Class MondrianResource

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    MondrianResource_de, MondrianResource_de_DE, MondrianResource_en_US, MondrianResource_es_ES

    public class MondrianResource
    extends org.eigenbase.resgen.ShadowResourceBundle
    This class was generated by class org.eigenbase.resgen.ResourceGen from /build2/thanos/workspace/10.0/suite-release/builds/pentaho.mondrian.10.0/mondrian/src/main/java/mondrian/resource/MondrianResource.xml on Fri Nov 10 07:39:11 UTC 2023. It contains a list of messages, and methods to retrieve and format those messages.
    • Field Detail

      • MdxCubeNotFound

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MdxCubeNotFound
        MdxCubeNotFound is 'MDX cube ''{0}'' not found'
      • MdxChildObjectNotFound

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 MdxChildObjectNotFound
        MdxChildObjectNotFound is 'MDX object ''{0}'' not found in {1}'
      • MemberNotFound

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MemberNotFound
        MemberNotFound is 'Member ''{0}'' not found'
      • MdxHierarchyName

        public final MondrianResource._Def2 MdxHierarchyName
        MdxHierarchyName is 'hierarchy ''{0}'''
      • MdxDimensionName

        public final MondrianResource._Def2 MdxDimensionName
        MdxDimensionName is 'dimension ''{0}'''
      • HighCardinalityInDimension

        public final MondrianResource._Def2 HighCardinalityInDimension
        HighCardinalityInDimension is 'The highCardinality attribute specified on dimension ''{0}'' is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Mondrian.The feature will produce wrong results in some scenarios and should be used with caution.'
      • WhileParsingMdx

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 WhileParsingMdx
        WhileParsingMdx is 'Error while parsing MDX statement ''{0}'''
      • WhileParsingMdxExpression

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 WhileParsingMdxExpression
        WhileParsingMdxExpression is 'Syntax error in MDX expression ''{0}'''
      • MdxFatalError

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 MdxFatalError
        MdxFatalError is 'MDX parser cannot recover from previous error(s)'
      • FailedToParseQuery

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 FailedToParseQuery
        FailedToParseQuery is 'Failed to parse query ''{0}'''
      • MdxSyntaxError

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MdxSyntaxError
        MdxSyntaxError is 'Syntax error at token ''{0}'''
      • MdxSyntaxErrorAt

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 MdxSyntaxErrorAt
        MdxSyntaxErrorAt is 'Syntax error at line {1}, column {2}, token ''{0}'''
      • MdxFatalSyntaxError

        public final MondrianResource._Def5 MdxFatalSyntaxError
        MdxFatalSyntaxError is 'Couldn''t repair and continue parse'
      • MdxCubeSlicerMemberError

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 MdxCubeSlicerMemberError
        MdxCubeSlicerMemberError is 'Failed to add Cube Slicer with member ''{0}'' for hierarchy ''{1}'' on cube ''{2}'''
      • MdxCubeSlicerHierarchyError

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 MdxCubeSlicerHierarchyError
        MdxCubeSlicerHierarchyError is 'Failed to add Cube Slicer for hierarchy ''{0}'' on cube ''{1}'''
      • MdxInvalidMember

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MdxInvalidMember
        MdxInvalidMember is 'Invalid member identifier ''{0}'''
      • MdxCalculatedHierarchyError

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MdxCalculatedHierarchyError
        MdxCalculatedHierarchyError is 'Hierarchy for calculated member ''{0}'' not found'
      • MdxAxisIsNotSet

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MdxAxisIsNotSet
        MdxAxisIsNotSet is 'Axis ''{0}'' expression is not a set'
      • MdxMemberExpIsSet

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MdxMemberExpIsSet
        MdxMemberExpIsSet is 'Member expression ''{0}'' must not be a set'
      • MdxSetExpNotSet

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MdxSetExpNotSet
        MdxSetExpNotSet is 'Set expression ''{0}'' must be a set'
      • MdxFuncArgumentsNum

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MdxFuncArgumentsNum
        MdxFuncArgumentsNum is 'Function ''{0}'' must have at least 2 arguments'
      • MdxFuncNotHier

        public final MondrianResource._Def6 MdxFuncNotHier
        MdxFuncNotHier is 'Argument ''{0,number}'' of function ''{1}'' must be a hierarchy'
      • UnknownParameter

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 UnknownParameter
        UnknownParameter is 'Unknown parameter ''{0}'''
      • MdxFormulaNotFound

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 MdxFormulaNotFound
        MdxFormulaNotFound is 'Calculated {0} ''{1}'' has not been found in query ''{2}'''
      • MdxCantFindMember

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MdxCantFindMember
        MdxCantFindMember is 'Cannot find MDX member ''{0}''. Make sure it is indeed a member and not a level or a hierarchy.'
      • CalculatedMember

        public final MondrianResource._Def5 CalculatedMember
        CalculatedMember is 'calculated member'
      • MdxCalculatedFormulaUsedOnAxis

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 MdxCalculatedFormulaUsedOnAxis
        MdxCalculatedFormulaUsedOnAxis is 'Cannot delete {0} ''{1}''. It is used on {2} axis.'
      • MdxCalculatedFormulaUsedOnSlicer

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 MdxCalculatedFormulaUsedOnSlicer
        MdxCalculatedFormulaUsedOnSlicer is 'Cannot delete {0} ''{1}''. It is used on slicer.'
      • MdxCalculatedFormulaUsedInFormula

        public final MondrianResource._Def7 MdxCalculatedFormulaUsedInFormula
        MdxCalculatedFormulaUsedInFormula is 'Cannot delete {0} ''{1}''. It is used in definition of {2} ''{3}''.'
      • MdxCalculatedFormulaUsedInQuery

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 MdxCalculatedFormulaUsedInQuery
        MdxCalculatedFormulaUsedInQuery is 'Cannot delete {0} ''{1}''. It is used in query ''{2}''.'
      • MdxAxisShowSubtotalsNotSupported

        public final MondrianResource._Def8 MdxAxisShowSubtotalsNotSupported
        MdxAxisShowSubtotalsNotSupported is 'Show/hide subtotals operation on axis ''{0,number}'' is not supported.'
      • NoFunctionMatchesSignature

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 NoFunctionMatchesSignature
        NoFunctionMatchesSignature is 'No function matches signature ''{0}'''
      • MoreThanOneFunctionMatchesSignature

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 MoreThanOneFunctionMatchesSignature
        MoreThanOneFunctionMatchesSignature is 'More than one function matches signature ''{0}''; they are: {1}'
      • MemberNotInLevelHierarchy

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 MemberNotInLevelHierarchy
        MemberNotInLevelHierarchy is 'The member ''{0}'' is not in the same hierarchy as the level ''{1}''.'
      • ToggleDrillStateRecursiveNotSupported

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 ToggleDrillStateRecursiveNotSupported
        ToggleDrillStateRecursiveNotSupported is '''RECURSIVE'' is not supported in ToggleDrillState.'
      • CompoundSlicer

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 CompoundSlicer
        CompoundSlicer is 'WHERE clause expression returned set with more than one element.'
      • FunctionMbrAndLevelHierarchyMismatch

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 FunctionMbrAndLevelHierarchyMismatch
        FunctionMbrAndLevelHierarchyMismatch is 'The <level> and <member> arguments to {0} must be from the same hierarchy. The level was from ''{1}'' but the member was from ''{2}''.'
      • CousinHierarchyMismatch

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 CousinHierarchyMismatch
        CousinHierarchyMismatch is 'The member arguments to the Cousin function must be from the same hierarchy. The members are ''{0}'' and ''{1}''.'
      • HierarchyInIndependentAxes

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 HierarchyInIndependentAxes
        HierarchyInIndependentAxes is 'Hierarchy ''{0}'' appears in more than one independent axis.'
      • ArgsMustHaveSameHierarchy

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 ArgsMustHaveSameHierarchy
        ArgsMustHaveSameHierarchy is 'All arguments to function ''{0}'' must have same hierarchy.'
      • TimeArgNeeded

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 TimeArgNeeded
        TimeArgNeeded is 'Argument to function ''{0}'' must belong to Time hierarchy.'
      • InvalidAxis

        public final MondrianResource._Def8 InvalidAxis
        InvalidAxis is 'Invalid axis specification. The axis number must be a non-negative integer, but it was {0,number}.'
      • DuplicateAxis

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 DuplicateAxis
        DuplicateAxis is 'Duplicate axis name ''{0}''.'
      • NonContiguousAxis

        public final MondrianResource._Def6 NonContiguousAxis
        NonContiguousAxis is 'Axis numbers specified in a query must be sequentially specified, and cannot contain gaps. Axis {0,number} ({1}) is missing.'
      • DupHierarchiesInTuple

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 DupHierarchiesInTuple
        DupHierarchiesInTuple is 'Tuple contains more than one member of hierarchy ''{0}''.'
      • VisualTotalsAppliedToTuples

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 VisualTotalsAppliedToTuples
        VisualTotalsAppliedToTuples is 'Argument to ''VisualTotals'' function must be a set of members; got set of tuples.'
      • ParameterIsNotModifiable

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 ParameterIsNotModifiable
        ParameterIsNotModifiable is 'Parameter ''{0}'' (defined at ''{1}'' scope) is not modifiable'
      • ParameterDefinedMoreThanOnce

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 ParameterDefinedMoreThanOnce
        ParameterDefinedMoreThanOnce is 'Parameter ''{0}'' is defined more than once in this statement'
      • CycleDuringParameterEvaluation

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 CycleDuringParameterEvaluation
        CycleDuringParameterEvaluation is 'Cycle occurred while evaluating parameter ''{0}'''
      • CastInvalidType

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 CastInvalidType
        CastInvalidType is 'Unknown type ''{0}''; values are NUMERIC, STRING, BOOLEAN'
      • NullNotSupported

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 NullNotSupported
        NullNotSupported is 'Function does not support NULL member parameter'
      • TwoNullsNotSupported

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 TwoNullsNotSupported
        TwoNullsNotSupported is 'Function does not support two NULL member parameters'
      • NoTimeDimensionInCube

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 NoTimeDimensionInCube
        NoTimeDimensionInCube is 'Cannot use the function ''{0}'', no time dimension is available for this cube.'
      • CannotImplicitlyConvertDimensionToHierarchy

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 CannotImplicitlyConvertDimensionToHierarchy
        CannotImplicitlyConvertDimensionToHierarchy is 'The ''{0}'' dimension contains more than one hierarchy, therefore the hierarchy must be explicitly specified.'
      • HierarchyHasNoAccessibleMembers

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 HierarchyHasNoAccessibleMembers
        HierarchyHasNoAccessibleMembers is 'Hierarchy ''{0}'' has no accessible members.'
      • NullValue

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 NullValue
        NullValue is 'An MDX expression was expected. An empty expression was specified.'
      • AvgRollupFailed

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 AvgRollupFailed
        AvgRollupFailed is 'Don''t know how to rollup aggregator ''avg'' because the cube doesn''t contain at least one ''count'' and one ''sum'' measures based on the same column.'
      • DrillthroughDisabled

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 DrillthroughDisabled
        DrillthroughDisabled is 'Can''t perform drillthrough operations because ''{0}'' is set to false.'
      • DrillthroughCalculatedMember

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 DrillthroughCalculatedMember
        DrillthroughCalculatedMember is 'Can''t perform drillthrough operations because ''{0}'' is a calculated member.'
      • ValidMeasureUsingCalculatedMember

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 ValidMeasureUsingCalculatedMember
        ValidMeasureUsingCalculatedMember is 'The function ValidMeasure cannot be used with the measure ''{0}'' because it is a calculated member. The function should be used to wrap the base measure in the source cube.'
      • UnsupportedCalculatedMember

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 UnsupportedCalculatedMember
        UnsupportedCalculatedMember is 'Calculated member ''{0}'' is not supported within a compound predicate'
      • CurrentMemberWithCompoundSlicer

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 CurrentMemberWithCompoundSlicer
        CurrentMemberWithCompoundSlicer is 'The MDX function CURRENTMEMBER failed because the coordinate for the ''{0}'' hierarchy contains a set'
      • ConnectStringMandatoryProperties

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 ConnectStringMandatoryProperties
        ConnectStringMandatoryProperties is 'Connect string must contain property ''{0}'' or property ''{1}'''
      • NonTimeLevelInTimeHierarchy

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 NonTimeLevelInTimeHierarchy
        NonTimeLevelInTimeHierarchy is 'Level ''{0}'' belongs to a time hierarchy, so its level-type must be ''Years'', ''Quarters'', ''Months'', ''Weeks'' or ''Days''.'
      • TimeLevelInNonTimeHierarchy

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 TimeLevelInNonTimeHierarchy
        TimeLevelInNonTimeHierarchy is 'Level ''{0}'' does not belong to a time hierarchy, so its level-type must be ''Standard''.'
      • MustSpecifyPrimaryKeyForHierarchy

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 MustSpecifyPrimaryKeyForHierarchy
        MustSpecifyPrimaryKeyForHierarchy is 'In usage of hierarchy ''{0}'' in cube ''{1}'', you must specify a primary key.'
      • MustSpecifyPrimaryKeyTableForHierarchy

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MustSpecifyPrimaryKeyTableForHierarchy
        MustSpecifyPrimaryKeyTableForHierarchy is 'Must specify a primary key table for hierarchy ''{0}'', because it has more than one table.'
      • MustSpecifyForeignKeyForHierarchy

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 MustSpecifyForeignKeyForHierarchy
        MustSpecifyForeignKeyForHierarchy is 'In usage of hierarchy ''{0}'' in cube ''{1}'', you must specify a foreign key, because the hierarchy table is different from the fact table.'
      • LevelMustHaveNameExpression

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 LevelMustHaveNameExpression
        LevelMustHaveNameExpression is 'Level ''{0}'' must have a name expression (a ''column'' attribute or an <Expression> child'
      • PublicDimensionMustNotHaveForeignKey

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 PublicDimensionMustNotHaveForeignKey
        PublicDimensionMustNotHaveForeignKey is 'Dimension ''{0}'' has a foreign key. This attribute is only valid in private dimensions and dimension usages.'
      • HierarchyMustNotHaveMoreThanOneSource

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 HierarchyMustNotHaveMoreThanOneSource
        HierarchyMustNotHaveMoreThanOneSource is 'Hierarchy ''{0}'' has more than one source (memberReaderClass, <Table>, <Join> or <View>)'
      • DimensionUsageHasUnknownLevel

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 DimensionUsageHasUnknownLevel
        DimensionUsageHasUnknownLevel is 'In usage of dimension ''{0}'' in cube ''{1}'', the level ''{2}'' is unknown'
      • CalcMemberHasBadDimension

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 CalcMemberHasBadDimension
        CalcMemberHasBadDimension is 'Unknown dimension ''{0}'' for calculated member ''{1}'' in cube ''{2}'''
      • CalcMemberHasBothDimensionAndHierarchy

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 CalcMemberHasBothDimensionAndHierarchy
        CalcMemberHasBothDimensionAndHierarchy is 'Cannot specify both a dimension and hierarchy for calculated member ''{0}'' in cube ''{1}'''
      • CalcMemberHasUnknownParent

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 CalcMemberHasUnknownParent
        CalcMemberHasUnknownParent is 'Cannot find a parent with name ''{0}'' for calculated member ''{1}'' in cube ''{2}'''
      • CalcMemberHasDifferentParentAndHierarchy

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 CalcMemberHasDifferentParentAndHierarchy
        CalcMemberHasDifferentParentAndHierarchy is 'The calculated member ''{0}'' in cube ''{1}'' is defined for hierarchy ''{2}'' but its parent member is not part of that hierarchy'
      • CalcMemberNotUnique

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 CalcMemberNotUnique
        CalcMemberNotUnique is 'Calculated member ''{0}'' already exists in cube ''{1}'''
      • NeitherExprNorValueForCalcMemberProperty

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 NeitherExprNorValueForCalcMemberProperty
        NeitherExprNorValueForCalcMemberProperty is 'Member property must have a value or an expression. (Property ''{0}'' of member ''{1}'' of cube ''{2}''.)'
      • ExprAndValueForMemberProperty

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 ExprAndValueForMemberProperty
        ExprAndValueForMemberProperty is 'Member property must not have both a value and an expression. (Property ''{0}'' of member ''{1}'' of cube ''{2}''.)'
      • MemberFormatterLoadFailed

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 MemberFormatterLoadFailed
        MemberFormatterLoadFailed is 'Failed to load formatter class ''{0}'' for level ''{1}''.'
      • CellFormatterLoadFailed

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 CellFormatterLoadFailed
        CellFormatterLoadFailed is 'Failed to load formatter class ''{0}'' for member ''{1}''.'
      • PropertyFormatterLoadFailed

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 PropertyFormatterLoadFailed
        PropertyFormatterLoadFailed is 'Failed to load formatter class ''{0}'' for property ''{1}''.'
      • HierarchyMustHaveForeignKey

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 HierarchyMustHaveForeignKey
        HierarchyMustHaveForeignKey is 'Hierarchy ''{0}'' in cube ''{1}'' must have a foreign key, since it is not based on the cube''s fact table.'
      • HierarchyInvalidForeignKey

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 HierarchyInvalidForeignKey
        HierarchyInvalidForeignKey is 'Foreign key ''{0}'' of hierarchy ''{1}'' in cube ''{2}'' is not a column in the fact table.'
      • UdfClassNotFound

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 UdfClassNotFound
        UdfClassNotFound is 'Failed to load user-defined function ''{0}'': class ''{1}'' not found'
      • UdfClassMustBePublicAndStatic

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 UdfClassMustBePublicAndStatic
        UdfClassMustBePublicAndStatic is 'Failed to load user-defined function ''{0}'': class ''{1}'' must be public and static'
      • UdfClassWrongIface

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 UdfClassWrongIface
        UdfClassWrongIface is 'Failed to load user-defined function ''{0}'': class ''{1}'' does not implement the required interface ''{2}'''
      • UdfDuplicateName

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 UdfDuplicateName
        UdfDuplicateName is 'Duplicate user-defined function ''{0}'''
      • NamedSetNotUnique

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 NamedSetNotUnique
        NamedSetNotUnique is 'Named set ''{0}'' already exists in cube ''{1}'''
      • UnknownNamedSetHasBadFormula

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 UnknownNamedSetHasBadFormula
        UnknownNamedSetHasBadFormula is 'Named set in cube ''{0}'' has bad formula'
      • NamedSetHasBadFormula

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 NamedSetHasBadFormula
        NamedSetHasBadFormula is 'Named set ''{0}'' has bad formula'
      • MeasureOrdinalsNotUnique

        public final MondrianResource._Def7 MeasureOrdinalsNotUnique
        MeasureOrdinalsNotUnique is 'Cube ''{0}'': Ordinal {1} is not unique: ''{2}'' and ''{3}'''
      • BadMeasureSource

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 BadMeasureSource
        BadMeasureSource is 'Cube ''{0}'': Measure ''{1}'' must contain either a source column or a source expression, but not both'
      • DuplicateSchemaParameter

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 DuplicateSchemaParameter
        DuplicateSchemaParameter is 'Duplicate parameter ''{0}'' in schema'
      • UnknownAggregator

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 UnknownAggregator
        UnknownAggregator is 'Unknown aggregator ''{0}''; valid aggregators are: {1}'
      • RoleUnionGrants

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 RoleUnionGrants
        RoleUnionGrants is 'Union role must not contain grants'
      • DescendantsAppliedToSetOfTuples

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 DescendantsAppliedToSetOfTuples
        DescendantsAppliedToSetOfTuples is 'Argument to Descendants function must be a member or set of members, not a set of tuples'
      • CannotDeduceTypeOfSet

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 CannotDeduceTypeOfSet
        CannotDeduceTypeOfSet is 'Cannot deduce type of set'
      • HierarchyHasNoLevels

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 HierarchyHasNoLevels
        HierarchyHasNoLevels is 'Hierarchy ''{0}'' must have at least one level.'
      • HierarchyLevelNamesNotUnique

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 HierarchyLevelNamesNotUnique
        HierarchyLevelNamesNotUnique is 'Level names within hierarchy ''{0}'' are not unique; there is more than one level with name ''{1}''.'
      • IllegalLeftDeepJoin

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 IllegalLeftDeepJoin
        IllegalLeftDeepJoin is 'Left side of join must not be a join; mondrian only supports right-deep joins.'
      • LevelTableParentNotFound

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 LevelTableParentNotFound
        LevelTableParentNotFound is 'The level {0} makes use of the ''parentColumn'' attribute, but a parent member for key {1} is missing. This can be due to the usage of the NativizeSet MDX function with a list of members form a parent-child hierarchy that doesn''t include all parent members in its definition. Using NativizeSet with a parent-child hierarchy requires the parent members to be included in the set, or the hierarchy cannot be properly built natively.'
      • CreateTableFailed

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 CreateTableFailed
        CreateTableFailed is 'Mondrian loader could not create table ''{0}''.'
      • CreateIndexFailed

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 CreateIndexFailed
        CreateIndexFailed is 'Mondrian loader could not create index ''{0}'' on table ''{1}''.'
      • MissingArg

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MissingArg
        MissingArg is 'Argument ''{0}'' must be specified.'
      • InvalidInsertLine

        public final MondrianResource._Def6 InvalidInsertLine
        InvalidInsertLine is 'Input line is not a valid INSERT statement; line {0,number}: {1}.'
      • LimitExceededDuringCrossjoin

        public final MondrianResource._Def10 LimitExceededDuringCrossjoin
        LimitExceededDuringCrossjoin is 'Size of CrossJoin result ({0,number}) exceeded limit ({1,number})'
      • TotalMembersLimitExceeded

        public final MondrianResource._Def10 TotalMembersLimitExceeded
        TotalMembersLimitExceeded is 'Total number of Members in result ({0,number}) exceeded limit ({1,number})'
      • MemberFetchLimitExceeded

        public final MondrianResource._Def11 MemberFetchLimitExceeded
        MemberFetchLimitExceeded is 'Number of members to be read exceeded limit ({0,number})'
      • SegmentFetchLimitExceeded

        public final MondrianResource._Def11 SegmentFetchLimitExceeded
        SegmentFetchLimitExceeded is 'Number of cell results to be read exceeded limit of ({0,number})'
      • QueryTimeout

        public final MondrianResource._Def13 QueryTimeout
        QueryTimeout is 'Query timeout of {0,number} seconds reached'
      • IterationLimitExceeded

        public final MondrianResource._Def11 IterationLimitExceeded
        IterationLimitExceeded is 'Number of iterations exceeded limit of {0,number}'
      • JavaDoubleOverflow

        public final MondrianResource._Def14 JavaDoubleOverflow
        JavaDoubleOverflow is 'Big decimal value in ''{0}'' exceeds double size.'
      • InvalidHierarchyCondition

        public final MondrianResource._Def15 InvalidHierarchyCondition
        InvalidHierarchyCondition is 'Hierarchy ''{0}'' is invalid (has no members)'
      • TooManyMessageRecorderErrors

        public final MondrianResource._Def16 TooManyMessageRecorderErrors
        TooManyMessageRecorderErrors is 'Context ''{0}'': Exceeded number of allowed errors ''{1,number}'''
      • ForceMessageRecorderError

        public final MondrianResource._Def16 ForceMessageRecorderError
        ForceMessageRecorderError is 'Context ''{0}'': Client forcing return with errors ''{1,number}'''
      • UnknownLevelName

        public final MondrianResource._Def17 UnknownLevelName
        UnknownLevelName is 'Context ''{0}'': The Hierarchy Level ''{1}'' does not have a Level named ''{2}'''
      • DuplicateLevelNames

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 DuplicateLevelNames
        DuplicateLevelNames is 'Context ''{0}'': Two levels share the same name ''{1}'''
      • DuplicateLevelColumnNames

        public final MondrianResource._Def18 DuplicateLevelColumnNames
        DuplicateLevelColumnNames is 'Context ''{0}'': Two levels, ''{1}'' and ''{2}'', share the same foreign column name ''{3}'''
      • DuplicateMeasureColumnNames

        public final MondrianResource._Def18 DuplicateMeasureColumnNames
        DuplicateMeasureColumnNames is 'Context ''{0}'': Two measures, ''{1}'' and ''{2}'', share the same column name ''{3}'''
      • DuplicateLevelMeasureColumnNames

        public final MondrianResource._Def18 DuplicateLevelMeasureColumnNames
        DuplicateLevelMeasureColumnNames is 'Context ''{0}'': The level ''{1}'' and the measuer ''{2}'', share the same column name ''{3}'''
      • DuplicateMeasureNames

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 DuplicateMeasureNames
        DuplicateMeasureNames is 'Context ''{0}'': Two measures share the same name ''{1}'''
      • DuplicateFactForeignKey

        public final MondrianResource._Def17 DuplicateFactForeignKey
        DuplicateFactForeignKey is 'Context ''{0}'': Duplicate fact foreign keys ''{1}'' for key ''{2}''.'
      • UnknownLeftJoinCondition

        public final MondrianResource._Def17 UnknownLeftJoinCondition
        UnknownLeftJoinCondition is 'Context ''{0}'': Failed to find left join condition in fact table ''{1}'' for foreign key ''{2}''.'
      • UnknownHierarchyName

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 UnknownHierarchyName
        UnknownHierarchyName is 'Context ''{0}'': The Hierarchy ''{1}'' does not exist"'
      • BadLevelNameFormat

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 BadLevelNameFormat
        BadLevelNameFormat is 'Context ''{0}'': The Level name ''{1}'' should be [usage hierarchy name].[level name].'
      • BadMeasureNameFormat

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 BadMeasureNameFormat
        BadMeasureNameFormat is 'Context ''{0}'': The Measures name ''{1}'' should be [Measures].[measure name].'
      • BadMeasures

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 BadMeasures
        BadMeasures is 'Context ''{0}'': This name ''{1}'' must be the string "Measures".'
      • UnknownMeasureName

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 UnknownMeasureName
        UnknownMeasureName is 'Context ''{0}'': Measures does not have a measure named ''{1}'''
      • NullAttributeString

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 NullAttributeString
        NullAttributeString is 'Context ''{0}'': The value for the attribute ''{1}'' is null.'
      • EmptyAttributeString

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 EmptyAttributeString
        EmptyAttributeString is 'Context ''{0}'': The value for the attribute ''{1}'' is empty (length is zero).'
      • MissingDefaultAggRule

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 MissingDefaultAggRule
        MissingDefaultAggRule is 'There is no default aggregate recognition rule with tag ''{0}''.'
      • AggRuleParse

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 AggRuleParse
        AggRuleParse is 'Error while parsing default aggregate recognition ''{0}''.'
      • BadMeasureName

        public final MondrianResource._Def17 BadMeasureName
        BadMeasureName is 'Context ''{0}'': Failed to find Measure name ''{1}'' for cube ''{2}''.'
      • BadRolapStarLeftJoinCondition

        public final MondrianResource._Def17 BadRolapStarLeftJoinCondition
        BadRolapStarLeftJoinCondition is 'Context ''{0}'': Bad RolapStar left join condition type: ''{1}'' ''{2}''.'
      • SqlQueryFailed

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 SqlQueryFailed
        SqlQueryFailed is 'Context ''{0}'': Sql query failed to run ''{1}''.'
      • AggLoadingError

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 AggLoadingError
        AggLoadingError is 'Error while loading/reloading aggregates.'
      • AggLoadingExceededErrorCount

        public final MondrianResource._Def8 AggLoadingExceededErrorCount
        AggLoadingExceededErrorCount is 'Too many errors, ''{0,number}'', while loading/reloading aggregates.'
      • UnknownFactTableColumn

        public final MondrianResource._Def17 UnknownFactTableColumn
        UnknownFactTableColumn is 'Context ''{0}'': For Fact table ''{1}'', the column ''{2}'' is neither a measure or foreign key".'
      • AggMultipleMatchingMeasure

        public final MondrianResource._Def19 AggMultipleMatchingMeasure
        AggMultipleMatchingMeasure is 'Context ''{0}'': Candidate aggregate table ''{1}'' for fact table ''{2}'' has ''{3,number}'' columns matching measure ''{4}'', ''{5}'', ''{6}''".'
      • CouldNotLoadDefaultAggregateRules

        public final MondrianResource._Def2 CouldNotLoadDefaultAggregateRules
        CouldNotLoadDefaultAggregateRules is 'Could not load default aggregate rules ''{0}''.'
      • FailedCreateNewDefaultAggregateRules

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 FailedCreateNewDefaultAggregateRules
        FailedCreateNewDefaultAggregateRules is 'Failed to create new default aggregate rules using property ''{0}'' with value ''{1}''.'
      • CubeRelationNotTable

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 CubeRelationNotTable
        CubeRelationNotTable is 'The Cube ''{0}'' relation is not a MondrianDef.Table but rather ''{1}''.'
      • AttemptToChangeTableUsage

        public final MondrianResource._Def4 AttemptToChangeTableUsage
        AttemptToChangeTableUsage is 'JdbcSchema.Table ''{0}'' already set to usage ''{1}'' and can not be reset to usage ''{2}''.'
      • BadJdbcFactoryClassName

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 BadJdbcFactoryClassName
        BadJdbcFactoryClassName is 'JdbcSchema Factory classname ''{0}'', class not found.'
      • BadJdbcFactoryInstantiation

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 BadJdbcFactoryInstantiation
        BadJdbcFactoryInstantiation is 'JdbcSchema Factory classname ''{0}'', can not instantiate.'
      • BadJdbcFactoryAccess

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 BadJdbcFactoryAccess
        BadJdbcFactoryAccess is 'JdbcSchema Factory classname ''{0}'', illegal access.'
      • NonNumericFactCountColumn

        public final MondrianResource._Def18 NonNumericFactCountColumn
        NonNumericFactCountColumn is 'Candidate aggregate table ''{0}'' for fact table ''{1}'' has candidate fact count column ''{2}'' has type ''{3}'' that is not numeric.'
      • TooManyFactCountColumns

        public final MondrianResource._Def20 TooManyFactCountColumns
        TooManyFactCountColumns is 'Candidate aggregate table ''{0}'' for fact table ''{1}'' has ''{2,number}'' fact count columns.'
      • NoFactCountColumns

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 NoFactCountColumns
        NoFactCountColumns is 'Candidate aggregate table ''{0}'' for fact table ''{1}'' has no fact count columns.'
      • NoMeasureColumns

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 NoMeasureColumns
        NoMeasureColumns is 'Candidate aggregate table ''{0}'' for fact table ''{1}'' has no measure columns.'
      • TooManyMatchingForeignKeyColumns

        public final MondrianResource._Def21 TooManyMatchingForeignKeyColumns
        TooManyMatchingForeignKeyColumns is 'Candidate aggregate table ''{0}'' for fact table ''{1}'' had ''{2,number}'' columns matching foreign key ''{3}'''
      • DoubleMatchForLevel

        public final MondrianResource._Def22 DoubleMatchForLevel
        DoubleMatchForLevel is 'Double Match for candidate aggregate table ''{0}'' for fact table ''{1}'' and column ''{2}'' matched two hierarchies: 1) table=''{3}'', column=''{4}'' and 2) table=''{5}'', column=''{6}'''
      • AggUnknownColumn

        public final MondrianResource._Def17 AggUnknownColumn
        AggUnknownColumn is 'Candidate aggregate table ''{0}'' for fact table ''{1}'' has a column ''{2}'' with unknown usage.'
      • NoAggregatorFound

        public final MondrianResource._Def17 NoAggregatorFound
        NoAggregatorFound is 'No aggregator found while converting fact table aggregator: for usage ''{0}'', fact aggregator ''{1}'' and sibling aggregator ''{2}'''
      • NoColumnNameFromExpression

        public final MondrianResource._Def2 NoColumnNameFromExpression
        NoColumnNameFromExpression is 'Could not get a column name from a level key expression: ''{0}''.'
      • AggTableZeroSize

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 AggTableZeroSize
        AggTableZeroSize is 'Zero size Aggregate table ''{0}'' for Fact Table ''{1}''.'
      • AggTableNoConstraintGenerated

        public final MondrianResource._Def2 AggTableNoConstraintGenerated
        AggTableNoConstraintGenerated is 'Aggregate star fact table ''{0}'': A constraint will not be generated because name column is not the same as key column.'
      • CacheFlushRegionMustContainMembers

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 CacheFlushRegionMustContainMembers
        CacheFlushRegionMustContainMembers is 'Region of cells to be flushed must contain measures.'
      • CacheFlushUnionDimensionalityMismatch

        public final MondrianResource._Def1 CacheFlushUnionDimensionalityMismatch
        CacheFlushUnionDimensionalityMismatch is 'Cannot union cell regions of different dimensionalities. (Dimensionalities are ''{0}'', ''{1}''.)'
      • CacheFlushCrossjoinDimensionsInCommon

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 CacheFlushCrossjoinDimensionsInCommon
        CacheFlushCrossjoinDimensionsInCommon is 'Cannot crossjoin cell regions which have dimensions in common. (Dimensionalities are {0}.)'
      • SegmentCacheIsNotImplementingInterface

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 SegmentCacheIsNotImplementingInterface
        SegmentCacheIsNotImplementingInterface is 'The mondrian.rolap.SegmentCache property points to a class name which is not an implementation of mondrian.spi.SegmentCache.'
      • SegmentCacheFailedToInstanciate

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 SegmentCacheFailedToInstanciate
        SegmentCacheFailedToInstanciate is 'An exception was encountered while creating the SegmentCache.'
      • SegmentCacheFailedToLoadSegment

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 SegmentCacheFailedToLoadSegment
        SegmentCacheFailedToLoadSegment is 'An exception was encountered while loading a segment from the SegmentCache.'
      • SegmentCacheFailedToSaveSegment

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 SegmentCacheFailedToSaveSegment
        SegmentCacheFailedToSaveSegment is 'An exception was encountered while loading a segment from the SegmentCache.'
      • SegmentCacheFailedToLookupSegment

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 SegmentCacheFailedToLookupSegment
        SegmentCacheFailedToLookupSegment is 'An exception was encountered while performing a segment lookup in the SegmentCache.'
      • SegmentCacheFailedToScanSegments

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 SegmentCacheFailedToScanSegments
        SegmentCacheFailedToScanSegments is 'An exception was encountered while getting a list of segment headers in the SegmentCache.'
      • SegmentCacheFailedToDeleteSegment

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 SegmentCacheFailedToDeleteSegment
        SegmentCacheFailedToDeleteSegment is 'An exception was encountered while deleting a segment from the SegmentCache.'
      • SegmentCacheReadTimeout

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 SegmentCacheReadTimeout
        SegmentCacheReadTimeout is 'Timeout reached while reading segment from SegmentCache.'
      • SegmentCacheWriteTimeout

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 SegmentCacheWriteTimeout
        SegmentCacheWriteTimeout is 'Timeout reached while writing segment to SegmentCache.'
      • SegmentCacheLookupTimeout

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 SegmentCacheLookupTimeout
        SegmentCacheLookupTimeout is 'Timeout reached while performing a segment lookup in SegmentCache.'
      • NativeEvaluationUnsupported

        public final MondrianResource._Def23 NativeEvaluationUnsupported
        NativeEvaluationUnsupported is 'Native evaluation not supported for this usage of function ''{0}'''
      • NativeSqlInClauseTooLarge

        public final MondrianResource._Def9 NativeSqlInClauseTooLarge
        NativeSqlInClauseTooLarge is 'Cannot use native aggregation constraints for level ''{0}'' because the number of members is larger than the value of ''mondrian.rolap.maxConstraints'' ({1})'
      • ExecutionStatementCleanupException

        public final MondrianResource._Def0 ExecutionStatementCleanupException
        ExecutionStatementCleanupException is 'An exception was encountered while trying to cleanup an execution context. A statement failed to cancel gracefully. Locus was : "{0}".'
      • QueryLimitReached

        public final MondrianResource._Def6 QueryLimitReached
        QueryLimitReached is 'The number of concurrent MDX statements that can be processed simultaneously by this Mondrian server instance ({0,number}) has been reached. To change the limit, set the ''{1}'' property.'
      • SqlQueryLimitReached

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 SqlQueryLimitReached
        SqlQueryLimitReached is 'The number of concurrent SQL statements which can be used simultaneously by this Mondrian server instance has been reached. Set ''mondrian.rolap.maxSqlThreads'' to change the current limit.'
      • SegmentCacheLimitReached

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 SegmentCacheLimitReached
        SegmentCacheLimitReached is 'The number of concurrent segment cache operations which can be run simultaneously by this Mondrian server instance has been reached. Set ''mondrian.rolap.maxCacheThreads'' to change the current limit.'
      • FinalizerErrorRolapSchema

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 FinalizerErrorRolapSchema
        FinalizerErrorRolapSchema is 'An exception was encountered while finalizing a RolapSchema object instance.'
      • FinalizerErrorMondrianServerImpl

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 FinalizerErrorMondrianServerImpl
        FinalizerErrorMondrianServerImpl is 'An exception was encountered while finalizing a RolapSchema object instance.'
      • FinalizerErrorRolapConnection

        public final MondrianResource._Def3 FinalizerErrorRolapConnection
        FinalizerErrorRolapConnection is 'An exception was encountered while finalizing a RolapConnection object instance.'
    • Method Detail

      • instance

        public static MondrianResource instance()
        Retrieves the singleton instance of MondrianResource. If the application has called ShadowResourceBundle.setThreadLocale(java.util.Locale), returns the resource for the thread's locale.