Uses of Package
Packages that use mondrian.olap.type
Provides compiled expressions.
Provides implementation classes for compiled expressions.
Defines a parse tree for MDX expressions.
Mondrian's core package, this defines connections and the catalog metamodel,
and allows you to execute queries.
Defines the set of MDX built-in functions.
Type system for MDX expessions.
Implements the data access layer for the olap package.
Contains the server-provider interfaces (SPIs) which user-defined
extensions to Mondrian should implement.
Classes in mondrian.olap.type used by mondrian.calc
Classes in mondrian.olap.type used by mondrian.calc.impl
Classes in mondrian.olap.type used by mondrian.mdx
Classes in mondrian.olap.type used by mondrian.olap
Classes in mondrian.olap.type used by
Classes in mondrian.olap.type used by mondrian.olap.typeClassDescriptionThe type of an expression which represents a Dimension.The type of an expression which represents a hierarchy.The type of an expression which represents a level.The type of an expression which represents a member.The type of a numeric expression.Base class for types which represent scalar values.Type of an MDX expression.
Classes in mondrian.olap.type used by mondrian.rolap
Classes in mondrian.olap.type used by mondrian.spi
Classes in mondrian.olap.type used by mondrian.udf