Class SpoonPerspectiveManager


public class SpoonPerspectiveManager extends Object
Singleton Object controlling SpoonPerspectives. A Perspective is an optional Spoon mode that can be added by a SpoonPlugin. Perspectives take over the look of the entire application by replacing the main UI area.
  • Method Details

    • getStartupPerspective

      public String getStartupPerspective()
    • setStartupPerspective

      public void setStartupPerspective(String startupPerspective)
    • getInstance

      public static SpoonPerspectiveManager getInstance()
      Returns the single instance of this class.
      SpoonPerspectiveManager instance.
    • setDeck

      public void setDeck(org.pentaho.ui.xul.containers.XulDeck deck)
      Sets the deck used by the Perspective Manager to display Perspectives in.
      deck -
    • setXulDoc

      public void setXulDoc(org.pentaho.ui.xul.XulDomContainer doc)
      Receives the main XUL document comprising the menuing system and main layout of Spoon. Perspectives are able to modify these areas when activated. Any other areas need to be modified via a SpoonPlugin.
      doc -
    • addPerspective

      public void addPerspective(SpoonPerspective perspective)
      Adds a SpoonPerspective making it available to be activated later.
      perspective -
    • showPerspective

      public void showPerspective(String perspectiveId)
      Shows perspective with perspectiveId if it is not shown yet.
    • hidePerspective

      public void hidePerspective(String perspectiveId)
      Hides perspective with perspectiveId.
    • getPerspectives

      public List<SpoonPerspective> getPerspectives()
      Returns an unmodifiable List of perspectives in no set order.
    • activatePerspective

      public void activatePerspective(Class<? extends SpoonPerspective> clazz) throws org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException
      Activates the given instance of the class literal passed in. Activating a perspective first deactivates the current perspective removing any overlays its applied to the UI. It then switches the main deck to display the perspective UI and applies the optional overlays to the main Spoon XUL container.
      clazz - SpoonPerspective class literal
      org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException - throws a KettleException if no perspective is found for the given parameter
    • getActivePerspective

      public SpoonPerspective getActivePerspective()
      Returns the current active perspective.
      active SpoonPerspective
    • isForcePerspective

      public boolean isForcePerspective()
      Returns whether this perspective manager is prevented from switching perspectives
    • setForcePerspective

      public void setForcePerspective(boolean forcePerspective)
      Sets whether this perspective manager is prevented from switching perspectives. This is used when a startup perspective is requested on the command line parameter to prevent other perpsectives from openeing.
    • removePerspective

      public void removePerspective(SpoonPerspective per)
    • initialize

      public void initialize()