Package mondrian.olap

Interface CacheControl

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CacheControl
Sep 27, 2006
  • Method Details

    • createMemberRegion

      CacheControl.CellRegion createMemberRegion(Member member, boolean descendants)
      Creates a cell region consisting of a single member.
      member - the member
      descendants - When true, include descendants of the member in the region.
      the new cell region
    • createMemberRegion

      CacheControl.CellRegion createMemberRegion(boolean lowerInclusive, Member lowerMember, boolean upperInclusive, Member upperMember, boolean descendants)
      Creates a cell region consisting of a range between two members.

      The members must belong to the same level of the same hierarchy. One of the bounds may be null.

      For example, given

      Member member97Q3; // [Time].[1997].[Q3]
       Member member98Q2; // [Time].[1998].[Q2]
      Expression Meaning
      createMemberRegion(true, member97Q3, true, member98Q2, false) The members between 97Q3 and 98Q2, inclusive:
      createMemberRegion(true, member97Q3, false, member98Q2, false) The members between 97Q3 and 98Q2, exclusive:
      createMemberRegion(true, member97Q3, false, member98Q2, false) The members between 97Q3 and 98Q2, including their descendants, and including the lower bound but not the upper bound:
      lowerInclusive - whether the the range includes the lower bound; ignored if the lower bound is not specified
      lowerMember - lower bound member. If null, takes all preceding members
      upperInclusive - whether the the range includes the upper bound; ignored if the upper bound is not specified
      upperMember - upper bound member. If null, takes all preceding members
      descendants - when true, include descendants of the member in the region
      the new cell region
    • createCrossjoinRegion

      CacheControl.CellRegion createCrossjoinRegion(CacheControl.CellRegion... regions)
      Forms the cartesian product of two or more cell regions.
      regions - the operands
      the cartesian product of the operands
    • createUnionRegion

      CacheControl.CellRegion createUnionRegion(CacheControl.CellRegion... regions)
      Forms the union of two or more cell regions. The regions must have the same dimensionality.
      regions - the operands
      the cartesian product of the operands
    • createMeasuresRegion

      CacheControl.CellRegion createMeasuresRegion(Cube cube)
      Creates a region consisting of all measures in a given cube.
      cube - a cube
      the region
    • flush

      void flush(CacheControl.CellRegion region)
      Atomically flushes all the cells in the cell cache that correspond to measures in a cube and to a given region.
      region - a region
    • printCacheState

      void printCacheState(PrintWriter pw, CacheControl.CellRegion region)
      Prints the state of the cell cache as it pertains to a given region.
      pw - the output target
      region - the CellRegion of interest
    • createMemberSet

      CacheControl.MemberSet createMemberSet(Member member, boolean descendants)
      Creates a member set containing either a single member, or a member and its descendants.
      member - a member
      descendants - when true, include descendants in the set
      the set
    • createMemberSet

      CacheControl.MemberSet createMemberSet(boolean lowerInclusive, Member lowerMember, boolean upperInclusive, Member upperMember, boolean descendants)
      Creates a member set consisting of a range between two members. The members must belong to the same level of the same hierarchy. One of the bounds may be null. (Similar to createMemberRegion(boolean, Member, boolean, Member, boolean), which see for examples.)
      lowerInclusive - whether the the range includes the lower bound; ignored if the lower bound is not specified
      lowerMember - lower bound member. If null, takes all preceding members
      upperInclusive - whether the the range includes the upper bound; ignored if the upper bound is not specified
      upperMember - upper bound member. If null, takes all preceding members
      descendants - when true, include descendants of the member in the region
      the set
    • createUnionSet

      Forms the union of two or more member sets.
      sets - the operands
      the union of the operands
    • filter

      Filters a member set, keeping all members at a given Level.
      level - Level
      baseSet - Member set
      Member set with members not at the given level removed
    • flush

      void flush(CacheControl.MemberSet set)
      Atomically flushes all members in the member cache which belong to a given set.
      set - a set of members
    • printCacheState

      void printCacheState(PrintWriter pw, CacheControl.MemberSet set)
      Prints the state of the member cache as it pertains to a given member set.
      pw - the output target
      set - the MemberSet of interest
    • execute

      void execute(CacheControl.MemberEditCommand cmd)
      Executes a command that edits the member cache.
      cmd - the command
    • createCompoundCommand

      Builds a compound command which is executed atomically.
      cmds - a list of the component commands
      the compound command
    • createCompoundCommand

      Builds a compound command which is executed atomically.
      cmds - the component commands
      the compound command
    • createDeleteCommand

      CacheControl.MemberEditCommand createDeleteCommand(Member member)
      Creates a command to delete a member and its descendants from the member cache.
      member - the member
      the command
    • createDeleteCommand

      Creates a command to delete a set of members from the member cache.
      memberSet - the set
      the command
    • createAddCommand

      Creates a command to add a member to the cache. The added member and its parent must have the same Dimension and the correct Levels, Null parent means add to the top level of its Dimension.

      The ordinal position of the new member among its siblings is implied by its properties.

      member - the new member
      the command
      IllegalArgumentException - if member null or if member belongs to a parent-child hierarchy
    • createMoveCommand

      CacheControl.MemberEditCommand createMoveCommand(Member member, Member loc) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a command to Move a member (with its descendants) to a new location, that is to a new parent.
      member - the member moved
      loc - the new parent
      the command
      IllegalArgumentException - if member is null, or loc is null, or member belongs to a parent-child hierarchy, or if loc is incompatible with member
    • createSetPropertyCommand

      CacheControl.MemberEditCommand createSetPropertyCommand(Member member, String name, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a command to change one property of a member.
      member - the member
      name - the property name
      value - the property value
      the command
      IllegalArgumentException - if the property is invalid for the member
    • createSetPropertyCommand

      CacheControl.MemberEditCommand createSetPropertyCommand(CacheControl.MemberSet set, Map<String,Object> propertyValues) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a command to several properties changes over a set of members. All members must belong to the same Level.
      set - the set of members
      propertyValues - Collection of property-value pairs
      the command
      IllegalArgumentException - for an invalid property, or if all members in the set do not belong to the same Level.
    • trace

      void trace(String message)
      Prints a debug message.
      message - the message
    • isTraceEnabled

      boolean isTraceEnabled()
      Tells if tracing is enabled.
    • flushSchemaCache

      void flushSchemaCache()
      Flushes the cache which maps schema URLs to metadata.

      This cache is referenced only when creating a new connection, so existing connections will continue to use the same schema definition.

      Flushing the schema cache will flush all aggregations and segments associated to it as well.

    • flushSchema

      void flushSchema(String catalogUrl, String connectionKey, String jdbcUser, String dataSourceStr)
      Flushes the given Schema instance from the pool. It resolves the schema to flush by using its catalog URL, connection key and JDBC username.

      Flushing the schema cache will flush all aggregations and segments associated to it as well.

    • flushSchema

      void flushSchema(String catalogUrl, DataSource dataSource)
      Flushes the given Schema instance from the pool. It resolves the schema to flush by using its catalog URL and DataSource object.

      Flushing the schema cache will flush all aggregations and segments associated to it as well.

    • flushSchema

      void flushSchema(Schema schema)
      Flushes the given Schema instance from the pool

      Flushing the schema cache will flush all aggregations and segments associated to it as well.

      schema - Schema