameters of type GCInterface
TransPainter(GCInterface gc, TransMeta transMeta, Point area, ScrollBarInterface hori, ScrollBarInterface vert, TransHopMeta candidate, Point drop_candidate, Rectangle selrect, List<AreaOwner> areaOwners, List<StepMeta> mouseOverSteps, int iconsize, int linewidth, int gridsize, int shadowSize, boolean antiAliasing, String noteFontName, int noteFontHeight)
TransPainter(GCInterface gc, TransMeta transMeta, Point area, ScrollBarInterface hori, ScrollBarInterface vert, TransHopMeta candidate, Point drop_candidate, Rectangle selrect, List<AreaOwner> areaOwners, List<StepMeta> mouseOverSteps, int iconsize, int linewidth, int gridsize, int shadowSize, boolean antiAliasing, String noteFontName, int noteFontHeight, Trans trans, boolean slowStepIndicatorEnabled)

Uses of GCInterface in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon

Classes in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon that implement GCInterface
 class SWTGC