Class RowMeta

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, RowMetaInterface

public class RowMeta extends Object implements RowMetaInterface
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • clone

      public RowMeta clone()
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Clone this RowMetaInterface object.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface RowMetaInterface
      clone in class Object
      a copy of this RowMetaInterface object
    • cloneToType

      public RowMetaInterface cloneToType(int targetType) throws KettleValueException
      This method copies the row metadata and sets all values to the specified type (usually String)
      Specified by:
      cloneToType in interface RowMetaInterface
      targetType - The target type
      The cloned metadata
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getValueMetaList

      public List<ValueMetaInterface> getValueMetaList()
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Gets the value meta list.
      Specified by:
      getValueMetaList in interface RowMetaInterface
      the list of value metadata
    • setValueMetaList

      public void setValueMetaList(List<ValueMetaInterface> valueMetaList)
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Sets the value meta list.
      Specified by:
      setValueMetaList in interface RowMetaInterface
      valueMetaList - the list of valueMeta to set
    • size

      public int size()
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Returns the size of the metadata row.
      Specified by:
      size in interface RowMetaInterface
      the number of values in the row
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Returns true if there are no elements in the row metadata.
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface RowMetaInterface
      true if there are no elements in the row metadata
    • exists

      public boolean exists(ValueMetaInterface meta)
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Check if a value is already present in this row with the same name.
      Specified by:
      exists in interface RowMetaInterface
      meta - the value to check for existence
      true if a value with the same name already exists in the row
    • addValueMeta

      public void addValueMeta(ValueMetaInterface meta)
      Add a metadata value. If a value with the same name already exists, it gets renamed.
      Specified by:
      addValueMeta in interface RowMetaInterface
      meta - The metadata value to add
    • addValueMeta

      public void addValueMeta(int index, ValueMetaInterface meta)
      Add a metadata value on a certain location in the row. If a value with the same name already exists, it gets renamed. Remember to change the data row according to this.
      Specified by:
      addValueMeta in interface RowMetaInterface
      index - The index where the metadata value needs to be put in the row
      meta - The metadata value to add to the row
    • getValueMeta

      public ValueMetaInterface getValueMeta(int index)
      Get the value metadata on the specified index.
      Specified by:
      getValueMeta in interface RowMetaInterface
      index - The index to get the value metadata from
      The value metadata specified by the index.
    • setValueMeta

      public void setValueMeta(int index, ValueMetaInterface valueMeta)
      Replaces a value meta entry in the row metadata with another one
      Specified by:
      setValueMeta in interface RowMetaInterface
      index - The index in the row to replace at
      valueMeta - the metadata to replace with
    • getString

      public String getString(Object[] dataRow, int index) throws KettleValueException
      Get a String value from a row of data. Convert data if this needed.
      Specified by:
      getString in interface RowMetaInterface
      dataRow - the row of data
      index - the index
      The string found on that position in the row
      KettleValueException - in case there was a problem converting the data.
    • getInteger

      public Long getInteger(Object[] dataRow, int index) throws KettleValueException
      Get an Integer value from a row of data. Convert data if this needed.
      Specified by:
      getInteger in interface RowMetaInterface
      dataRow - the row of data
      index - the index
      The integer found on that position in the row
      KettleValueException - in case there was a problem converting the data.
    • getNumber

      public Double getNumber(Object[] dataRow, int index) throws KettleValueException
      Get a Number value from a row of data. Convert data if this needed.
      Specified by:
      getNumber in interface RowMetaInterface
      dataRow - the row of data
      index - the index
      The number found on that position in the row
      KettleValueException - in case there was a problem converting the data.
    • getDate

      public Date getDate(Object[] dataRow, int index) throws KettleValueException
      Get a Date value from a row of data. Convert data if this needed.
      Specified by:
      getDate in interface RowMetaInterface
      dataRow - the row of data
      index - the index
      The date found on that position in the row
      KettleValueException - in case there was a problem converting the data.
    • getBigNumber

      public BigDecimal getBigNumber(Object[] dataRow, int index) throws KettleValueException
      Get a BigNumber value from a row of data. Convert data if this needed.
      Specified by:
      getBigNumber in interface RowMetaInterface
      dataRow - the row of data
      index - the index
      The bignumber found on that position in the row
      KettleValueException - in case there was a problem converting the data.
    • getBoolean

      public Boolean getBoolean(Object[] dataRow, int index) throws KettleValueException
      Get a Boolean value from a row of data. Convert data if this needed.
      Specified by:
      getBoolean in interface RowMetaInterface
      dataRow - the row of data
      index - the index
      The boolean found on that position in the row
      KettleValueException - in case there was a problem converting the data.
    • getBinary

      public byte[] getBinary(Object[] dataRow, int index) throws KettleValueException
      Get a Binary value from a row of data. Convert data if this needed.
      Specified by:
      getBinary in interface RowMetaInterface
      dataRow - the row of data
      index - the index
      The binary found on that position in the row
      KettleValueException - in case there was a problem converting the data.
    • isNull

      public boolean isNull(Object[] dataRow, int index) throws KettleValueException
      Determines whether a value in a row is null. A value is null when the object is null or when it's an empty String
      Specified by:
      isNull in interface RowMetaInterface
      dataRow - The row of data
      index - the index to reference
      true if the value on the index is null.
      KettleValueException - in case there is a conversion error (only thrown in case of lazy conversion)
    • cloneRow

      public Object[] cloneRow(Object[] objects) throws KettleValueException
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Clone row.
      Specified by:
      cloneRow in interface RowMetaInterface
      objects - object to clone
      a cloned Object[] object.
      KettleValueException - in case something is not quite right with the expected data
    • cloneRow

      public Object[] cloneRow(Object[] objects, Object[] newObjects) throws KettleValueException
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Clone row.
      Specified by:
      cloneRow in interface RowMetaInterface
      objects - objects to clone
      newObjects - objects to clone to
      a cloned Object[] object.
      KettleValueException - in case something is not quite right with the expected data
    • getString

      public String getString(Object[] dataRow, String valueName, String defaultValue) throws KettleValueException
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Gets the string.
      Specified by:
      getString in interface RowMetaInterface
      dataRow - the data row
      valueName - the value name
      defaultValue - the default value
      the string
      KettleValueException - the kettle value exception
    • getInteger

      public Long getInteger(Object[] dataRow, String valueName, Long defaultValue) throws KettleValueException
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Gets the integer.
      Specified by:
      getInteger in interface RowMetaInterface
      dataRow - the data row
      valueName - the value name
      defaultValue - the default value
      the integer
      KettleValueException - the kettle value exception
    • getDate

      public Date getDate(Object[] dataRow, String valueName, Date defaultValue) throws KettleValueException
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Gets the date.
      Specified by:
      getDate in interface RowMetaInterface
      dataRow - the data row
      valueName - the value name
      defaultValue - the default value
      the date
      KettleValueException - the kettle value exception
    • indexOfValue

      public int indexOfValue(String valueName)
      Searches the index of a value meta with a given name
      Specified by:
      indexOfValue in interface RowMetaInterface
      valueName - the name of the value metadata to look for
      the index or -1 in case we didn't find the value
    • searchValueMeta

      public ValueMetaInterface searchValueMeta(String valueName)
      Searches for a value with a certain name in the value meta list
      Specified by:
      searchValueMeta in interface RowMetaInterface
      valueName - The value name to search for
      The value metadata or null if nothing was found
    • addRowMeta

      public void addRowMeta(RowMetaInterface rowMeta)
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Add a number of fields from another row (append to the end).
      Specified by:
      addRowMeta in interface RowMetaInterface
      rowMeta - The row of metadata values to add
    • mergeRowMeta

      public void mergeRowMeta(RowMetaInterface r)
      Merge the values of row r to this Row. The values that are not yet in the row are added unchanged. The values that are in the row are renamed to name_2, name_3, etc.
      Specified by:
      mergeRowMeta in interface RowMetaInterface
      r - The row to be merged with this row
    • mergeRowMeta

      public void mergeRowMeta(RowMetaInterface r, String originStepName)
      Merge the values of row r to this Row. The fields that are not yet in the row are added unchanged. The fields that are in the row are renamed to name_2, name_3, etc. If the fields are renamed, the provided originStepName will be assigned as the origin step for those fields.
      Specified by:
      mergeRowMeta in interface RowMetaInterface
      r - The row to be merged with this row
      originStepName - The name to use as the origin step
    • getFieldNames

      public String[] getFieldNames()
      Get an array of the names of all the Values in the Row.
      Specified by:
      getFieldNames in interface RowMetaInterface
      an array of Strings: the names of all the Values in the Row.
    • writeData

      public void writeData(DataOutputStream outputStream, Object[] data) throws KettleFileException
      Write ONLY the specified data to the outputStream
      Specified by:
      writeData in interface RowMetaInterface
      outputStream - the outputstream to write to
      data - the data to write after the metadata
      KettleFileException - in case things go awry
    • writeMeta

      public void writeMeta(DataOutputStream outputStream) throws KettleFileException
      Write ONLY the specified metadata to the outputStream
      Specified by:
      writeMeta in interface RowMetaInterface
      outputStream - the outputstream to write to
      KettleFileException - in case things go awry
    • readData

      public Object[] readData(DataInputStream inputStream) throws KettleFileException, SocketTimeoutException
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      De-serialize a row of data (no metadata is read) from an input stream.
      Specified by:
      readData in interface RowMetaInterface
      inputStream - the inputstream to read from
      a new row of data
      KettleFileException - in case a I/O error occurs
      SocketTimeoutException - In case there is a timeout during reading.
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Clear the row metadata.
      Specified by:
      clear in interface RowMetaInterface
    • removeValueMeta

      public void removeValueMeta(String valueName) throws KettleValueException
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Remove a value with a certain name from the row metadata.
      Specified by:
      removeValueMeta in interface RowMetaInterface
      valueName - the name of the value metadata to remove
      KettleValueException - in case the value couldn't be found in the row metadata
    • removeValueMeta

      public void removeValueMeta(int index)
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Remove a value metadata object on a certain index in the row.
      Specified by:
      removeValueMeta in interface RowMetaInterface
      index - the index to remove the value metadata from
    • toStringMeta

      public String toStringMeta()
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      To string meta.
      Specified by:
      toStringMeta in interface RowMetaInterface
      a string with a description of all the metadata values of the complete row of metadata
    • getString

      public String getString(Object[] row) throws KettleValueException
      Get the string representation of the data in a row of data
      Specified by:
      getString in interface RowMetaInterface
      row - the row of data to convert to string
      the row of data in string form
      KettleValueException - in case of a conversion error
    • getFieldNamesAndTypes

      public String[] getFieldNamesAndTypes(int maxlen)
      Get an array of strings showing the name of the values in the row padded to a maximum length, followed by the types of the values.
      Specified by:
      getFieldNamesAndTypes in interface RowMetaInterface
      maxlen - The length to which the name will be padded.
      an array of strings: the names and the types of the fieldnames in the row.
    • compare

      public int compare(Object[] rowData1, Object[] rowData2, int[] fieldnrs) throws KettleValueException
      Compare 2 rows with each other using certain values in the rows and also considering the specified ascending clauses of the value metadata.
      Specified by:
      compare in interface RowMetaInterface
      rowData1 - The first row of data
      rowData2 - The second row of data
      fieldnrs - the fields to compare on (in that order)
      0 if the rows are considered equal, -1 is data1 is smaller, 1 if data2 is smaller.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object[] rowData1, Object[] rowData2, int[] fieldnrs) throws KettleValueException
      Compare 2 rows with each other for equality using certain values in the rows and also considering the case sensitivity flag.
      Specified by:
      equals in interface RowMetaInterface
      rowData1 - The first row of data
      rowData2 - The second row of data
      fieldnrs - the fields to compare on (in that order)
      true if the rows are considered equal, false if they are not.
    • compare

      public int compare(Object[] rowData1, Object[] rowData2, int[] fieldnrs1, int[] fieldnrs2) throws KettleValueException
      Compare 2 rows with each other using certain values in the rows and also considering the specified ascending clauses of the value metadata.
      Specified by:
      compare in interface RowMetaInterface
      rowData1 - The first row of data
      rowData2 - The second row of data
      fieldnrs1 - The indexes of the values to compare in the first row
      fieldnrs2 - The indexes of the values to compare with in the second row
      0 if the rows are considered equal, -1 is data1 is smaller, 1 if data2 is smaller.
    • compare

      public int compare(Object[] rowData1, RowMetaInterface rowMeta2, Object[] rowData2, int[] fieldnrs1, int[] fieldnrs2) throws KettleValueException
      Compare 2 rows with each other using certain values in the rows and also considering the specified ascending clauses of the value metadata.
      Specified by:
      compare in interface RowMetaInterface
      rowData1 - The first row of data
      rowMeta2 - the metadata of the second row of data
      rowData2 - The second row of data
      fieldnrs1 - The indexes of the values to compare in the first row
      fieldnrs2 - The indexes of the values to compare with in the second row
      0 if the rows are considered equal, -1 is data1 is smaller, 1 if data2 is smaller.
    • compare

      public int compare(Object[] rowData1, Object[] rowData2) throws KettleValueException
      Compare 2 rows with each other using all values in the rows and also considering the specified ascending clauses of the value metadata.
      Specified by:
      compare in interface RowMetaInterface
      rowData1 - The first row of data
      rowData2 - The second row of data
      0 if the rows are considered equal, -1 is data1 is smaller, 1 if data2 is smaller.
    • oldXORHashCode

      @Deprecated public int oldXORHashCode(Object[] rowData) throws KettleValueException
      Calculate a hashCode of the content (not the index) of the data specified NOTE: This method uses a simple XOR of the individual hashCodes which can result in a lot of collisions for similar types of data (e.g. [A,B] == [B,A] and is not suitable for normal use. It is kept to provide backward compatibility with CombinationLookup.lookupValues()
      Specified by:
      oldXORHashCode in interface RowMetaInterface
      rowData - The data to calculate a hashCode with
      the calculated hashCode
      KettleValueException - in case there is a data conversion error
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode(Object[] rowData) throws KettleValueException
      Calculates a simple hashCode of all the native data objects in the supplied row. This method will return a better distribution of values for rows of numbers or rows with the same values in different positions. NOTE: This method performs against the native values, not the values returned by ValueMeta. This means that if you have two rows with different primitive values ['2008-01-01:12:30'] and ['2008-01-01:00:00'] that use a format object to change the value (as Date yyyy-MM-dd), the hashCodes will be different resulting in the two rows not being considered equal via the hashCode even though compare() or equals() might consider them to be.
      Specified by:
      hashCode in interface RowMetaInterface
      rowData - The data to calculate a hashCode with
      the calculated hashCode
      KettleValueException - in case there is a data conversion error
    • convertedValuesHashCode

      public int convertedValuesHashCode(Object[] rowData) throws KettleValueException
      Calculates a hashcode of the converted value of all objects in the supplied row. This method returns distinct values for nulls of different data types and will return the same hashCode for different native values that have a ValueMeta converting them into the same value (e.g. ['2008-01-01:12:30'] and ['2008-01-01:00:00'] as Date yyyy-MM-dd)
      Specified by:
      convertedValuesHashCode in interface RowMetaInterface
      rowData - The data to calculate a hashCode with
      the calculated hashCode
      KettleValueException - in case there is a data conversion error
    • extractData

      public static byte[] extractData(RowMetaInterface metadata, Object[] row)
      Serialize a row of data to byte[]
      metadata - the metadata to use
      row - the row of data
      a serialized form of the data as a byte array
    • getRow

      public static Object[] getRow(RowMetaInterface metadata, byte[] data)
      Create a row of data bases on a serialized format (byte[])
      data - the serialized data
      metadata - the metadata to use
      a new row of data
    • createOriginalRow

      public static Row createOriginalRow(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] rowData) throws KettleValueException
    • getMetaXML

      public String getMetaXML() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Gets the meta xml.
      Specified by:
      getMetaXML in interface RowMetaInterface
      an XML representation of the row metadata
      IOException - Thrown in case there is an (Base64/GZip) encoding problem
    • getDataXML

      public String getDataXML(Object[] rowData) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: RowMetaInterface
      Gets the data xml.
      Specified by:
      getDataXML in interface RowMetaInterface
      rowData - the row of data to serialize as XML
      an XML representation of the row data
      IOException - Thrown in case there is an (Base64/GZip) encoding problem
    • getRow

      public Object[] getRow(Node node) throws KettleException
      Convert an XML node into binary data using the row metadata supplied.
      Specified by:
      getRow in interface RowMetaInterface
      node - The data row node
      a row of data, converted from XML
      IOException - Thrown in case there is an (Base64/GZip) decoding problem
      KettleException - Thrown in case there is an (Base64/GZip) decoding problem