Class SynchronizeAfterMergeMeta

    • Constructor Detail

      • SynchronizeAfterMergeMeta

        public SynchronizeAfterMergeMeta()
    • Method Detail

      • setConnection

        public void setConnection​(String connectionName)
      • setUseBatchUpdate

        public void setUseBatchUpdate​(boolean useBatchUpdate)
        useBatchUpdate - The useBatchUpdate flag to set.
      • useBatchUpdate

        public boolean useBatchUpdate()
        Returns the useBatchUpdate flag.
      • setPerformLookup

        public void setPerformLookup​(boolean performLookup)
        performLookup - The performLookup flag to set.
      • isPerformLookup

        public boolean isPerformLookup()
        Returns the performLookup flag.
      • istablenameInField

        public boolean istablenameInField()
      • settablenameInField

        public void settablenameInField​(boolean tablenamefield)
      • gettablenameField

        public String gettablenameField()
      • getOperationOrderField

        public String getOperationOrderField()
      • getOrderInsert

        public String getOrderInsert()
      • getOrderUpdate

        public String getOrderUpdate()
      • getOrderDelete

        public String getOrderDelete()
      • setOrderInsert

        public void setOrderInsert​(String insert)
      • setOrderUpdate

        public void setOrderUpdate​(String update)
      • setOrderDelete

        public void setOrderDelete​(String delete)
      • setOperationOrderField

        public void setOperationOrderField​(String operationOrderField)
      • settablenameField

        public void settablenameField​(String tablenamefield)
      • getCommitSize

        public String getCommitSize()
        Returns the commitSize.
      • setCommitSize

        public void setCommitSize​(int commitSize)
        commitSize - The commitSize to set.
      • setCommitSize

        public void setCommitSize​(String commitSize)
        commitSize - The commitSize to set.
      • getDatabaseMeta

        public org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta getDatabaseMeta()
        Specified by:
        getDatabaseMeta in class BaseDatabaseStepMeta
        Returns the database.
      • setDatabaseMeta

        public void setDatabaseMeta​(org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta database)
        database - The database to set.
      • getKeyCondition

        public String[] getKeyCondition()
        Returns the keyCondition.
      • setKeyCondition

        public void setKeyCondition​(String[] keyCondition)
        keyCondition - The keyCondition to set.
      • getKeyLookup

        public String[] getKeyLookup()
        Returns the keyLookup.
      • setKeyLookup

        public void setKeyLookup​(String[] keyLookup)
        keyLookup - The keyLookup to set.
      • getKeyStream

        public String[] getKeyStream()
        Returns the keyStream.
      • setKeyStream

        public void setKeyStream​(String[] keyStream)
        keyStream - The keyStream to set.
      • getKeyStream2

        public String[] getKeyStream2()
        Returns the keyStream2.
      • setKeyStream2

        public void setKeyStream2​(String[] keyStream2)
        keyStream2 - The keyStream2 to set.
      • getTableName

        public String getTableName()
        Returns the tableName.
      • setTableName

        public void setTableName​(String tableName)
        tableName - The tableName to set.
      • getUpdateLookup

        public String[] getUpdateLookup()
        Returns the updateLookup.
      • setUpdateLookup

        public void setUpdateLookup​(String[] updateLookup)
        updateLookup - The updateLookup to set.
      • getUpdateStream

        public String[] getUpdateStream()
        Returns the updateStream.
      • setUpdateStream

        public void setUpdateStream​(String[] updateStream)
        updateStream - The updateStream to set.
      • getUpdate

        public Boolean[] getUpdate()
      • setUpdate

        public void setUpdate​(Boolean[] update)
      • normalizeAllocationFields

        public void normalizeAllocationFields()
      • loadXML

        public void loadXML​(Node stepnode,
                            List<org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta> databases,
                            org.pentaho.metastore.api.IMetaStore metaStore)
                     throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException
        Description copied from interface: StepMetaInterface
        Load the values for this step from an XML Node
        Specified by:
        loadXML in interface StepMetaInterface
        loadXML in class BaseStepMeta
        stepnode - the Node to get the info from
        databases - The available list of databases to reference to
        metaStore - the metastore to optionally load external reference metadata from
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException - When an unexpected XML error occurred. (malformed etc.)
      • allocate

        public void allocate​(int nrkeys,
                             int nrvalues)
      • getXML

        public String getXML()
        Description copied from class: BaseStepMeta
        Produces the XML string that describes this step's information.
        Specified by:
        getXML in interface StepMetaInterface
        getXML in class BaseStepMeta
        String containing the XML describing this step.
      • readRep

        public void readRep​(Repository rep,
                            org.pentaho.metastore.api.IMetaStore metaStore,
                            org.pentaho.di.repository.ObjectId id_step,
                            List<org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta> databases)
                     throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException
        Description copied from interface: StepMetaInterface
        Read the steps information from a Kettle repository
        Specified by:
        readRep in interface StepMetaInterface
        readRep in class BaseStepMeta
        rep - The repository to read from
        metaStore - The MetaStore to read external information from
        id_step - The step ID
        databases - The databases to reference
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException - When an unexpected error occurred (database, network, etc)
      • saveRep

        public void saveRep​(Repository rep,
                            org.pentaho.metastore.api.IMetaStore metaStore,
                            org.pentaho.di.repository.ObjectId id_transformation,
                            org.pentaho.di.repository.ObjectId id_step)
                     throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException
        Description copied from interface: StepMetaInterface
        Save the steps data into a Kettle repository
        Specified by:
        saveRep in interface StepMetaInterface
        saveRep in class BaseStepMeta
        rep - The Kettle repository to save to
        metaStore - the metaStore to optionally write to
        id_transformation - The transformation ID
        id_step - The step ID
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException - When an unexpected error occurred (database, network, etc)
      • check

        public void check​(List<org.pentaho.di.core.CheckResultInterface> remarks,
                          TransMeta transMeta,
                          StepMeta stepMeta,
                          org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface prev,
                          String[] input,
                          String[] output,
                          org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface info,
                          org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace space,
                          Repository repository,
                          org.pentaho.metastore.api.IMetaStore metaStore)
        Description copied from interface: StepMetaInterface
        Checks the settings of this step and puts the findings in a remarks List.
        Specified by:
        check in interface StepMetaInterface
        check in class BaseStepMeta
        remarks - The list to put the remarks in @see org.pentaho.di.core.CheckResult
        stepMeta - The stepMeta to help checking
        prev - The fields coming from the previous step
        input - The input step names
        output - The output step names
        info - The fields that are used as information by the step
        space - the variable space to resolve variable expressions with
        repository - the repository to use to load Kettle metadata objects impacting the output fields
        metaStore - the MetaStore to use to load additional external data or metadata impacting the output fields
      • getSQLStatements

        public org.pentaho.di.core.SQLStatement getSQLStatements​(TransMeta transMeta,
                                                                 StepMeta stepMeta,
                                                                 org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface prev,
                                                                 Repository repository,
                                                                 org.pentaho.metastore.api.IMetaStore metaStore)
                                                          throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Description copied from class: BaseStepMeta
        Standard method to return an SQLStatement object with SQL statements that the step needs in order to work correctly. This can mean "create table", "create index" statements but also "alter table ... add/drop/modify" statements.
        Specified by:
        getSQLStatements in interface StepMetaInterface
        getSQLStatements in class BaseStepMeta
        transMeta - TransInfo object containing the complete transformation
        stepMeta - StepMeta object containing the complete step
        prev - Row containing meta-data for the input fields (no data)
        repository - the repository to use to load Kettle metadata objects impacting the output fields
        metaStore - the MetaStore to use to load additional external data or metadata impacting the output fields
        The SQL Statements for this step. If nothing has to be done, the SQLStatement.getSQL() == null. @see SQLStatement
      • analyseImpact

        public void analyseImpact​(List<DatabaseImpact> impact,
                                  TransMeta transMeta,
                                  StepMeta stepMeta,
                                  org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface prev,
                                  String[] input,
                                  String[] output,
                                  org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface info,
                                  Repository repository,
                                  org.pentaho.metastore.api.IMetaStore metaStore)
                           throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException
        Description copied from class: BaseStepMeta
        Each step must be able to report on the impact it has on a database, table field, etc.
        Specified by:
        analyseImpact in interface StepMetaInterface
        analyseImpact in class BaseStepMeta
        impact - The list of impacts @see org.pentaho.di.transMeta.DatabaseImpact
        transMeta - The transformation information
        stepMeta - The step information
        prev - The fields entering this step
        input - The previous step names
        output - The output step names
        info - The fields used as information by this step
        repository - the repository to use to load Kettle metadata objects impacting the output fields
        metaStore - the MetaStore to use to load additional external data or metadata impacting the output fields
      • getStep

        public StepInterface getStep​(StepMeta stepMeta,
                                     StepDataInterface stepDataInterface,
                                     int cnr,
                                     TransMeta transMeta,
                                     Trans trans)
        Description copied from interface: StepMetaInterface
        Get the executing step, needed by Trans to launch a step.
        Specified by:
        getStep in interface StepMetaInterface
        stepMeta - The step info
        stepDataInterface - the step data interface linked to this step. Here the step can store temporary data, database connections, etc.
        cnr - The copy nr to get
        transMeta - The transformation info
        trans - The launching transformation
      • getStepData

        public StepDataInterface getStepData()
        Description copied from interface: StepMetaInterface
        Get a new instance of the appropriate data class. This data class implements the StepDataInterface. It basically contains the persisting data that needs to live on, even if a worker thread is terminated.
        Specified by:
        getStepData in interface StepMetaInterface
        The appropriate StepDataInterface class.
      • getUsedDatabaseConnections

        public org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta[] getUsedDatabaseConnections()
        Description copied from class: BaseStepMeta
        This method returns all the database connections that are used by the step.
        Specified by:
        getUsedDatabaseConnections in interface StepMetaInterface
        getUsedDatabaseConnections in class BaseStepMeta
        an array of database connections meta-data. Return an empty array if no connections are used.
      • getRequiredFields

        public org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface getRequiredFields​(org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace space)
                                                                   throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException
        Description copied from class: BaseStepMeta
        The natural way of data flow in a transformation is source-to-target. However, this makes mapping to target tables difficult to do. To help out here, we supply information to the transformation meta-data model about which fields are required for a step. This allows us to automate certain tasks like the mapping to pre-defined tables. The Table Output step in this case will output the fields in the target table using this method.

        This default implementation returns an empty row meaning that no fields are required for this step to operate.

        Specified by:
        getRequiredFields in interface StepMetaInterface
        getRequiredFields in class BaseStepMeta
        space - the variable space to use to do variable substitution.
        the required fields for this steps meta data.
        org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException - in case the required fields can't be determined
      • getSchemaName

        public String getSchemaName()
        the schemaName
      • setSchemaName

        public void setSchemaName​(String schemaName)
        schemaName - the schemaName to set
      • afterInjectionSynchronization

        public void afterInjectionSynchronization()
        If we use injection we can have different arrays lengths. We need synchronize them for consistency behavior with UI