Interface LoggingObjectInterface

    • Method Detail

      • getObjectName

        String getObjectName()
        Gets the object name.
        the name
      • getRepositoryDirectory

        RepositoryDirectoryInterface getRepositoryDirectory()
        Gets the repository directory.
        the repositoryDirectory
      • getFilename

        String getFilename()
        Gets the filename.
        the filename
      • getObjectId

        ObjectId getObjectId()
        Gets the object id in a repository.
        the objectId in a repository
      • getObjectRevision

        ObjectRevision getObjectRevision()
        Gets the objects revision in a repository.
        the object revision in a repository
      • getLogChannelId

        String getLogChannelId()
        Gets the log channel id.
        the log channel id
      • getObjectType

        LoggingObjectType getObjectType()
        Gets the object type.
        the objectType
      • getObjectCopy

        String getObjectCopy()
        Gets a string identifying a copy in a series of steps.
        A string identifying a copy in a series of steps.
      • getLogLevel

        LogLevel getLogLevel()
        Gets the logging level of the log channel of this logging object.
        The logging level of the log channel of this logging object.
      • getContainerObjectId

        String getContainerObjectId()
        Gets the execution container (Carte/DI server/BI Server) object id. We use this to see to which copy of the job/trans hierarchy this object belongs. If it is null, we assume that we are running a single copy in Spoon/Pan/Kitchen.
        The execution container (Carte/DI server/BI Server) object id.
      • getRegistrationDate

        Date getRegistrationDate()
        Gets the registration date of this logging object. Null if it's not registered.
        The registration date of this logging object. Null if it's not registered.
      • isGatheringMetrics

        boolean isGatheringMetrics()
        Gets the boolean value of whether or not this object is gathering kettle metrics during execution.
        true if this logging object is gathering kettle metrics during execution
      • setGatheringMetrics

        void setGatheringMetrics​(boolean gatheringMetrics)
        Enable of disable kettle metrics gathering during execution
        gatheringMetrics - set to true to enable metrics gathering during execution.
      • setForcingSeparateLogging

        void setForcingSeparateLogging​(boolean forcingSeparateLogging)
        This option will force the create of a separate logging channel even if the logging concerns identical objects with identical names.
        forcingSeparateLogging - Set to true to force separate logging
      • isForcingSeparateLogging

        boolean isForcingSeparateLogging()
        True if the logging is forcibly separated out from even identical objects.
      • isLoggingObjectInUse

        boolean isLoggingObjectInUse()