Uses of Interface
Packages that use Calc
Provides compiled expressions.
Provides implementation classes for compiled expressions.
Defines a parse tree for MDX expressions.
Mondrian's core package, this defines connections and the catalog metamodel,
and allows you to execute queries.
Defines the set of MDX built-in functions.
Defines MDX extension functions.
Implements the data access layer for the olap package.
Uses of Calc in mondrian.calc
Subinterfaces of Calc in mondrian.calcModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Compiled expression whose result is aboolean
Compiled expression whose result is aDate
, representing an MDX DateTime value.interface
Expression which yields aDimension
Compiled expression whose result is adouble
Expression which yields aHierarchy
Compiled expression whose result is anint
Expression that evaluates a set of tuples to aTupleIterable
Expression which yields aLevel
Expression which evaluates a set of members or tuples to a list.interface
Expression which yields aMember
Compiled expression whose result is aString
Expression which yields a tuple.interface
Expression which has a void result.Methods in mondrian.calc that return CalcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDummyExp.accept
(ExpCompiler compiler) Compiles an expression.ParameterCompilable.compile
(ExpCompiler compiler) ExpCompiler.compileAs
(Exp exp, Type resultType, List<ResultStyle> preferredResultStyles) Compiles an expression to a given result type.ExpCompiler.compileScalar
(Exp exp, boolean specific) Compiles an expression to yield a scalar result.ParameterSlot.getDefaultValueCalc()
Returns a compiled expression to compute the default value of the parameter.Methods in mondrian.calc with parameters of type Calc -
Uses of Calc in mondrian.calc.impl
Classes in mondrian.calc.impl that implement CalcModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract implementation of theBooleanCalc
Abstract implementation of theCalc
Abstract implementation of theDateTimeCalc
Abstract implementation of theDimensionCalc
Abstract implementation of theDoubleCalc
Abstract implementation of theHierarchyCalc
Abstract implementation of theIntegerCalc
Abstract implementation of theIterCalc
Abstract implementation of theLevelCalc
Abstract implementation of theListCalc
Abstract implementation of theMemberCalc
Abstract implementation of theStringCalc
Abstract implementation of theTupleCalc
Abstract implementation of theVoidCalc
Calculation which retrieves the value of an underlying calculation from cache.class
Calculator which always returns the same value.class
Adapter which computes a scalar or tuple expression and converts it to any required type.class
Adapter which computes a set expression and converts it to any list or iterable type.class
Expression which evaluates a few member expressions, sets the dimensional context to the result of those expressions, then yields the value of the current measure in the current dimensional context.class
Expression which evaluates a few member expressions, sets the dimensional context to the result of those expressions, then yields the value of the current measure in the current dimensional context.class
Expression which evaluates a tuple expression, sets the dimensional context to the result of that expression, then yields the value of the current measure in the current dimensional context.class
Expression which yields the value of the current member in the current dimensional context.Methods in mondrian.calc.impl that return CalcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected Calc
(Exp exp, Calc calc, boolean mutable) Hook for post-processing.Compiles an expression.AbstractExpCompiler.compileAs
(Exp exp, Type resultType, List<ResultStyle> preferredResultTypes) Compiles an expression to a given result type.DelegatingExpCompiler.compileAs
(Exp exp, Type resultType, List<ResultStyle> preferredResultTypes) AbstractExpCompiler.compileScalar
(Exp exp, boolean specific) DelegatingExpCompiler.compileScalar
(Exp exp, boolean scalar) static Calc
(Dimension dimension) Creates an expression which evaluates to a given dimension.static Calc
(Hierarchy hierarchy) Creates an expression which evaluates to a given hierarchy.static Calc
(Level level) Creates an expression which evaluates to a given level.static Calc
(Member member) Creates an expression which evaluates to a given member.Calc[]
Returns this expression's child expressions.Calc[]
Optimizes the scalar evaluation of a tuple.Methods in mondrian.calc.impl with parameters of type CalcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected Calc
(Exp exp, Calc calc, boolean mutable) Hook for post-processing.static boolean
(Calc[] calcs, Hierarchy hierarchy) Returns true if one of the calcs depends on the given dimension.static boolean
(Calc[] calcs, Hierarchy hierarchy) Returns true if calc[0] depends on dimension, else false if calc[0] returns dimension, else true if any of the other calcs depend on dimension.static boolean
(Calc[] calcs, Hierarchy hierarchy) Returns true if any of the calcs depend on dimension, else false if any of the calcs return dimension, else true.static Evaluator
(Calc calc, Evaluator evaluator) Returns a simplified evalator whose context is the same for every dimension which an expression depends on, and the default member for every dimension which it does not depend on.Constructors in mondrian.calc.impl with parameters of type CalcModifierConstructorDescriptionAbstractBooleanCalc
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an AbstractBooleanCalc.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an AbstractCalc.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an AbstractDateTimeCalc.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an AbstractDimensionCalc.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an AbstractDoubleCalc.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an AbstractHierarchyCalc.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an AbstractIntegerCalc.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an abstract implementation of a compiled expression which returns aTupleIterable
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an AbstractLevelCalc.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an abstract implementation of a compiled expression which returns a mutable list of tuples.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs, boolean mutable) Creates an abstract implementation of a compiled expression which returns a list.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an AbstractMemberCalc.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an AbstractStringCalc.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an AbstractTupleCalc.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an GenericCalc.protected
(Exp exp, Calc[] calcs) Creates an GenericIterCalc. -
Uses of Calc in mondrian.mdx
Methods in mondrian.mdx that return CalcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDimensionExpr.accept
(ExpCompiler compiler) HierarchyExpr.accept
(ExpCompiler compiler) LevelExpr.accept
(ExpCompiler compiler) MemberExpr.accept
(ExpCompiler compiler) NamedSetExpr.accept
(ExpCompiler compiler) ParameterExpr.accept
(ExpCompiler compiler) ResolvedFunCall.accept
(ExpCompiler compiler) UnresolvedFunCall.accept
(ExpCompiler compiler) -
Uses of Calc in mondrian.olap
Fields in mondrian.olap declared as CalcMethods in mondrian.olap that return CalcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionExp.accept
(ExpCompiler compiler) Converts this expression into an a tree of expressions which can be efficiently evaluated.ExpBase.accept
(ExpCompiler compiler) Literal.accept
(ExpCompiler compiler) ParameterImpl.compile
(ExpCompiler compiler) QueryAxis.compile
(ExpCompiler compiler, ResultStyle resultStyle) FunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) Converts a call to this function into executable objects.Query.compileExpression
(Exp exp, boolean scalar, ResultStyle resultStyle) Compiles an expression, using a cached compiled expression if available.ExpCacheDescriptor.getCalc()
Methods in mondrian.olap with parameters of type CalcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionApplies this aggregator to an expression over a set of members and returns the result.static void
(ProfileHandler handler, String title, Calc calc, QueryTiming timing) Called during major steps of executing a MDX query to provide insight into Calc calls/times and key function calls/times.DelegatingSchemaReader.getNativeSetEvaluator
(FunDef fun, Exp[] args, Evaluator evaluator, Calc calc) SchemaReader.getNativeSetEvaluator
(FunDef fun, Exp[] args, Evaluator evaluator, Calc calc) Returns an object which can evaluate an expression in native SQL, or null if this is not possible.Constructors in mondrian.olap with parameters of type CalcModifierConstructorDescriptionExpCacheDescriptor
(Exp exp, Calc calc, Evaluator evaluator) Creates a descriptor with a given compiled expression. -
Uses of Calc in
Classes in that implement CalcModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic class
static class
Compiled implementation of the Hierarchy.CurrentMember function that evaluates the hierarchy expression first.static class
Compiled implementation of the Hierarchy.CurrentMember function that uses a fixed hierarchy.static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
Compiled expression that evaluates one or more expressions, each of which yields a tuple or a set of tuples, and returns the result as a tuple iterator.static class
Compiled expression to implement the MDX set function,{ ...
static class
Methods in that return CalcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAggregateFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) CacheFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) CastFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) CoalesceEmptyFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) CrossJoinFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) ExistingFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) FunDefBase.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) HierarchyCurrentMemberFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) HierarchyDimensionFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) IifFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) JavaFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) LevelHierarchyFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) LevelMembersFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) LinReg.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) LinReg.PointFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) MemberHierarchyFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) MemberLevelFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) MemberOrderKeyFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) NamedSetCurrentFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) NamedSetCurrentOrdinalFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) NativizeSetFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) NonEmptyCrossJoinFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) ParenthesesFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) RankFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) SetFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) TupleFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) ValidMeasureFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) VisualTotalsFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) RankFunDef.compileCall2
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) RankFunDef.compileCall3
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) Calc[]
Methods in with parameters of type CalcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Object
Computes an expression for each element of a list, and aggregates the result according to the evaluation context's current aggregation strategy.static Object
static void
(Calc calc) static void
(Calc calc) static Object
static Object
protected static double
Returns the member which lies upon a particular quartile according to a given expression.static Object
static double
(Evaluator evaluator, TupleIterable iterable, Calc exp) static double
Constructors in with parameters of type CalcModifierConstructorDescriptionAggregateCalc
(Exp exp, ListCalc listCalc, Calc calc) AggregateCalc
(Exp exp, ListCalc listCalc, Calc calc, Member member) protected
(ResolvedFunCall call, Calc[] calcs, ExpCompiler compiler, substitutionMap, Exp originalExp) -
Uses of Calc in
Methods in that return CalcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCachedExistsFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) CalculatedChildFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) NthQuartileFunDef.compileCall
(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) -
Uses of Calc in
Methods in that return CalcMethods in with parameters of type CalcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSorter.evaluateTuples
(Evaluator evaluator, Calc exp, TupleList tuples) For each tuple in a list, evaluates an expression and creates a map from tuples to values.Sorter.partiallySortMembers
(Evaluator evaluator, List<Member> list, Calc exp, int limit, boolean desc) Partially sorts a list of Members by the value of an applied expression.Sorter.partiallySortTuples
(Evaluator evaluator, TupleList list, Calc exp, int limit, boolean desc) Partially sorts a list of Tuples by the value of an applied expression.Sorter.sortMembers
(Evaluator evaluator, Iterable<Member> memberIter, List<Member> memberList, Calc exp, boolean desc, boolean brk) Helper function to sort a list of members according to an expression.static TupleList
(Evaluator evaluator, TupleIterable tupleIterable, TupleList tupleList, Calc exp, boolean desc, boolean brk, int arity) Sorts a list of Tuples by the value of an applied expression.Constructors in with parameters of type Calc -
Uses of Calc in mondrian.rolap
Methods in mondrian.rolap that return CalcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRolapSchemaParameter.compile
(ExpCompiler compiler) RolapMemberBase.getCompiledExpression
(mondrian.rolap.RolapEvaluatorRoot root) RolapResult.CompoundSlicerRolapMember.getCompiledExpression
(mondrian.rolap.RolapEvaluatorRoot root) Methods in mondrian.rolap with parameters of type CalcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRolapDependencyTestingEvaluator.evaluate
(Calc calc, Hierarchy[] independentHierarchies, String mdxString) RolapSchemaReader.getNativeSetEvaluator
(FunDef fun, Exp[] args, Evaluator evaluator, Calc calc) protected void
(List<List<Member>> nonAllMembers, RolapEvaluator evaluator, QueryAxis axis, Calc calc, mondrian.rolap.RolapResult.AxisMemberList axisMembers) Constructors in mondrian.rolap with parameters of type CalcModifierConstructorDescriptionCompoundSlicerRolapMember
(RolapMember placeholderMember, Calc calc, mondrian.rolap.RolapResult.ValueFormatter formatter, TupleList tupleList)