Package mondrian.olap

Class DriverManager


public class DriverManager extends Object
The basic service for managing a set of OLAP drivers.
15 January, 2002
  • Constructor Details

    • DriverManager

      public DriverManager()
  • Method Details

    • getConnection

      public static Connection getConnection(String connectString, CatalogLocator locator)
      Creates a connection to a Mondrian OLAP Engine using a connect string and a catalog locator.
      connectString - Connect string of the form 'property=value;property=value;...'. See Util.parseConnectString(java.lang.String) for more details of the format. See RolapConnectionProperties for a list of allowed properties.
      locator - Use to locate real catalog url by a customized configuration value. If null, leave the catalog url unchanged.
      A Connection, never null
    • getConnection

      public static Connection getConnection(Util.PropertyList properties, CatalogLocator locator)
      Creates a connection to a Mondrian OLAP Engine.
      properties - Collection of properties which define the location of the connection. See RolapConnection for a list of allowed properties.
      locator - Use to locate real catalog url by a customized configuration value. If null, leave the catalog url unchanged.
      A Connection, never null
    • getConnection

      public static Connection getConnection(Util.PropertyList properties, CatalogLocator locator, DataSource dataSource)
      Creates a connection to a Mondrian OLAP Engine using a list of connection properties, a catalog locator, and a JDBC data source.
      properties - Collection of properties which define the location of the connection. See RolapConnection for a list of allowed properties.
      locator - Use to locate real catalog url by a customized configuration value. If null, leave the catalog url unchanged.
      dataSource - - if not null an external DataSource to be used by Mondrian
      A Connection, never null