Uses of Class
Packages that use MondrianDef.Cube
Mondrian's core package, this defines connections and the catalog metamodel,
and allows you to execute queries.
Defines a 'matcher' which scans the schema to find candidate aggregate tables.
Uses of MondrianDef.Cube in mondrian.olap
Fields in mondrian.olap declared as MondrianDef.Cube -
Uses of MondrianDef.Cube in mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher
Methods in mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher with parameters of type MondrianDef.CubeModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ExplicitRules.Group
(RolapCube cube, MondrianDef.Cube xmlCube) Make an ExplicitRules.Group for a given RolapCube given the MondrianDef.Cube associated with that cube.