Uses of Class

Packages that use JobEntryCopy
org.pentaho.di.job This package contains the different elements that make up a Job. 
org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon This package contains the classes needed by Spoon. 

Uses of JobEntryCopy in org.pentaho.di.core.gui

Methods in org.pentaho.di.core.gui with parameters of type JobEntryCopy
 void GCInterface.drawJobEntryIcon(int x, int y, JobEntryCopy jobEntryCopy)
 void SwingGC.drawJobEntryIcon(int x, int y, JobEntryCopy jobEntryCopy)
 JobTracker JobTracker.findJobTracker(JobEntryCopy jobEntryCopy)
          Finds the JobTracker for the job entry specified.

Uses of JobEntryCopy in org.pentaho.di.job

Methods in org.pentaho.di.job that return JobEntryCopy
static JobEntryCopy JobMeta.createDummyEntry()
          Creates the dummy entry.
static JobEntryCopy JobMeta.createStartEntry()
          Creates the start entry.
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.findJobEntry(String full_name_nr)
          Find job entry.
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.findJobEntry(String name, int nr, boolean searchHiddenToo)
          Find an existing JobEntryCopy by it's name and number
static JobEntryCopy JobMeta.findJobEntryCopy(List<JobEntryCopy> jobcopies, ObjectId id_jobentry_copy)
          Find a jobentrycopy with a certain ID in a list of job entry copies.
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.findNextJobEntry(JobEntryCopy from, int cnt)
          Find next job entry.
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.findPrevJobEntry(JobEntryCopy to, int nr)
          Find prev job entry.
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.findPrevJobEntry(JobEntryCopy to, int nr, boolean info)
          Find prev job entry.
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.findStart()
          Find start.
 JobEntryCopy[] JobMeta.getAllJobGraphEntries(String name)
          Gets the all job graph entries.
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.getDummy()
          Gets the dummy.
 JobEntryCopy JobHopMeta.getFromEntry()
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.getJobEntry(int i)
          Gets the job entry.
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.getJobEntryCopy(int x, int y, int iconsize)
          Gets the job entry copy.
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.getStart()
          Gets the start.
 JobEntryCopy Job.getStartJobEntryCopy()
          Gets the start job entry copy.
 JobEntryCopy JobHopMeta.getToEntry()

Methods in org.pentaho.di.job that return types with arguments of type JobEntryCopy
 Map<JobEntryCopy,JobEntryJob> Job.getActiveJobEntryJobs()
          Gets the active job entry jobs.
 Map<JobEntryCopy,JobEntryTrans> Job.getActiveJobEntryTransformations()
          Gets the active job entry transformations.
 Map<JobEntryCopy,String> JobPainter.getEntryLogMap()
 List<JobEntryCopy> JobMeta.getJobCopies()
          Gets the job copies.
 List<JobEntryCopy> JobPainter.getMouseOverEntries()
 List<JobEntryCopy> JobMeta.getSelectedEntries()
          Gets the selected entries.

Methods in org.pentaho.di.job with parameters of type JobEntryCopy
 void JobMeta.addJobEntry(int p, JobEntryCopy si)
          Adds the job entry.
 void JobMeta.addJobEntry(JobEntryCopy je)
          Adds the job entry.
 void JobEntryListener.afterExecution(Job job, JobEntryCopy jobEntryCopy, JobEntryInterface jobEntryInterface, Result result)
 void JobEntryListener.beforeExecution(Job job, JobEntryCopy jobEntryCopy, JobEntryInterface jobEntryInterface)
 JobHopMeta JobMeta.findJobHop(JobEntryCopy from, JobEntryCopy to)
          Find job hop.
 JobHopMeta JobMeta.findJobHop(JobEntryCopy from, JobEntryCopy to, boolean includeDisabled)
          Find job hop.
 JobHopMeta JobMeta.findJobHopFrom(JobEntryCopy jge)
          Find job hop from.
 JobHopMeta JobMeta.findJobHopTo(JobEntryCopy jge)
          Find job hop to.
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.findNextJobEntry(JobEntryCopy from, int cnt)
          Find next job entry.
 int JobMeta.findNrNextJobEntries(JobEntryCopy from)
          Find nr next job entries.
 int JobMeta.findNrPrevJobEntries(JobEntryCopy from)
          Find nr prev job entries.
 int JobMeta.findNrPrevJobEntries(JobEntryCopy to, boolean info)
          Find nr prev job entries.
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.findPrevJobEntry(JobEntryCopy to, int nr)
          Find prev job entry.
 JobEntryCopy JobMeta.findPrevJobEntry(JobEntryCopy to, int nr, boolean info)
          Find prev job entry.
 boolean JobMeta.hasLoop(JobEntryCopy entry)
          Checks for loop.
 boolean JobMeta.hasLoop(JobEntryCopy entry, JobEntryCopy lookup)
          Checks for loop.
 int JobMeta.indexOfJobEntry(JobEntryCopy ge)
          Index of job entry.
 boolean JobMeta.isEntryUsedInHops(JobEntryCopy jge)
          Checks if is entry used in hops.
 void JobMeta.renameJobEntryIfNameCollides(JobEntryCopy je)
          See if the name of the supplied job entry copy doesn't collide with any other job entry copy in the job.
 void JobPainter.setEndHopEntry(JobEntryCopy endHopEntry)
 void JobHopMeta.setFromEntry(JobEntryCopy fromEntry)
 void JobMeta.setJobEntry(int idx, JobEntryCopy jec)
          Sets the job entry.
 void JobPainter.setNoInputEntry(JobEntryCopy noInputEntry)
 void JobPainter.setStartHopEntry(JobEntryCopy startHopEntry)
 void Job.setStartJobEntryCopy(JobEntryCopy startJobEntryCopy)
          Sets the start job entry copy.
 void JobHopMeta.setToEntry(JobEntryCopy toEntry)

Method parameters in org.pentaho.di.job with type arguments of type JobEntryCopy
static JobEntryCopy JobMeta.findJobEntryCopy(List<JobEntryCopy> jobcopies, ObjectId id_jobentry_copy)
          Find a jobentrycopy with a certain ID in a list of job entry copies.
 int[] JobMeta.getEntryIndexes(List<JobEntryCopy> entries)
          Gets the entry indexes.
 void JobPainter.setActiveJobEntries(List<JobEntryCopy> activeJobEntries)
 void JobPainter.setEntryLogMap(Map<JobEntryCopy,String> entryLogMap)
 void JobPainter.setMouseOverEntries(List<JobEntryCopy> mouseOverEntries)

Constructors in org.pentaho.di.job with parameters of type JobEntryCopy
JobEntryResult(Result result, String comment, String reason, JobEntryCopy copy)
JobHopMeta(JobEntryCopy from, JobEntryCopy to)

Constructor parameters in org.pentaho.di.job with type arguments of type JobEntryCopy
JobPainter(GCInterface gc, JobMeta jobMeta, Point area, ScrollBarInterface hori, ScrollBarInterface vert, JobHopMeta candidate, Point drop_candidate, Rectangle selrect, List<AreaOwner> areaOwners, List<JobEntryCopy> mouseOverEntries, int iconsize, int linewidth, int gridsize, int shadowSize, boolean antiAliasing, String noteFontName, int noteFontHeight)

Uses of JobEntryCopy in org.pentaho.di.job.entry

Methods in org.pentaho.di.job.entry with parameters of type JobEntryCopy
 void JobEntryCopy.replaceMeta(JobEntryCopy jobEntryCopy)

Uses of JobEntryCopy in org.pentaho.di.repository.kdr.delegates

Methods in org.pentaho.di.repository.kdr.delegates that return JobEntryCopy
 JobEntryCopy KettleDatabaseRepositoryJobEntryDelegate.loadJobEntryCopy(ObjectId id_job, ObjectId id_jobentry_copy, List<JobEntryInterface> jobentries, List<DatabaseMeta> databases, List<SlaveServer> slaveServers)
          Load the chef graphical entry from repository We load type, name & description if no entry can be found.

Methods in org.pentaho.di.repository.kdr.delegates with parameters of type JobEntryCopy
 void KettleDatabaseRepositoryJobEntryDelegate.saveJobEntryCopy(JobEntryCopy copy, ObjectId id_job)

Method parameters in org.pentaho.di.repository.kdr.delegates with type arguments of type JobEntryCopy
 JobHopMeta KettleDatabaseRepositoryJobDelegate.loadJobHopMeta(ObjectId id_job_hop, List<JobEntryCopy> jobcopies)

Uses of JobEntryCopy in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon

Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon that return JobEntryCopy
 JobEntryCopy Spoon.newJobEntry(JobMeta jobMeta, String typeDesc, boolean openit)

Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon with parameters of type JobEntryCopy
 void Spoon.deleteJobEntryCopies(JobMeta jobMeta, JobEntryCopy jobEntry)
 void SWTGC.drawJobEntryIcon(int x, int y, JobEntryCopy jobEntryCopy)
 void Spoon.editJobEntry(JobMeta jobMeta, JobEntryCopy je)
 Job Spoon.findActiveJob(Job job, JobEntryCopy jobEntryCopy)
 Trans Spoon.findActiveTrans(Job job, JobEntryCopy jobEntryCopy)
 void Spoon.newJobHop(JobMeta jobMeta, JobEntryCopy fr, JobEntryCopy to)

Uses of JobEntryCopy in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.delegates

Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.delegates that return JobEntryCopy
 JobEntryCopy SpoonJobDelegate.newJobEntry(JobMeta jobMeta, String type_desc, boolean openit)

Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.delegates with parameters of type JobEntryCopy
 void SpoonJobDelegate.deleteJobEntryCopies(JobMeta jobMeta, JobEntryCopy jobEntry)
 void SpoonJobDelegate.dupeJobEntry(JobMeta jobMeta, JobEntryCopy jobEntry)
 void SpoonJobDelegate.editJobEntry(JobMeta jobMeta, JobEntryCopy je)
 void SpoonJobDelegate.newJobHop(JobMeta jobMeta, JobEntryCopy fr, JobEntryCopy to)

Method parameters in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.delegates with type arguments of type JobEntryCopy
 void SpoonJobDelegate.copyJobEntries(JobMeta jobMeta, List<JobEntryCopy> jec)

Uses of JobEntryCopy in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.job

Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.job that return JobEntryCopy
 JobEntryCopy JobGraph.getJobEntry()

Methods in org.pentaho.di.ui.spoon.job with parameters of type JobEntryCopy
static JobEntryCopyResult JobEntryCopyResult.findResult(List<JobEntryCopyResult> results, JobEntryCopy copy)
 void JobGraph.launchStuff(JobEntryCopy jobEntryCopy)
 void JobGraph.openJob(JobEntryJob entry, JobEntryCopy jobEntryCopy)
 void JobGraph.renameJobEntry(JobEntryCopy jobEntry, String newName)
          Method gets called, when the user wants to change a job entries name and he indeed entered a different name then the old one.
 void JobGraph.setJobEntry(JobEntryCopy jobEntry)