Class TransMeta

    • Field Detail

      • XML_TAG

        public static final String XML_TAG
        A constant specifying the tag value for the XML node of the transformation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String STRING_TRANSMETA
        A constant used by the logging operations to indicate any logged messages are related to transformation meta-data.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final org.pentaho.di.repository.RepositoryObjectType REPOSITORY_ELEMENT_TYPE
        A constant specifying the repository element type as a Transformation.
      • steps

        protected List<StepMeta> steps
        The list of steps associated with the transformation.
      • hops

        protected List<TransHopMeta> hops
        The list of hops associated with the transformation.
      • dependencies

        protected List<TransDependency> dependencies
        The list of dependencies associated with the transformation.
      • clusterSchemas

        protected List<ClusterSchema> clusterSchemas
        The list of cluster schemas associated with the transformation.
      • trans_version

        protected String trans_version
        The version string for the transformation.
      • trans_status

        protected int trans_status
        The status of the transformation.
      • transLogTable

        protected TransLogTable transLogTable
        The transformation logging table associated with the transformation.
      • performanceLogTable

        protected PerformanceLogTable performanceLogTable
        The performance logging table associated with the transformation.
      • stepLogTable

        protected StepLogTable stepLogTable
        The step logging table associated with the transformation.
      • metricsLogTable

        protected MetricsLogTable metricsLogTable
        The metricslogging table associated with the transformation.
      • sizeRowset

        protected int sizeRowset
        The size of the current rowset.
      • maxDateConnection

        protected org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta maxDateConnection
        The meta-data for the database connection associated with "max date" auditing information.
      • maxDateTable

        protected String maxDateTable
        The table name associated with "max date" auditing information.
      • maxDateField

        protected String maxDateField
        The field associated with "max date" auditing information.
      • maxDateOffset

        protected double maxDateOffset
        The amount by which to increase the "max date" value.
      • maxDateDifference

        protected double maxDateDifference
        The maximum date difference used for "max date" auditing and limiting job sizes.
      • arguments

        protected String[] arguments
        Moved to Trans
        The list of arguments to the transformation.
      • counters

        protected Hashtable<String,​org.pentaho.di.core.Counter> counters
        Moved to Trans
        A table of named counters.
      • changed_steps

        protected boolean changed_steps
        Indicators for changes in steps, databases, hops, and notes.
      • changed_hops

        protected boolean changed_hops
        Indicators for changes in steps, databases, hops, and notes.
      • dbCache

        protected org.pentaho.di.core.DBCache dbCache
        The database cache.
      • sleepTimeEmpty

        protected int sleepTimeEmpty
        The time (in nanoseconds) to wait when the input buffer is empty.
      • sleepTimeFull

        protected int sleepTimeFull
        The time (in nanoseconds) to wait when the input buffer is full.
      • previousResult

        protected org.pentaho.di.core.Result previousResult
        The previous result.
      • resultRows

        protected List<org.pentaho.di.core.RowMetaAndData> resultRows
        The result rows.
      • resultFiles

        protected List<org.pentaho.di.core.ResultFile> resultFiles
        The result files.
      • usingUniqueConnections

        protected boolean usingUniqueConnections
        Whether the transformation is using unique connections.
      • feedbackShown

        protected boolean feedbackShown
        Whether the feedback is shown.
      • feedbackSize

        protected int feedbackSize
        The feedback size.
      • usingThreadPriorityManagment

        protected boolean usingThreadPriorityManagment
        Flag to indicate thread management usage. Set to default to false from version 2.5.0 on. Before that it was enabled by default.
      • slaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution

        protected SlaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution slaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution
        The slave-step-copy/partition distribution. Only used for slave transformations in a clustering environment.
      • slaveTransformation

        protected boolean slaveTransformation
        Just a flag indicating that this is a slave transformation - internal use only, no GUI option.
      • capturingStepPerformanceSnapShots

        protected boolean capturingStepPerformanceSnapShots
        Whether the transformation is capturing step performance snap shots.
      • stepPerformanceCapturingDelay

        protected long stepPerformanceCapturingDelay
        The step performance capturing delay.
      • stepPerformanceCapturingSizeLimit

        protected String stepPerformanceCapturingSizeLimit
        The step performance capturing size limit.
      • stepsFieldsCache

        protected Map<String,​org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface> stepsFieldsCache
        The steps fields cache.
      • log

        protected org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LogChannelInterface log
        The log channel interface.
      • keyForSessionKey

        protected byte[] keyForSessionKey
      • desc_type_undo

        public static final String[] desc_type_undo
        A list of localized strings corresponding to string descriptions of the undo/redo actions.
      • XML_TAG_INFO

        protected static final String XML_TAG_INFO
        A constant specifying the tag value for the XML node of the transformation information.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String XML_TAG_ORDER
        A constant specifying the tag value for the XML node of the order of steps.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String XML_TAG_NOTEPADS
        A constant specifying the tag value for the XML node of the notes.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String XML_TAG_PARAMETERS
        A constant specifying the tag value for the XML node of the transformation parameters.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final String XML_TAG_DEPENDENCIES
        A constant specifying the tag value for the XML node of the transformation dependencies.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String XML_TAG_PARTITIONSCHEMAS
        A constant specifying the tag value for the XML node of the transformation's partition schemas.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String XML_TAG_SLAVESERVERS
        A constant specifying the tag value for the XML node of the slave servers.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String XML_TAG_CLUSTERSCHEMAS
        A constant specifying the tag value for the XML node of the cluster schemas.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String XML_TAG_STEP_ERROR_HANDLING
        A constant specifying the tag value for the XML node of the steps' error-handling information.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta()
        Builds a new empty transformation. The transformation will have default logging capability and no variables, and all internal meta-data is cleared to defaults.
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace parent)
        Builds a new empty transformation with a set of variables to inherit from.
        parent - the variable space to inherit from
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(String filename,
                         String name)
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(String filename,
                         String name,
                         String[] arguments)
        passing in arguments (a runtime argument) into the metadata is deprecated, pass it to Trans
        Constructs a new transformation specifying the filename, name and arguments.
        filename - The filename of the transformation
        name - The name of the transformation
        arguments - The arguments as Strings
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(String fname)
                  throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses a file containing the XML that describes the transformation. No default connections are loaded since no repository is available at this time. Since the filename is set, internal variables are being set that relate to this.
        fname - The filename
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(String fname,
                         org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace parentVariableSpace)
                  throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses a file containing the XML that describes the transformation. No default connections are loaded since no repository is available at this time. Since the filename is set, variables are set in the specified variable space that relate to this.
        fname - The filename
        parentVariableSpace - the parent variable space
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(String fname,
                         boolean setInternalVariables)
                  throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses a file containing the XML that describes the transformation. No default connections are loaded since no repository is available at this time.
        fname - The filename
        setInternalVariables - true if you want to set the internal variables based on this transformation information
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(String fname,
                         Repository rep)
                  throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses a file containing the XML that describes the transformation.
        fname - The filename
        rep - The repository to load the default set of connections from, null if no repository is available
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(String fname,
                         Repository rep,
                         boolean setInternalVariables)
                  throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses a file containing the XML that describes the transformation.
        fname - The filename
        rep - The repository to load the default set of connections from, null if no repository is available
        setInternalVariables - true if you want to set the internal variables based on this transformation information
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(String fname,
                         Repository rep,
                         boolean setInternalVariables,
                         org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace parentVariableSpace)
                  throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses a file containing the XML that describes the transformation.
        fname - The filename
        rep - The repository to load the default set of connections from, null if no repository is available
        setInternalVariables - true if you want to set the internal variables based on this transformation information
        parentVariableSpace - the parent variable space to use during TransMeta construction
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(String fname,
                         Repository rep,
                         boolean setInternalVariables,
                         org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace parentVariableSpace,
                         org.pentaho.di.core.gui.OverwritePrompter prompter)
                  throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses a file containing the XML that describes the transformation.
        fname - The filename
        rep - The repository to load the default set of connections from, null if no repository is available
        setInternalVariables - true if you want to set the internal variables based on this transformation information
        parentVariableSpace - the parent variable space to use during TransMeta construction
        prompter - the changed/replace listener or null if there is none
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(String fname,
                         org.pentaho.metastore.api.IMetaStore metaStore,
                         Repository rep,
                         boolean setInternalVariables,
                         org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace parentVariableSpace,
                         org.pentaho.di.core.gui.OverwritePrompter prompter)
                  throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses a file containing the XML that describes the transformation.
        fname - The filename
        metaStore - the metadata store to reference (or null if there is none)
        rep - The repository to load the default set of connections from, null if no repository is available
        setInternalVariables - true if you want to set the internal variables based on this transformation information
        parentVariableSpace - the parent variable space to use during TransMeta construction
        prompter - the changed/replace listener or null if there is none
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(InputStream xmlStream,
                         Repository rep,
                         boolean setInternalVariables,
                         org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace parentVariableSpace,
                         org.pentaho.di.core.gui.OverwritePrompter prompter)
                  throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Instantiates a new transformation meta-data object.
        xmlStream - the XML input stream from which to read the transformation definition
        rep - the repository
        setInternalVariables - whether to set internal variables as a result of the creation
        parentVariableSpace - the parent variable space
        prompter - a GUI component that will prompt the user if the new transformation will overwrite an existing one
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified stream
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • TransMeta

        public TransMeta​(Node transnode,
                         Repository rep)
                  throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parse a file containing the XML that describes the transformation. Specify a repository to load default list of database connections from and to reference in mappings etc.
        transnode - The XML node to load from
        rep - the repository to reference.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
    • Method Detail

      • compare

        public int compare​(TransMeta t1,
                           TransMeta t2)
        Compares two transformation on name, filename, repository directory, etc. The comparison algorithm is as follows:
        1. The first transformation's filename is checked first; if it has none, the transformation comes from a repository. If the second transformation does not come from a repository, -1 is returned.
        2. If the transformations are both from a repository, the transformations' names are compared. If the first transformation has no name and the second one does, a -1 is returned. If the opposite is true, a 1 is returned.
        3. If they both have names they are compared as strings. If the result is non-zero it is returned. Otherwise the repository directories are compared using the same technique of checking empty values and then performing a string comparison, returning any non-zero result.
        4. If the names and directories are equal, the object revision strings are compared using the same technique of checking empty values and then performing a string comparison, this time ultimately returning the result of the string compare.
        5. If the first transformation does not come from a repository and the second one does, a 1 is returned. Otherwise the transformation names and filenames are subsequently compared using the same technique of checking empty values and then performing a string comparison, ultimately returning the result of the filename string comparison.
        Specified by:
        compare in interface Comparator<TransMeta>
        t1 - the first transformation to compare
        t2 - the second transformation to compare
        0 if the two transformations are equal, 1 or -1 depending on the values (see description above)
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Checks whether this transformation's meta-data object is equal to the specified object. If the specified object is not an instance of TransMeta, false is returned. Otherwise the method returns whether a call to compare() indicates equality (i.e. compare(this, (TransMeta)obj)==0).
        Specified by:
        equals in interface Comparator<TransMeta>
        equals in class Object
        obj - the obj
        true, if successful
        See Also:
        compare(TransMeta, TransMeta), Object.equals(java.lang.Object)
      • clone

        public Object clone()
        Clones the transformation meta-data object.
        clone in class Object
        a clone of the transformation meta-data object
        See Also:
      • realClone

        public Object realClone​(boolean doClear)
        Perform a real clone of the transformation meta-data object, including cloning all lists and copying all values. If the doClear parameter is true, the clone will be cleared of ALL values before the copy. If false, only the copied fields will be cleared.
        doClear - Whether to clear all of the clone's data before copying from the source object
        a real clone of the calling object
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears the transformation's meta-data, including the lists of databases, steps, hops, notes, dependencies, partition schemas, slave servers, and cluster schemas. Logging information and timeouts are reset to defaults, and recent connection info is cleared.
        clear in class AbstractMeta
      • addStep

        public void addStep​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Add a new step to the transformation. Also marks that the transformation's steps have changed.
        stepMeta - The meta-data for the step to be added.
      • addOrReplaceStep

        public void addOrReplaceStep​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Add a new step to the transformation if that step didn't exist yet. Otherwise, replace the step. This method also marks that the transformation's steps have changed.
        stepMeta - The meta-data for the step to be added.
      • addTransHop

        public void addTransHop​(TransHopMeta hi)
        Add a new hop to the transformation. The hop information (source and target steps, e.g.) should be configured in the TransHopMeta object before calling addTransHop(). Also marks that the transformation's hops have changed.
        hi - The hop meta-data to be added.
      • addDependency

        public void addDependency​(TransDependency td)
        Add a new dependency to the transformation.
        td - The transformation dependency to be added.
      • addStep

        public void addStep​(int p,
                            StepMeta stepMeta)
        Add a new step to the transformation at the specified index. This method sets the step's parent transformation to the this transformation, and marks that the transformations' steps have changed.
        p - The index into the step list
        stepMeta - The step to be added.
      • addTransHop

        public void addTransHop​(int p,
                                TransHopMeta hi)
        Add a new hop to the transformation on a certain location (i.e. the specified index). Also marks that the transformation's hops have changed.
        p - the index into the hop list
        hi - The hop to be added.
      • addDependency

        public void addDependency​(int p,
                                  TransDependency td)
        Add a new dependency to the transformation on a certain location (i.e. the specified index).
        p - The index into the dependencies list.
        td - The transformation dependency to be added.
      • getSteps

        public List<StepMeta> getSteps()
        Get a list of defined steps in this transformation.
        an ArrayList of defined steps.
      • getStep

        public StepMeta getStep​(int i)
        Retrieves a step on a certain location (i.e. the specified index).
        i - The index into the steps list.
        The desired step's meta-data.
      • getTransHops

        public List<TransHopMeta> getTransHops()
        Get a list of defined hops in this transformation.
        a list of defined hops.
      • getTransHop

        public TransHopMeta getTransHop​(int i)
        Retrieves a hop on a certain location (i.e. the specified index).
        i - The index into the hops list.
        The desired hop's meta-data.
      • getDependency

        public TransDependency getDependency​(int i)
        Retrieves a dependency on a certain location (i.e. the specified index).
        i - The index into the dependencies list.
        The dependency object.
      • removeStep

        public void removeStep​(int i)
        Removes a step from the transformation on a certain location (i.e. the specified index). Also marks that the transformation's steps have changed.
        i - The index
      • removeTransHop

        public void removeTransHop​(int i)
        Removes a hop from the transformation on a certain location (i.e. the specified index). Also marks that the transformation's hops have changed.
        i - The index into the hops list
      • removeTransHop

        public void removeTransHop​(TransHopMeta hop)
        Removes a hop from the transformation. Also marks that the transformation's hops have changed.
        hop - The hop to remove from the list of hops
      • removeDependency

        public void removeDependency​(int i)
        Removes a dependency from the transformation on a certain location (i.e. the specified index).
        i - The location
      • removeAllDependencies

        public void removeAllDependencies()
        Clears all the dependencies from the transformation.
      • nrSteps

        public int nrSteps()
        Gets the number of steps in the transformation.
        The number of steps in the transformation.
      • nrTransHops

        public int nrTransHops()
        Gets the number of hops in the transformation.
        The number of hops in the transformation.
      • nrDependencies

        public int nrDependencies()
        Gets the number of dependencies in the transformation.
        The number of dependencies in the transformation.
      • nrStepChangeListeners

        public int nrStepChangeListeners()
        Gets the number of stepChangeListeners in the transformation.
        The number of stepChangeListeners in the transformation.
      • setStep

        public void setStep​(int i,
                            StepMeta stepMeta)
        Changes the content of a step on a certain position. This is accomplished by setting the step's metadata at the specified index to the specified meta-data object. The new step's parent transformation is updated to be this transformation.
        i - The index into the steps list
        stepMeta - The step meta-data to set
      • setTransHop

        public void setTransHop​(int i,
                                TransHopMeta hi)
        Changes the content of a hop on a certain position. This is accomplished by setting the hop's metadata at the specified index to the specified meta-data object.
        i - The index into the hops list
        hi - The hop meta-data to set
      • getUsedSteps

        public List<StepMeta> getUsedSteps()
        Gets the list of used steps, which are the steps that are connected by hops.
        a list with all the used steps
      • findStep

        public StepMeta findStep​(String name)
        Searches the list of steps for a step with a certain name.
        name - The name of the step to look for
        The step information or null if no nothing was found.
      • findStep

        public StepMeta findStep​(String name,
                                 StepMeta exclude)
        Searches the list of steps for a step with a certain name while excluding one step.
        name - The name of the step to look for
        exclude - The step information to exclude.
        The step information or null if nothing was found.
      • findTransHop

        public TransHopMeta findTransHop​(String name)
        Searches the list of hops for a hop with a certain name.
        name - The name of the hop to look for
        The hop information or null if nothing was found.
      • findTransHopFrom

        public TransHopMeta findTransHopFrom​(StepMeta fromstep)
        Search all hops for a hop where a certain step is at the start.
        fromstep - The step at the start of the hop.
        The hop or null if no hop was found.
      • findTransHop

        public TransHopMeta findTransHop​(TransHopMeta hi)
        Find a certain hop in the transformation.
        hi - The hop information to look for.
        The hop or null if no hop was found.
      • findTransHop

        public TransHopMeta findTransHop​(StepMeta from,
                                         StepMeta to)
        Search all hops for a hop where a certain step is at the start and another is at the end.
        from - The step at the start of the hop.
        to - The step at the end of the hop.
        The hop or null if no hop was found.
      • findTransHop

        public TransHopMeta findTransHop​(StepMeta from,
                                         StepMeta to,
                                         boolean disabledToo)
        Search all hops for a hop where a certain step is at the start and another is at the end.
        from - The step at the start of the hop.
        to - The step at the end of the hop.
        disabledToo - the disabled too
        The hop or null if no hop was found.
      • findTransHopTo

        public TransHopMeta findTransHopTo​(StepMeta tostep)
        Search all hops for a hop where a certain step is at the end.
        tostep - The step at the end of the hop.
        The hop or null if no hop was found.
      • isStepInformative

        public boolean isStepInformative​(StepMeta this_step,
                                         StepMeta prev_step)
        Determines whether or not a certain step is informative. This means that the previous step is sending information to this step, but only informative. This means that this step is using the information to process the actual stream of data. We use this in StreamLookup, TableInput and other types of steps.
        this_step - The step that is receiving information.
        prev_step - The step that is sending information
        true if prev_step if informative for this_step.
      • findNrPrevSteps

        public int findNrPrevSteps​(String stepname)
        Counts the number of previous steps for a step name.
        stepname - The name of the step to start from
        The number of preceding steps.
      • findNrPrevSteps

        public int findNrPrevSteps​(String stepname,
                                   boolean info)
        Counts the number of previous steps for a step name taking into account whether or not they are informational.
        stepname - The name of the step to start from
        info - true if only the informational steps are desired, false otherwise
        The number of preceding steps.
      • findNrPrevSteps

        public int findNrPrevSteps​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Find the number of steps that precede the indicated step.
        stepMeta - The source step
        The number of preceding steps found.
      • findPrevStep

        public StepMeta findPrevStep​(String stepname,
                                     int nr)
        Find the previous step on a certain location (i.e. the specified index).
        stepname - The source step name
        nr - the index into the step list
        The preceding step found.
      • findPrevStep

        public StepMeta findPrevStep​(String stepname,
                                     int nr,
                                     boolean info)
        Find the previous step on a certain location taking into account the steps being informational or not.
        stepname - The name of the step
        nr - The index into the step list
        info - true if only the informational steps are desired, false otherwise
        The step information
      • findPrevStep

        public StepMeta findPrevStep​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                     int nr)
        Find the previous step on a certain location (i.e. the specified index).
        stepMeta - The source step information
        nr - the index into the hops list
        The preceding step found.
      • findNrPrevSteps

        public int findNrPrevSteps​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                   boolean info)
        please use method findPreviousSteps
        Count the number of previous steps on a certain location taking into account the steps being informational or not.
        stepMeta - The name of the step
        info - true if only the informational steps are desired, false otherwise
        The number of preceding steps
      • findPrevStep

        public StepMeta findPrevStep​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                     int nr,
                                     boolean info)
        please use method findPreviousSteps
        Find the previous step on a certain location taking into account the steps being informational or not.
        stepMeta - The step
        nr - The index into the hops list
        info - true if we only want the informational steps.
        The preceding step information
      • findPreviousSteps

        public List<StepMeta> findPreviousSteps​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Get the list of previous steps for a certain reference step. This includes the info steps.
        stepMeta - The reference step
        The list of the preceding steps, including the info steps.
      • findPreviousSteps

        public List<StepMeta> findPreviousSteps​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                                boolean info)
        Get the previous steps on a certain location taking into account the steps being informational or not.
        stepMeta - The name of the step
        info - true if we only want the informational steps.
        The list of the preceding steps
      • getInfoStep

        public StepMeta[] getInfoStep​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Get the informational steps for a certain step. An informational step is a step that provides information for lookups, etc.
        stepMeta - The name of the step
        An array of the informational steps found
      • findNrInfoSteps

        public int findNrInfoSteps​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Find the the number of informational steps for a certain step.
        stepMeta - The step
        The number of informational steps found.
      • getPrevInfoFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getPrevInfoFields​(String stepname)
                                                                   throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Find the informational fields coming from an informational step into the step specified.
        stepname - The name of the step
        A row containing fields with origin.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • getPrevInfoFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getPrevInfoFields​(StepMeta stepMeta)
                                                                   throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Find the informational fields coming from an informational step into the step specified.
        stepMeta - The receiving step
        A row containing fields with origin.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • findNrNextSteps

        public int findNrNextSteps​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Find the number of succeeding steps for a certain originating step.
        stepMeta - The originating step
        The number of succeeding steps.
      • findNextStep

        public StepMeta findNextStep​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                     int nr)
        Find the succeeding step at a location for an originating step.
        stepMeta - The originating step
        nr - The location
        The step found.
      • getPrevSteps

        public StepMeta[] getPrevSteps​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Retrieve an array of preceding steps for a certain destination step. This includes the info steps.
        stepMeta - The destination step
        An array containing the preceding steps.
      • getPrevStepNames

        public String[] getPrevStepNames​(String stepname)
        Retrieve an array of succeeding step names for a certain originating step name.
        stepname - The originating step name
        An array of succeeding step names
      • getPrevStepNames

        public String[] getPrevStepNames​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Retrieve an array of preceding steps for a certain destination step.
        stepMeta - The destination step
        an array of preceding step names.
      • getNextSteps

        public StepMeta[] getNextSteps​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        use findNextSteps instead
        Retrieve an array of succeeding steps for a certain originating step.
        stepMeta - The originating step
        an array of succeeding steps.
      • findNextSteps

        public List<StepMeta> findNextSteps​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Retrieve a list of succeeding steps for a certain originating step.
        stepMeta - The originating step
        an array of succeeding steps.
      • getNextStepNames

        public String[] getNextStepNames​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Retrieve an array of succeeding step names for a certain originating step.
        stepMeta - The originating step
        an array of succeeding step names.
      • getStep

        public StepMeta getStep​(int x,
                                int y,
                                int iconsize)
        Find the step that is located on a certain point on the canvas, taking into account the icon size.
        x - the x-coordinate of the point queried
        y - the y-coordinate of the point queried
        iconsize - the iconsize
        The step information if a step is located at the point. Otherwise, if no step was found: null.
      • partOfTransHop

        public boolean partOfTransHop​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Determines whether or not a certain step is part of a hop.
        stepMeta - The step queried
        true if the step is part of a hop.
      • getStepFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getStepFields​(String stepname)
                                                               throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Returns the fields that are emitted by a certain step name.
        stepname - The stepname of the step to be queried.
        A row containing the fields emitted.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • getStepFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getStepFields​(StepMeta stepMeta)
                                                               throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Returns the fields that are emitted by a certain step.
        stepMeta - The step to be queried.
        A row containing the fields emitted.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • getStepFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getStepFields​(StepMeta[] stepMeta)
                                                               throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Gets the fields for each of the specified steps and merges them into a single set
        stepMeta - the step meta
        an interface to the step fields
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • getStepFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getStepFields​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                                                      org.pentaho.di.core.ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
                                                               throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Returns the fields that are emitted by a certain step.
        stepMeta - The step to be queried.
        monitor - The progress monitor for progress dialog. (null if not used!)
        A row containing the fields emitted.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • getStepFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getStepFields​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                                                      StepMeta targetStep,
                                                                      org.pentaho.di.core.ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
                                                               throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Returns the fields that are emitted by a certain step.
        stepMeta - The step to be queried.
        targetStep - the target step
        monitor - The progress monitor for progress dialog. (null if not used!)
        A row containing the fields emitted.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • getPrevStepFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getPrevStepFields​(String stepname)
                                                                   throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Find the fields that are entering a step with a certain name.
        stepname - The name of the step queried
        A row containing the fields (w/ origin) entering the step
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • getPrevStepFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getPrevStepFields​(StepMeta stepMeta)
                                                                   throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Find the fields that are entering a certain step.
        stepMeta - The step queried
        A row containing the fields (w/ origin) entering the step
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • getPrevStepFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getPrevStepFields​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                                                          org.pentaho.di.core.ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
                                                                   throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Find the fields that are entering a certain step.
        stepMeta - The step queried
        monitor - The progress monitor for progress dialog. (null if not used!)
        A row containing the fields (w/ origin) entering the step
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • getPrevStepFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getPrevStepFields​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                                                          String stepName,
                                                                          org.pentaho.di.core.ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
                                                                   throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
      • getThisStepFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getThisStepFields​(String stepname,
                                                                          org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface row)
                                                                   throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Return the fields that are emitted by a step with a certain name.
        stepname - The name of the step that's being queried.
        row - A row containing the input fields or an empty row if no input is required.
        A Row containing the output fields.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • getThisStepFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getThisStepFields​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                                                          StepMeta nextStep,
                                                                          org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface row)
                                                                   throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Returns the fields that are emitted by a step.
        stepMeta - : The StepMeta object that's being queried
        nextStep - : if non-null this is the next step that's call back to ask what's being sent
        row - : A row containing the input fields or an empty row if no input is required.
        A Row containing the output fields.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • getThisStepFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getThisStepFields​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                                                          StepMeta nextStep,
                                                                          org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface row,
                                                                          org.pentaho.di.core.ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
                                                                   throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Returns the fields that are emitted by a step.
        stepMeta - : The StepMeta object that's being queried
        nextStep - : if non-null this is the next step that's call back to ask what's being sent
        row - : A row containing the input fields or an empty row if no input is required.
        monitor - the monitor
        A Row containing the output fields.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - the kettle step exception
      • isUsingPartitionSchema

        public boolean isUsingPartitionSchema​(PartitionSchema partitionSchema)
        Checks if the transformation is using the specified partition schema.
        partitionSchema - the partition schema
        true if the transformation is using the partition schema, false otherwise
      • isUsingAClusterSchema

        public boolean isUsingAClusterSchema()
        Checks if the transformation is using a cluster schema.
        true if a cluster schema is used on one or more steps in this transformation, false otherwise
      • isUsingClusterSchema

        public boolean isUsingClusterSchema​(ClusterSchema clusterSchema)
        Checks if the transformation is using the specified cluster schema.
        clusterSchema - the cluster schema to check
        true if the specified cluster schema is used on one or more steps in this transformation
      • isUsingSlaveServer

        public boolean isUsingSlaveServer​(SlaveServer slaveServer)
                                   throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException
        Checks if the transformation is using the specified slave server.
        slaveServer - the slave server
        true if the transformation is using the slave server, false otherwise
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException - if any errors occur while checking for the slave server
      • isRepReference

        public boolean isRepReference()
        Checks if the transformation is referenced by a repository.
        true if the transformation is referenced by a repository, false otherwise
      • isFileReference

        public boolean isFileReference()
        Checks if the transformation is referenced by a file. If the transformation is not referenced by a repository, it is assumed to be referenced by a file.
        true if the transformation is referenced by a file, false otherwise
        See Also:
      • isRepReference

        public static boolean isRepReference​(String exactFilename,
                                             String exactTransname)
        Checks (using the exact filename and transformation name) if the transformation is referenced by a repository. If referenced by a repository, the exact filename should be empty and the exact transformation name should be non-empty.
        exactFilename - the exact filename
        exactTransname - the exact transformation name
        true if the transformation is referenced by a repository, false otherwise
      • isFileReference

        public static boolean isFileReference​(String exactFilename,
                                              String exactTransname)
        Checks (using the exact filename and transformation name) if the transformation is referenced by a file. If referenced by a repository, the exact filename should be non-empty and the exact transformation name should be empty.
        exactFilename - the exact filename
        exactTransname - the exact transformation name
        true if the transformation is referenced by a file, false otherwise
        See Also:
        isRepReference(String, String)
      • indexOfTransHop

        public int indexOfTransHop​(TransHopMeta hi)
        Finds the location (index) of the specified hop.
        hi - The hop queried
        The location of the hop, or -1 if nothing was found.
      • indexOfStep

        public int indexOfStep​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Finds the location (index) of the specified step.
        stepMeta - The step queried
        The location of the step, or -1 if nothing was found.
      • getXML

        public String getXML()
                      throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException
        Gets the XML representation of this transformation.
        Specified by:
        getXML in interface EngineMetaInterface
        Specified by:
        getXML in interface org.pentaho.di.core.xml.XMLInterface
        the XML representation of this transformation
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException - if any errors occur during generation of the XML
        See Also:
      • getXML

        public String getXML​(boolean includeSteps,
                             boolean includeDatabase,
                             boolean includeSlaves,
                             boolean includeClusters,
                             boolean includePartitions)
                      throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException
        Gets the XML representation of this transformation, including or excluding step, database, slave server, cluster, or partition information as specified by the parameters
        includeSteps - whether to include step data
        includeDatabase - whether to include database data
        includeSlaves - whether to include slave server data
        includeClusters - whether to include cluster data
        includePartitions - whether to include partition data
        the XML representation of this transformation
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException - if any errors occur during generation of the XML
      • getXML

        public String getXML​(boolean includeSteps,
                             boolean includeDatabase,
                             boolean includeSlaves,
                             boolean includeClusters,
                             boolean includePartitions,
                             boolean includeNamedParameters,
                             boolean includeLog,
                             boolean includeDependencies,
                             boolean includeNotePads,
                             boolean includeAttributeGroups)
                      throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException
        Gets the XML representation of this transformation, including or excluding step, database, slave server, cluster, or partition information as specified by the parameters
        includeSteps - whether to include step data
        includeDatabase - whether to include database data
        includeSlaves - whether to include slave server data
        includeClusters - whether to include cluster data
        includePartitions - whether to include partition data
        includeNamedParameters - whether to include named parameters data
        includeLog - whether to include log data
        includeDependencies - whether to include dependencies data
        includeNotePads - whether to include notepads data
        includeAttributeGroups - whether to include attributes map data
        the XML representation of this transformation
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException - if any errors occur during generation of the XML
      • loadXML

        public void loadXML​(Node transnode,
                            Repository rep,
                            boolean setInternalVariables)
                     throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses an XML DOM (starting at the specified Node) that describes the transformation.
        transnode - The XML node to load from
        rep - The repository to load the default list of database connections from (null if no repository is available)
        setInternalVariables - true if you want to set the internal variables based on this transformation information
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • loadXML

        public void loadXML​(Node transnode,
                            Repository rep,
                            boolean setInternalVariables,
                            org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace parentVariableSpace)
                     throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses an XML DOM (starting at the specified Node) that describes the transformation.
        transnode - The XML node to load from
        rep - The repository to load the default list of database connections from (null if no repository is available)
        setInternalVariables - true if you want to set the internal variables based on this transformation information
        parentVariableSpace - the parent variable space to use during TransMeta construction
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • loadXML

        public void loadXML​(Node transnode,
                            Repository rep,
                            boolean setInternalVariables,
                            org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace parentVariableSpace,
                            org.pentaho.di.core.gui.OverwritePrompter prompter)
                     throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses an XML DOM (starting at the specified Node) that describes the transformation.
        transnode - The XML node to load from
        rep - The repository to load the default list of database connections from (null if no repository is available)
        setInternalVariables - true if you want to set the internal variables based on this transformation information
        parentVariableSpace - the parent variable space to use during TransMeta construction
        prompter - the changed/replace listener or null if there is none
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • loadXML

        public void loadXML​(Node transnode,
                            String fname,
                            Repository rep,
                            boolean setInternalVariables,
                            org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace parentVariableSpace,
                            org.pentaho.di.core.gui.OverwritePrompter prompter)
                     throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses an XML DOM (starting at the specified Node) that describes the transformation.
        transnode - The XML node to load from
        fname - The filename
        rep - The repository to load the default list of database connections from (null if no repository is available)
        setInternalVariables - true if you want to set the internal variables based on this transformation information
        parentVariableSpace - the parent variable space to use during TransMeta construction
        prompter - the changed/replace listener or null if there is none
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • loadXML

        public void loadXML​(Node transnode,
                            String fname,
                            org.pentaho.metastore.api.IMetaStore metaStore,
                            Repository rep,
                            boolean setInternalVariables,
                            org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace parentVariableSpace,
                            org.pentaho.di.core.gui.OverwritePrompter prompter)
                     throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException,
        Parses an XML DOM (starting at the specified Node) that describes the transformation.
        transnode - The XML node to load from
        fname - The filename
        rep - The repository to load the default list of database connections from (null if no repository is available)
        setInternalVariables - true if you want to set the internal variables based on this transformation information
        parentVariableSpace - the parent variable space to use during TransMeta construction
        prompter - the changed/replace listener or null if there is none
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - if any errors occur during parsing of the specified file
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException - in case missing plugins were found (details are in the exception in that case)
      • getKey

        public byte[] getKey()
      • setKey

        public void setKey​(byte[] key)
      • isPrivateKey

        public boolean isPrivateKey()
      • setPrivateKey

        public void setPrivateKey​(boolean privateKey)
      • loadSharedObject

        public boolean loadSharedObject​(org.pentaho.di.shared.SharedObjectInterface object)
        loadSharedObject in class AbstractMeta
      • getTransHopSteps

        public List<StepMeta> getTransHopSteps​(boolean all)
        Gets a List of all the steps that are used in at least one active hop. These steps will be used to execute the transformation. The others will not be executed.
        Update 3.0 : we also add those steps that are not linked to another hop, but have at least one remote input or output step defined.
        all - true if you want to get ALL the steps from the transformation, false otherwise
        A List of steps
      • isStepUsedInTransHops

        public boolean isStepUsedInTransHops​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        Checks if a step has been used in a hop or not.
        stepMeta - The step queried.
        true if a step is used in a hop (active or not), false otherwise
      • isAnySelectedStepUsedInTransHops

        public boolean isAnySelectedStepUsedInTransHops()
        Checks if any selected step has been used in a hop or not.
        true if a step is used in a hop (active or not), false otherwise
      • haveStepsChanged

        public boolean haveStepsChanged()
        Checks whether or not the steps have changed.
        true if the steps have been changed, false otherwise
      • haveHopsChanged

        public boolean haveHopsChanged()
        Checks whether or not any of the hops have been changed.
        true if a hop has been changed, false otherwise
      • havePartitionSchemasChanged

        public boolean havePartitionSchemasChanged()
        Checks whether or not any of the partitioning schemas have been changed.
        true if the partitioning schemas have been changed, false otherwise
      • haveClusterSchemasChanged

        public boolean haveClusterSchemasChanged()
        Checks whether or not any of the clustering schemas have been changed.
        true if the clustering schemas have been changed, false otherwise
      • hasChanged

        public boolean hasChanged()
        Checks whether or not the transformation has changed.
        Specified by:
        hasChanged in interface ChangedFlagInterface
        hasChanged in class AbstractMeta
        true if the transformation has changed, false otherwise
      • hasLoop

        public boolean hasLoop​(StepMeta stepMeta)
        See if there are any loops in the transformation, starting at the indicated step. This works by looking at all the previous steps. If you keep going backward and find the step, there is a loop. Both the informational and the normal steps need to be checked for loops!
        stepMeta - The step position to start looking
        true if a loop has been found, false if no loop is found.
      • hasLoop

        public boolean hasLoop​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                               StepMeta lookup)
        Checks for loop.
        stepMeta - the stepmeta
        lookup - the lookup
        true, if successful
      • selectAll

        public void selectAll()
        Mark all steps in the transformation as selected.
      • unselectAll

        public void unselectAll()
        Clear the selection of all steps.
      • getSelectedStepLocations

        public org.pentaho.di.core.gui.Point[] getSelectedStepLocations()
        Get an array of all the selected step locations.
        The selected step locations.
      • getSelectedNoteLocations

        public org.pentaho.di.core.gui.Point[] getSelectedNoteLocations()
        Get an array of all the selected note locations.
        The selected note locations.
      • getSelectedSteps

        public List<StepMeta> getSelectedSteps()
        Gets a list of the selected steps.
        A list of all the selected steps.
      • getSelectedStepNames

        public String[] getSelectedStepNames()
        Gets an array of all the selected step names.
        An array of all the selected step names.
      • getStepIndexes

        public int[] getStepIndexes​(List<StepMeta> steps)
        Gets an array of the locations of an array of steps.
        steps - An array of steps
        an array of the locations of an array of steps
      • getMaximum

        public org.pentaho.di.core.gui.Point getMaximum()
        Gets the maximum size of the canvas by calculating the maximum location of a step.
        Maximum coordinate of a step in the transformation + (100,100) for safety.
      • getMinimum

        public org.pentaho.di.core.gui.Point getMinimum()
        Gets the minimum point on the canvas of a transformation.
        Minimum coordinate of a step in the transformation
      • getStepNames

        public String[] getStepNames()
        Gets the names of all the steps.
        An array of step names.
      • getStepsArray

        public StepMeta[] getStepsArray()
        Gets all the steps as an array.
        An array of all the steps in the transformation.
      • findPrevious

        public boolean findPrevious​(StepMeta startStep,
                                    StepMeta stepToFind)
        Looks in the transformation to find a step in a previous location starting somewhere.
        startStep - The starting step
        stepToFind - The step to look for backward in the transformation
        true if we can find the step in an earlier location in the transformation.
      • sortSteps

        public void sortSteps()
        Puts the steps in alphabetical order.
      • sortHops

        public void sortHops()
        Sorts all the hops in the transformation.
      • sortStepsNatural

        public Map<StepMeta,​Map<StepMeta,​Boolean>> sortStepsNatural()
        Puts the steps in a more natural order: from start to finish. For the moment, we ignore splits and joins. Splits and joins can't be listed sequentially in any case!
        a map containing all the previous steps per step
      • sortHopsNatural

        public void sortHopsNatural()
        Sorts the hops in a natural way: from beginning to end.
      • analyseImpact

        public void analyseImpact​(List<DatabaseImpact> impact,
                                  org.pentaho.di.core.ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
                           throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Determines the impact of the different steps in a transformation on databases, tables and field.
        impact - An ArrayList of DatabaseImpact objects.
        monitor - a progress monitor listener to be updated as the transformation is analyzed
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - if any errors occur during analysis
      • getAlternativeStepname

        public String getAlternativeStepname​(String stepname)
        Proposes an alternative stepname when the original already exists.
        stepname - The stepname to find an alternative for
        The suggested alternative stepname.
      • getSQLStatements

        public List<org.pentaho.di.core.SQLStatement> getSQLStatements()
                                                                throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Builds a list of all the SQL statements that this transformation needs in order to work properly.
        An ArrayList of SQLStatement objects.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - if any errors occur during SQL statement generation
      • getSQLStatements

        public List<org.pentaho.di.core.SQLStatement> getSQLStatements​(org.pentaho.di.core.ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
                                                                throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Builds a list of all the SQL statements that this transformation needs in order to work properly.
        monitor - a progress monitor listener to be updated as the SQL statements are generated
        An ArrayList of SQLStatement objects.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - if any errors occur during SQL statement generation
      • getSQLStatementsString

        public String getSQLStatementsString()
                                      throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Get the SQL statements (needed to run this transformation) as a single String.
        the SQL statements needed to run this transformation
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - if any errors occur during SQL statement generation
      • checkSteps

        public void checkSteps​(List<org.pentaho.di.core.CheckResultInterface> remarks,
                               boolean only_selected,
                               org.pentaho.di.core.ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
        Checks all the steps and fills a List of (CheckResult) remarks.
        remarks - The remarks list to add to.
        only_selected - true to check only the selected steps, false for all steps
        monitor - a progress monitor listener to be updated as the SQL statements are generated
      • checkSteps

        public void checkSteps​(List<org.pentaho.di.core.CheckResultInterface> remarks,
                               boolean only_selected,
                               org.pentaho.di.core.ProgressMonitorListener monitor,
                               org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace space,
                               Repository repository,
                               org.pentaho.metastore.api.IMetaStore metaStore)
        Checks all the steps and fills a List of (CheckResult) remarks.
        remarks - The remarks list to add to.
        only_selected - true to check only the selected steps, false for all steps
        monitor - a progress monitor listener to be updated as the SQL statements are generated
      • getResultRows

        public List<org.pentaho.di.core.RowMetaAndData> getResultRows()
        Moved to Trans to make this class stateless
        Gets the result rows.
        a list containing the result rows.
      • setResultRows

        public void setResultRows​(List<org.pentaho.di.core.RowMetaAndData> resultRows)
        Moved to Trans to make this class stateless
        Sets the list of result rows.
        resultRows - The list of result rows to set.
      • getPathAndName

        public String getPathAndName()
        Gets the repository directory path and name of the transformation.
        The repository directory path plus the name of the transformation
      • getArguments

        public String[] getArguments()
        moved to Trans
        Gets the arguments used for this transformation.
        an array of String arguments for the transformation
      • setArguments

        public void setArguments​(String[] arguments)
        moved to Trans
        Sets the arguments used for this transformation.
        arguments - The arguments to set.
      • getCounters

        public Hashtable<String,​org.pentaho.di.core.Counter> getCounters()
        moved to Trans
        Gets the counters (database sequence values, e.g.) for the transformation.
        a named table of counters.
      • setCounters

        public void setCounters​(Hashtable<String,​org.pentaho.di.core.Counter> counters)
        moved to Trans
        Sets the counters (database sequence values, e.g.) for the transformation.
        counters - The counters to set.
      • getDependencies

        public List<TransDependency> getDependencies()
        Gets a list of dependencies for the transformation
        a list of the dependencies for the transformation
      • setDependencies

        public void setDependencies​(List<TransDependency> dependencies)
        Sets the dependencies for the transformation.
        dependencies - The dependency list to set.
      • getMaxDateConnection

        public org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta getMaxDateConnection()
        Gets the database connection associated with "max date" processing. The connection, along with a specified table and field, allows for the filtering of the number of rows to process in a transformation by time, such as only processing the rows/records since the last time the transformation ran correctly. This can be used for auditing and throttling data during warehousing operations.
        Returns the meta-data associated with the most recent database connection.
      • setMaxDateConnection

        public void setMaxDateConnection​(org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta maxDateConnection)
        Sets the database connection associated with "max date" processing.
        maxDateConnection - the database meta-data to set
        See Also:
      • getMaxDateDifference

        public double getMaxDateDifference()
        Gets the maximum date difference between start and end dates for row/record processing. This can be used for auditing and throttling data during warehousing operations.
        the maximum date difference
      • setMaxDateDifference

        public void setMaxDateDifference​(double maxDateDifference)
        Sets the maximum date difference between start and end dates for row/record processing.
        maxDateDifference - The date difference to set.
        See Also:
      • getMaxDateField

        public String getMaxDateField()
        Gets the date field associated with "max date" processing. This allows for the filtering of the number of rows to process in a transformation by time, such as only processing the rows/records since the last time the transformation ran correctly. This can be used for auditing and throttling data during warehousing operations.
        a string representing the date for the most recent database connection.
        See Also:
      • setMaxDateField

        public void setMaxDateField​(String maxDateField)
        Sets the date field associated with "max date" processing.
        maxDateField - The date field to set.
        See Also:
      • getMaxDateOffset

        public double getMaxDateOffset()
        Gets the amount by which to increase the "max date" difference. This is used in "max date" processing, and can be used to provide more fine-grained control of the date range. For example, if the end date specifies a minute for which the data is not complete, you can "roll-back" the end date by one minute by
        Returns the maxDateOffset.
        See Also:
      • setMaxDateOffset

        public void setMaxDateOffset​(double maxDateOffset)
        Sets the amount by which to increase the end date in "max date" processing. This can be used to provide more fine-grained control of the date range. For example, if the end date specifies a minute for which the data is not complete, you can "roll-back" the end date by one minute by setting the offset to -60.
        maxDateOffset - The maxDateOffset to set.
      • getMaxDateTable

        public String getMaxDateTable()
        Gets the database table providing a date to be used in "max date" processing. This allows for the filtering of the number of rows to process in a transformation by time, such as only processing the rows/records since the last time the transformation ran correctly.
        Returns the maxDateTable.
        See Also:
      • setMaxDateTable

        public void setMaxDateTable​(String maxDateTable)
        Sets the table name associated with "max date" processing.
        maxDateTable - The maxDateTable to set.
        See Also:
      • getSizeRowset

        public int getSizeRowset()
        Gets the size of the rowsets.
        Returns the size of the rowsets.
      • setSizeRowset

        public void setSizeRowset​(int sizeRowset)
        Sets the size of the rowsets. This method allows you to change the size of the buffers between the connected steps in a transformation. NOTE: Do not change this parameter unless you are running low on memory, for example.
        sizeRowset - The sizeRowset to set.
      • getDbCache

        public org.pentaho.di.core.DBCache getDbCache()
        Gets the database cache object.
        the database cache object.
      • setDbCache

        public void setDbCache​(org.pentaho.di.core.DBCache dbCache)
        Sets the database cache object.
        dbCache - the database cache object to set
      • getTransversion

        public String getTransversion()
        Gets the version of the transformation.
        The version of the transformation
      • setTransversion

        public void setTransversion​(String n)
        Sets the version of the transformation.
        n - The new version description of the transformation
      • setTransstatus

        public void setTransstatus​(int n)
        Sets the status of the transformation.
        n - The new status description of the transformation
      • getTransstatus

        public int getTransstatus()
        Gets the status of the transformation.
        The status of the transformation
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Gets a textual representation of the transformation. If its name has been set, it will be returned, otherwise the classname is returned.
        toString in class Object
        the textual representation of the transformation.
      • cancelQueries

        public void cancelQueries()
                           throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException
        Cancels queries opened for checking & fieldprediction.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException - if any errors occur during query cancellation
      • getUsedArguments

        public Map<String,​String> getUsedArguments​(String[] arguments)
        Gets the arguments (and their values) used by this transformation. If argument values are supplied by parameter, the values will used for the arguments. If the values are null or empty, the method will attempt to use argument values from a previous execution.
        arguments - the values for the arguments
        A row with the used arguments (and their values) in it.
      • getSleepTimeEmpty

        public int getSleepTimeEmpty()
        Gets the amount of time (in nano-seconds) to wait while the input buffer is empty.
        the number of nano-seconds to wait while the input buffer is empty.
      • getSleepTimeFull

        public int getSleepTimeFull()
        Gets the amount of time (in nano-seconds) to wait while the input buffer is full.
        the number of nano-seconds to wait while the input buffer is full.
      • setSleepTimeEmpty

        public void setSleepTimeEmpty​(int sleepTimeEmpty)
        Sets the amount of time (in nano-seconds) to wait while the input buffer is empty.
        sleepTimeEmpty - the number of nano-seconds to wait while the input buffer is empty.
      • setSleepTimeFull

        public void setSleepTimeFull​(int sleepTimeFull)
        Sets the amount of time (in nano-seconds) to wait while the input buffer is full.
        sleepTimeFull - the number of nano-seconds to wait while the input buffer is full.
      • isDatabaseConnectionUsed

        public boolean isDatabaseConnectionUsed​(org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta databaseMeta)
        This method asks all steps in the transformation whether or not the specified database connection is used. The connection is used in the transformation if any of the steps uses it or if it is being used to log to.
        databaseMeta - The connection to check
        true if the connection is used in this transformation.
      • getStringList

        public List<StringSearchResult> getStringList​(boolean searchSteps,
                                                      boolean searchDatabases,
                                                      boolean searchNotes,
                                                      boolean includePasswords)
        Gets a list of all the strings used in this transformation. The parameters indicate which collections to search and which to exclude.
        searchSteps - true if steps should be searched, false otherwise
        searchDatabases - true if databases should be searched, false otherwise
        searchNotes - true if notes should be searched, false otherwise
        includePasswords - true if passwords should be searched, false otherwise
        a list of search results for strings used in the transformation.
      • getStringList

        public List<StringSearchResult> getStringList​(boolean searchSteps,
                                                      boolean searchDatabases,
                                                      boolean searchNotes)
        Get a list of all the strings used in this transformation. The parameters indicate which collections to search and which to exclude.
        searchSteps - true if steps should be searched, false otherwise
        searchDatabases - true if databases should be searched, false otherwise
        searchNotes - true if notes should be searched, false otherwise
        a list of search results for strings used in the transformation.
      • getUsedVariables

        public List<String> getUsedVariables()
        Gets a list of the used variables in this transformation.
        a list of the used variables in this transformation.
      • getPreviousResult

        public org.pentaho.di.core.Result getPreviousResult()
        this was moved to Trans to keep the metadata stateless
        Gets the previous result.
        the previous Result.
      • setPreviousResult

        public void setPreviousResult​(org.pentaho.di.core.Result previousResult)
        this was moved to Trans to keep the metadata stateless
        Sets the previous result.
        previousResult - The previous Result to set.
      • getResultFiles

        public List<org.pentaho.di.core.ResultFile> getResultFiles()
        this was moved to Trans to keep the metadata stateless
        Gets a list of the files in the result.
        a list of ResultFiles.
      • setResultFiles

        public void setResultFiles​(List<org.pentaho.di.core.ResultFile> resultFiles)
        this was moved to Trans to keep the metadata stateless
        Sets the list of the files in the result.
        resultFiles - The list of ResultFiles to set.
      • getPartitionSchemas

        public List<PartitionSchema> getPartitionSchemas()
        Gets a list of partition schemas for this transformation.
        a list of PartitionSchemas
      • setPartitionSchemas

        public void setPartitionSchemas​(List<PartitionSchema> partitionSchemas)
        Sets the list of partition schemas for this transformation.
        partitionSchemas - the list of PartitionSchemas to set
      • getPartitionSchemasNames

        public String[] getPartitionSchemasNames()
        Gets the partition schemas' names.
        a String array containing the available partition schema names.
      • isFeedbackShown

        public boolean isFeedbackShown()
        Checks if is feedback shown.
        true if feedback is shown, false otherwise
      • setFeedbackShown

        public void setFeedbackShown​(boolean feedbackShown)
        Sets whether the feedback should be shown.
        feedbackShown - true if feedback should be shown, false otherwise
      • getFeedbackSize

        public int getFeedbackSize()
        Gets the feedback size.
        the feedback size
      • setFeedbackSize

        public void setFeedbackSize​(int feedbackSize)
        Sets the feedback size.
        feedbackSize - the feedback size to set
      • isUsingUniqueConnections

        public boolean isUsingUniqueConnections()
        Checks if the transformation is using unique database connections.
        true if the transformation is using unique database connections, false otherwise
      • setUsingUniqueConnections

        public void setUsingUniqueConnections​(boolean usingUniqueConnections)
        Sets whether the transformation is using unique database connections.
        usingUniqueConnections - true if the transformation is using unique database connections, false otherwise
      • getClusterSchemas

        public List<ClusterSchema> getClusterSchemas()
        Gets a list of the cluster schemas used by the transformation.
        a list of ClusterSchemas
      • setClusterSchemas

        public void setClusterSchemas​(List<ClusterSchema> clusterSchemas)
        Sets list of the cluster schemas used by the transformation.
        clusterSchemas - the list of ClusterSchemas to set
      • getClusterSchemaNames

        public String[] getClusterSchemaNames()
        Gets the cluster schema names.
        a String array containing the cluster schemas' names
      • findPartitionSchema

        public PartitionSchema findPartitionSchema​(String name)
        Find a partition schema using its name.
        name - The name of the partition schema to look for.
        the partition with the specified name of null if nothing was found
      • findClusterSchema

        public ClusterSchema findClusterSchema​(String name)
        Find a clustering schema using its name.
        name - The name of the clustering schema to look for.
        the cluster schema with the specified name of null if nothing was found
      • addOrReplacePartitionSchema

        public void addOrReplacePartitionSchema​(PartitionSchema partitionSchema)
        Add a new partition schema to the transformation if that didn't exist yet. Otherwise, replace it.
        partitionSchema - The partition schema to be added.
      • addOrReplacePartitionSchema

        public void addOrReplacePartitionSchema​(List<PartitionSchema> partitionSchemas)
        Add a new partition schemas to the transformation if that didn't exist yet. Otherwise, replace it.
        partitionSchemas - List of partition schema to be added.
      • addOrReplaceClusterSchema

        public void addOrReplaceClusterSchema​(ClusterSchema clusterSchema)
        Add a new cluster schema to the transformation if that didn't exist yet. Otherwise, replace it.
        clusterSchema - The cluster schema to be added.
      • isUsingThreadPriorityManagment

        public boolean isUsingThreadPriorityManagment()
        Checks whether the transformation is using thread priority management.
        true if the transformation is using thread priority management, false otherwise
      • setUsingThreadPriorityManagment

        public void setUsingThreadPriorityManagment​(boolean usingThreadPriorityManagment)
        Sets whether the transformation is using thread priority management.
        usingThreadPriorityManagment - true if the transformation is using thread priority management, false otherwise
      • checkRowMixingStatically

        public void checkRowMixingStatically​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                             org.pentaho.di.core.ProgressMonitorListener monitor)
                                      throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleRowException
        Check a step to see if there are no multiple steps to read from. If so, check to see if the receiving rows are all the same in layout. We only want to ONLY use the DBCache for this to prevent GUI stalls.
        stepMeta - the step to check
        monitor - the monitor
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleRowException - in case we detect a row mixing violation
      • setInternalKettleVariables

        public void setInternalKettleVariables​(org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace var)
        Sets the internal kettle variables.
        Specified by:
        setInternalKettleVariables in class AbstractMeta
        var - the new internal kettle variables
      • setInternalNameKettleVariable

        protected void setInternalNameKettleVariable​(org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace var)
        Sets the internal name kettle variable.
        Specified by:
        setInternalNameKettleVariable in class AbstractMeta
        var - the new internal name kettle variable
      • setInternalFilenameKettleVariables

        protected void setInternalFilenameKettleVariables​(org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace var)
        Sets the internal filename kettle variables.
        Specified by:
        setInternalFilenameKettleVariables in class AbstractMeta
        var - the new internal filename kettle variables
      • setInternalEntryCurrentDirectory

        protected void setInternalEntryCurrentDirectory()
      • findMappingInputStep

        public StepMeta findMappingInputStep​(String stepname)
                                      throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Finds the mapping input step with the specified name. If no mapping input step is found, null is returned
        stepname - the name to search for
        the step meta-data corresponding to the desired mapping input step, or null if no step was found
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - if any errors occur during the search
      • findMappingOutputStep

        public StepMeta findMappingOutputStep​(String stepname)
                                       throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Finds the mapping output step with the specified name. If no mapping output step is found, null is returned.
        stepname - the name to search for
        the step meta-data corresponding to the desired mapping input step, or null if no step was found
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException - if any errors occur during the search
      • getResourceDependencies

        public List<ResourceReference> getResourceDependencies()
        Gets a list of the resource dependencies.
        a list of ResourceReferences
      • exportResources

        public String exportResources​(org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace space,
                                      Map<String,​ResourceDefinition> definitions,
                                      ResourceNamingInterface resourceNamingInterface,
                                      Repository repository,
                                      org.pentaho.metastore.api.IMetaStore metaStore)
                               throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException
        Exports the specified objects to a flat-file system, adding content with filename keys to a set of definitions. The supplied resource naming interface allows the object to name appropriately without worrying about those parts of the implementation specific details.
        Specified by:
        exportResources in interface ResourceExportInterface
        space - the variable space to use
        definitions -
        resourceNamingInterface -
        repository - The repository to optionally load other resources from (to be converted to XML)
        metaStore - the metaStore in which non-kettle metadata could reside.
        the filename of the exported resource
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException - in case something goes wrong during the export
      • getSlaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution

        public SlaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution getSlaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution()
        Gets the slave step copy partition distribution.
        the SlaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution
      • setSlaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution

        public void setSlaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution​(SlaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution slaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution)
        Sets the slave step copy partition distribution.
        slaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution - the slaveStepCopyPartitionDistribution to set
      • findFirstUsedClusterSchema

        public ClusterSchema findFirstUsedClusterSchema()
        Finds the first used cluster schema.
        the first used cluster schema
      • isSlaveTransformation

        public boolean isSlaveTransformation()
        Checks whether the transformation is a slave transformation.
        true if the transformation is a slave transformation, false otherwise
      • setSlaveTransformation

        public void setSlaveTransformation​(boolean slaveTransformation)
        Sets whether the transformation is a slave transformation.
        slaveTransformation - true if the transformation is a slave transformation, false otherwise
      • isCapturingStepPerformanceSnapShots

        public boolean isCapturingStepPerformanceSnapShots()
        Checks whether the transformation is capturing step performance snapshots.
        true if the transformation is capturing step performance snapshots, false otherwise
      • setCapturingStepPerformanceSnapShots

        public void setCapturingStepPerformanceSnapShots​(boolean capturingStepPerformanceSnapShots)
        Sets whether the transformation is capturing step performance snapshots.
        capturingStepPerformanceSnapShots - true if the transformation is capturing step performance snapshots, false otherwise
      • getStepPerformanceCapturingDelay

        public long getStepPerformanceCapturingDelay()
        Gets the step performance capturing delay.
        the step performance capturing delay
      • setStepPerformanceCapturingDelay

        public void setStepPerformanceCapturingDelay​(long stepPerformanceCapturingDelay)
        Sets the step performance capturing delay.
        stepPerformanceCapturingDelay - the stepPerformanceCapturingDelay to set
      • getStepPerformanceCapturingSizeLimit

        public String getStepPerformanceCapturingSizeLimit()
        Gets the step performance capturing size limit.
        the step performance capturing size limit
      • setStepPerformanceCapturingSizeLimit

        public void setStepPerformanceCapturingSizeLimit​(String stepPerformanceCapturingSizeLimit)
        Sets the step performance capturing size limit.
        stepPerformanceCapturingSizeLimit - the step performance capturing size limit to set
      • clearCaches

        public void clearCaches()
        Clears the step fields and loop caches.
      • getRepositoryElementType

        public org.pentaho.di.repository.RepositoryObjectType getRepositoryElementType()
        Gets the repository element type.
        Specified by:
        getRepositoryElementType in interface org.pentaho.di.repository.RepositoryElementInterface
        the repository element type
        See Also:
      • getLogChannel

        public org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LogChannelInterface getLogChannel()
        Gets the log channel.
        the log channel
      • getLogChannelId

        public String getLogChannelId()
        Gets the log channel ID.
        Specified by:
        getLogChannelId in interface org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LoggingObjectInterface
        the log channel ID
        See Also:
      • getObjectType

        public org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LoggingObjectType getObjectType()
        Gets the object type.
        Specified by:
        getObjectType in interface org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LoggingObjectInterface
        the object type
        See Also:
      • getTransLogTable

        public TransLogTable getTransLogTable()
        Gets the log table for the transformation.
        the log table for the transformation
      • setTransLogTable

        public void setTransLogTable​(TransLogTable transLogTable)
        Sets the log table for the transformation.
        transLogTable - the log table to set
      • getPerformanceLogTable

        public PerformanceLogTable getPerformanceLogTable()
        Gets the performance log table for the transformation.
        the performance log table for the transformation
      • setPerformanceLogTable

        public void setPerformanceLogTable​(PerformanceLogTable performanceLogTable)
        Sets the performance log table for the transformation.
        performanceLogTable - the performance log table to set
      • getStepLogTable

        public StepLogTable getStepLogTable()
        Gets the step log table for the transformation.
        the step log table for the transformation
      • setStepLogTable

        public void setStepLogTable​(StepLogTable stepLogTable)
        Sets the step log table for the transformation.
        stepLogTable - the step log table to set
      • getLogTables

        public List<LogTableInterface> getLogTables()
        Gets a list of the log tables (transformation, step, performance, channel) for the transformation.
        a list of LogTableInterfaces for the transformation
      • getTransformationType

        public TransMeta.TransformationType getTransformationType()
        Gets the transformation type.
        the transformationType
      • setTransformationType

        public void setTransformationType​(TransMeta.TransformationType transformationType)
        Sets the transformation type.
        transformationType - the transformationType to set
      • writeXML

        public void writeXML​(String filename)
                      throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException
        Utility method to write the XML of this transformation to a file, mostly for testing purposes.
        filename - The filename to save to
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - in case something goes wrong.
      • hasRepositoryReferences

        public boolean hasRepositoryReferences()
        Checks whether the transformation has repository references.
        true if the transformation has repository references, false otherwise
      • lookupRepositoryReferences

        public void lookupRepositoryReferences​(Repository repository)
                                        throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException
        Looks up the references after a repository import.
        repository - the repository to reference.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException - the kettle exception
      • getMetricsLogTable

        public MetricsLogTable getMetricsLogTable()
        the metricsLogTable
      • setMetricsLogTable

        public void setMetricsLogTable​(MetricsLogTable metricsLogTable)
        metricsLogTable - the metricsLogTable to set
      • isGatheringMetrics

        public boolean isGatheringMetrics()
        Specified by:
        isGatheringMetrics in interface org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LoggingObjectInterface
      • setGatheringMetrics

        public void setGatheringMetrics​(boolean gatheringMetrics)
        Specified by:
        setGatheringMetrics in interface org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LoggingObjectInterface
      • isForcingSeparateLogging

        public boolean isForcingSeparateLogging()
        Specified by:
        isForcingSeparateLogging in interface org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LoggingObjectInterface
      • setForcingSeparateLogging

        public void setForcingSeparateLogging​(boolean forcingSeparateLogging)
        Specified by:
        setForcingSeparateLogging in interface org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LoggingObjectInterface
      • notifyAllListeners

        public void notifyAllListeners​(StepMeta oldMeta,
                                       StepMeta newMeta)
      • containsStepMeta

        public boolean containsStepMeta​(StepMeta stepMeta)
      • addMissingTrans

        public void addMissingTrans​(MissingTrans trans)
      • removeMissingTrans

        public void removeMissingTrans​(MissingTrans trans)
      • getCacheVersion

        public int getCacheVersion()
                            throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException