Package mondrian.olap
Class MondrianDef
This is the XML model for Mondrian schemas.
Revision is $Id$
This class was generated from XOM model 'mondrian' on Fri Jul 26 17:58:31 UTC 2024
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic class
static class
static class
static class
The name of the column mapping from base fact table foreign key to aggregate table foreign key.static class
static class
static class
Member property.static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
A definition of an aggregate table for a base fact table.static class
User-defined property value.static class
Holder for an array of Annotation elementsstatic class
static class
Property of a calculated member defined against a cube.static class
static class
Plugin that formats the values of cells.static class
Specifies the transitive closure of a parent-child hierarchy.static class
static class
Column definition for an inline table.static class
Holder for an array of ColumnDef elementsstatic class
Definition of a cube.static class
A CubeDimension is either a usage of a Dimension ('shared dimension', in MSOLAP parlance), or a 'private dimension'.static class
Grants (or denies) this role access to a cube.static class
static class
List of base cubes used by the virtual cube.static class
A Dimension is a collection of hierarchies.static class
Grants (or denies) this role access to a dimension.static class
A DimensionUsage is usage of a shared Dimension within the context of a cube.static class
Abstract type just in order to avoid duplication.static interface
static class
A collection of SQL expressions, one per dialect.static class
static interface
static class
Defines a hierarchy.static class
Grants (or denies) this role access to a hierarchy.static class
Dialect-specific table optimization hints.static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
Plugin that formats members.static class
Grants (or denies) this role access to a member.static class
Not usedstatic class
Defines a named set which can be used in queries in the same way as a set defined using a WITH SET clause.static class
static class
static class
A Parameter defines a schema parameter.static class
static class
Member property.static class
Plugin that formats properties.static class
A table, inline table or viewstatic class
A table or a joinstatic class
A role defines an access-control profile.static class
User name or member group name.static class
Usage of a Role in a union Role.static class
Row definition for an inline table.static class
Holder for an array of Row elementsstatic class
A schema is a collection of cubes and virtual cubes.static class
Grants (or denies) this role access to this schema.static class
Script fragment to implement an SPI such as user-defined function, member formatter, cell formatter.static class
static class
static class
Body of a Role definition which defines a Role to be the union of several Roles.static class
A UserDefinedFunction is a function which extends the MDX language.static class
Column value for an inline table.static class
A collection of SQL statements, one per dialect.static class
A VirtualCube is a set of dimensions and measures gleaned from other cubes.static class
A VirtualCubeDimension is a usage of a Dimension in a VirtualCube.static class
A VirtualCubeMeasure is a usage of a Measure in a VirtualCube. -
Field Summary
Fields -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Field Details
Constructor Details
public MondrianDef()
Method Details