Uses of Annotation Interface

Packages that use JavaFunDef.FunctionName
Implements the set of functions defined by the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) specification.
  • Uses of JavaFunDef.FunctionName in

    Methods in with annotations of type JavaFunDef.FunctionName
    Modifier and Type
    static double
    Vba.abs(double number)
    static double
    Excel.acos(double number)
    static double
    Excel.acosh(double x)
    static int
    Vba.asc(String string)
    static int
    Vba.ascB(String string)
    static int
    Vba.ascW(String string)
    static double
    Excel.asin(double number)
    static double
    Excel.asinh(double x)
    static double
    Excel.atan2(double y, double x)
    static double
    Excel.atanh(double x)
    static double
    Vba.atn(double number)
    static boolean
    Vba.cBool(Object expression)
    static byte
    Vba.cByte(Object expression)
    static Date
    Vba.cDate(Object expression)
    static double
    Vba.cDbl(Object expression)
    static String
    Vba.chr(int charCode)
    static String
    Vba.chrB(int charCode)
    static String
    Vba.chrW(int charCode)
    static int
    Vba.cInt(Object expression)
    static double
    Vba.cos(double number)
    static double
    Excel.cosh(double number)
    static Date
    static Date
    Vba.dateAdd(String intervalName, double number, Date date)
    static long
    Vba.dateDiff(String interval, Date date1, Date date2)
    static long
    Vba.dateDiff(String interval, Date date1, Date date2, int firstDayOfWeek)
    static long
    Vba.dateDiff(String interval, Date date1, Date date2, int firstDayOfWeek, int firstWeekOfYear)
    static int
    Vba.datePart(String interval, Date date)
    static int
    Vba.datePart(String interval, Date date, int firstDayOfWeek)
    static int
    Vba.datePart(String interval, Date date, int firstDayOfWeek, int firstWeekOfYear)
    static Date
    Vba.dateSerial(int year, int month, int day)
    static Date
    Vba.dateValue(Date date)
    static int date)
    static double
    Vba.dDB(double cost, double salvage, double life, double period)
    static double
    Vba.dDB(double cost, double salvage, double life, double period, double factor)
    static double
    Excel.degrees(double number)
    static double
    Vba.exp(double number)
    static int
    Vba.fix(Object number)
    static String
    Vba.formatCurrency(Object expression)
    static String
    Vba.formatCurrency(Object expression, int numDigitsAfterDecimal)
    static String
    Vba.formatCurrency(Object expression, int numDigitsAfterDecimal, int includeLeadingDigit)
    static String
    Vba.formatCurrency(Object expression, int numDigitsAfterDecimal, int includeLeadingDigit, int useParensForNegativeNumbers)
    static String
    Vba.formatCurrency(Object expression, int numDigitsAfterDecimal, int includeLeadingDigit, int useParensForNegativeNumbers, int groupDigits)
    static String
    Vba.formatDateTime(Date date)
    static String
    Vba.formatDateTime(Date date, int namedFormat)
    static String
    Vba.formatNumber(Object expression)
    static String
    Vba.formatNumber(Object expression, int numDigitsAfterDecimal)
    static String
    Vba.formatNumber(Object expression, int numDigitsAfterDecimal, int includeLeadingDigit)
    static String
    Vba.formatNumber(Object expression, int numDigitsAfterDecimal, int includeLeadingDigit, int useParensForNegativeNumbers)
    static String
    Vba.formatNumber(Object expression, int numDigitsAfterDecimal, int includeLeadingDigit, int useParensForNegativeNumbers, int groupDigits)
    static String
    Vba.formatPercent(Object expression)
    static String
    Vba.formatPercent(Object expression, int numDigitsAfterDecimal)
    static String
    Vba.formatPercent(Object expression, int numDigitsAfterDecimal, int includeLeadingDigit)
    static String
    Vba.formatPercent(Object expression, int numDigitsAfterDecimal, int includeLeadingDigit, int useParensForNegativeNumbers)
    static String
    Vba.formatPercent(Object expression, int numDigitsAfterDecimal, int includeLeadingDigit, int useParensForNegativeNumbers, int groupDigits)
    static double
    Vba.fV(double rate, double nPer, double pmt)
    static double
    Vba.fV(double rate, double nPer, double pmt, double pv)
    static double
    Vba.fV(double rate, double nPer, double pmt, double pv, boolean type)
    static String
    Vba.hex(Object number)
    static int
    Vba.hour(Date time)
    static int
    Vba.inStr(int start, String stringCheck, String stringMatch)
    static int
    Vba.inStr(int start, String stringCheck, String stringMatch, int compare)
    static int
    Vba.inStr(String stringCheck, String stringMatch)
    static int
    Vba.inStrRev(String stringCheck, String stringMatch)
    static int
    Vba.inStrRev(String stringCheck, String stringMatch, int start)
    static int
    Vba.inStrRev(String stringCheck, String stringMatch, int start, int compare)
    static int
    Vba.int_(Object number)
    static double
    Vba.iPmt(double rate, double per, double nPer, double PV)
    static double
    Vba.iPmt(double rate, double per, double nPer, double PV, double fv)
    static double
    Vba.iPmt(double rate, double per, double nPer, double PV, double fv, boolean due)
    static double
    Vba.IRR(double[] valueArray)
    static double
    Vba.IRR(double[] valueArray, double guess)
    Vba.isArray(Object varName)
    static boolean
    Vba.isDate(Object expression)
    Vba.isError(Object expression)
    Vba.isMissing(Object argName)
    Vba.isNull(Object expression)
    Vba.isNumeric(Object expression)
    Vba.isObject(Object expression)
    static String
    Vba.lCase(String string)
    static String
    Vba.left(String string, int length)
    static double
    Vba.log(double number)
    static double
    Excel.log10(double number)
    static String
    Vba.lTrim(String string)
    static String
    Vba.mid(String value, int beginIndex)
    static String
    Vba.mid(String value, int beginIndex, int length)
    static int
    Vba.minute(Date time)
    static double
    Vba.MIRR(double[] valueArray, double financeRate, double reinvestRate)
    static double
    Excel.mod(Object first, Object second)
    The MOD function.
    static int
    Vba.month(Date date)
    static String
    Vba.monthName(int month, boolean abbreviate)
    static Date
    static double
    Vba.nPer(double rate, double pmt, double pv, double fv, boolean due)
    static double
    Vba.nPV(double r, double[] cfs)
    static String
    Vba.oct(Object number)
    static double
    static double
    Vba.pmt(double rate, double nPer, double pv, double fv, boolean due)
    static double
    Excel.power(double x, double y)
    static double
    Vba.pPmt(double rate, double per, double nPer, double PV)
    static double
    Vba.pPmt(double rate, double per, double nPer, double PV, double fv)
    static double
    Vba.pPmt(double rate, double per, double nPer, double PV, double fv, boolean due)
    static double
    Vba.pV(double rate, double nper, double pmt, double fv, boolean due)
    static double
    Excel.radians(double number)
    static double
    Vba.rate(double nPer, double pmt, double PV)
    static double
    Vba.rate(double nPer, double pmt, double PV, double fv)
    static double
    Vba.rate(double nPer, double pmt, double PV, double fv, boolean type)
    static double
    Vba.rate(double nPer, double pmt, double PV, double fv, boolean due, double guess)
    static String
    Vba.replace(String expression, String find, String replace)
    static String
    Vba.replace(String expression, String find, String replace, int start)
    static String
    Vba.replace(String expression, String find, String replace, int start, int count)
    static String
    Vba.replace(String expression, String find, String replace, int start, int count, int compare)
    static String
    Vba.right(String string, int length)
    static double
    Vba.round(double number)
    static double
    Vba.round(double number, int numDigitsAfterDecimal)
    static String
    Vba.rTrim(String string)
    static int
    Vba.second(Date time)
    static int
    Vba.sgn(double number)
    static double
    Vba.sin(double number)
    static double
    Excel.sinh(double number)
    static double
    Vba.sLN(double cost, double salvage, double life)
    static String number)
    static double
    Vba.sqr(double number)
    static double
    Excel.sqrtPi(double number)
    static String
    Vba.str(Object number)
    static int
    Vba.strComp(String string1, String string2)
    static int
    Vba.strComp(String string1, String string2, int compare)
    static String
    Vba.string(int number, char character)
    static String
    Vba.strReverse(String expression)
    static double
    Vba.sYD(double cost, double salvage, double life, double period)
    static double
    Vba.tan(double number)
    static double
    Excel.tanh(double number)
    static Date
    static float
    static Date
    Vba.timeSerial(int hour, int minute, int second)
    static Date
    Vba.timeValue(Date time)
    static String
    Vba.trim(String string)
    static String
    Vba.typeName(Object varName)
    static double
    Vba.val(String string)
    static int
    Vba.weekday(Date date)
    static int
    Vba.weekday(Date date, int firstDayOfWeek)
    static String
    Vba.weekdayName(int weekday, boolean abbreviate, int firstDayOfWeek)
    static int
    Vba.year(Date date)