Class LoggingRegistry

  • public class LoggingRegistry
    extends Object
    This class keeps track of all LoggingObjects that implement the LoggingObjectInterface which register with the LoggingRegistry. It is a static singleton, and manages the in memory LoggingObjects as well as LoggingObjects that have FileWriter Buffers. The class provides a central and thread safe place to register, remove and find LoggingObjects held in memory. It uses a purgeTimer task to attempt to remove older registry objects as the internal map reaches the maxSize which is defined by the Kettle Property "KETTLE_MAX_LOGGING_REGISTRY_SIZE".
    • Method Detail

      • registerLoggingSource

        public String registerLoggingSource​(Object object)
        Register Method for objects that implement the LoggingObjectInterface which adds them to the LoggingRegistry. Note, this defaults the object to be purged by the registry.
        object - the object to register.
        the LogChanelID which is a String UUID key.
      • registerLoggingSource

        public String registerLoggingSource​(Object object,
                                            boolean isPurgeable)
        Register Method for objects that implement the LoggingObjectInterface which adds them to the LoggingRegistry, Includes a flag to identify loggingObjects that should not be removed from the registry i.e. Signleton classes or "General" that stick around the life of the application.
        object - the object to register.
        isPurgeable - true will flag the object to be purged if needed.
        the LogChanelID which is a String UUID key.
      • findExistingLoggingSource

        public LoggingObjectInterface findExistingLoggingSource​(LoggingObjectInterface loggingObject)
        Finds a Existing LoggingObjectInterface in the registry using the LoggingObject's equals method.
        loggingObject - the object to search for.
        the LoggingObjectInterface if found, null otherwise.
      • getLoggingObject

        public LoggingObjectInterface getLoggingObject​(String logChannelId)
        Returns a LoggingObjectInterface based on a LogChannelID which is the key for the LoggingRegistry.
        logChannelId - the logChannelID to search for.
        the LoggingObjectInterface if found, null otherwise.
      • updateFromProperties

        public void updateFromProperties()
        Updates Class variables from the systemProperties /
      • getLogChannelChildren

        public List<String> getLogChannelChildren​(String parentLogChannelId)
        Searches for a LogChannel and returns a list of children IDs.
        parentLogChannelId - The ID of the parent to search for.
        a list of LogChannelID's that are the children of the parent object.
      • getLastModificationTime

        public Date getLastModificationTime()
        Last Modification Time of the registry.
      • dump

        public String dump​(boolean includeGeneral)
        Returns the contents of the Registry map as a string.
        includeGeneral - Flag when true includes LoggingObjects of type GENERAL.
        String containing logging object.
      • removeIncludingChildren

        public void removeIncludingChildren​(String logChannelId)
        Removes a LoggingObject entry and all its children, based on a LogChannelID.
        logChannelId - LogChannelID of the parent object to remove.
      • removeOrphans

        public void removeOrphans()
        Cleans up internal map of children that do not have parent in the main registry map.
      • registerLogChannelFileWriterBuffer

        public void registerLogChannelFileWriterBuffer​(LogChannelFileWriterBuffer fileWriterBuffer)
        Registers a LogChannelFileWriterBuffer with the registry. Existing Buffer must have a logChannelID set.
        fileWriterBuffer - Object to register.
      • getLogChannelFileWriterBuffer

        public LogChannelFileWriterBuffer getLogChannelFileWriterBuffer​(String id)
        Searches and returns LogChannelFileWriterBuffer object based on buffer's LogChannelID.
        id - LogChannelID to search for.
        Buffer Object, null if can't be determined.
      • getLogChannelFileWriterBufferIds

        protected Set<String> getLogChannelFileWriterBufferIds()
        Returns a Set of LogChannelIds associated with a FileWriterBuffer which includes a parent and its children.
        A set of LogChannelIds to avoid duplicates.
      • removeLogChannelFileWriterBuffer

        public void removeLogChannelFileWriterBuffer​(String id)
        Removes a LogChannelFileWriterBuffer by LogChannelId.
        id - LogChannelId of the object to remove.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Resets all internal memory objects and counters.