Class RolapUtil


public class RolapUtil extends Object
Utility methods for classes in the mondrian.rolap package.
22 December, 2001
  • Field Details


      public static final org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger MDX_LOGGER

      public static final org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger SQL_LOGGER

      public static final org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger MONITOR_LOGGER

      public static final org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger PROFILE_LOGGER
    • valueNotReadyException

      public static final Object valueNotReadyException
      Special cell value indicates that the value is not in cache yet.
    • sqlNullValue

      public static final Comparable<?> sqlNullValue
      Special value represents a null key.

      public static final Comparator ROLAP_COMPARATOR
      A comparator singleton instance which can handle the presence of RolapUtil.RolapUtilComparable instances in a collection.
    • sqlNullLiteral

      public static final String sqlNullLiteral
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RolapUtil

      public RolapUtil()
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultCallback

      public static Util.Functor1<Void,Statement> getDefaultCallback(Locus locus)
    • locusSchemaReader

      public static SchemaReader locusSchemaReader(RolapConnection connection, SchemaReader schemaReader)
      Wraps a schema reader in a proxy so that each call to schema reader has a locus for profiling purposes.
      connection - Connection
      schemaReader - Schema reader
      Wrapped schema reader
    • getHook

      public static RolapUtil.ExecuteQueryHook getHook()
      Sets the query-execution hook used by tests. This method and setHook(mondrian.rolap.RolapUtil.ExecuteQueryHook) are synchronized to ensure a memory barrier.
      Query execution hook
    • setHook

      public static void setHook(RolapUtil.ExecuteQueryHook hook)
    • mdxNullLiteral

      public static String mdxNullLiteral()
    • reloadNullLiteral

      public static void reloadNullLiteral()
    • executeQuery

      public static SqlStatement executeQuery(DataSource dataSource, String sql, Locus locus)
      Executes a query, printing to the trace log if tracing is enabled.

      If the query fails, it wraps the SQLException in a runtime exception with message as description, and closes the result set.

      If it succeeds, the caller must call the SqlStatement.close() method of the returned SqlStatement.

      dataSource - DataSource
      sql - SQL string
      locus - Locus of execution
    • executeQuery

      public static SqlStatement executeQuery(DataSource dataSource, String sql, List<SqlStatement.Type> types, int maxRowCount, int firstRowOrdinal, Locus locus, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, Util.Functor1<Void,Statement> callback)
      Executes a query.

      If the query fails, it wraps the SQLException in a runtime exception with message as description, and closes the result set.

      If it succeeds, the caller must call the SqlStatement.close() method of the returned SqlStatement.

      dataSource - DataSource
      sql - SQL string
      types - Suggested types of columns, or null; if present, must have one element for each SQL column; each not-null entry overrides deduced JDBC type of the column
      maxRowCount - Maximum number of rows to retrieve, <= 0 if unlimited
      firstRowOrdinal - Ordinal of row to skip to (1-based), or 0 to start from beginning
      locus - Execution context of this statement
      resultSetType - Result set type, or -1 to use default
      resultSetConcurrency - Result set concurrency, or -1 to use default
    • alertNonNative

      public static void alertNonNative(String functionName, String reason) throws NativeEvaluationUnsupportedException
      Raises an alert that native SQL evaluation could not be used in a case where it might have been beneficial, but some limitation in Mondrian's implementation prevented it. (Do not call this in cases where native evaluation would have been wasted effort.)
      functionName - name of function for which native evaluation was skipped
      reason - reason why native evaluation was skipped
    • loadDrivers

      public static void loadDrivers(String jdbcDrivers)
      Loads a set of JDBC drivers.
      jdbcDrivers - A string consisting of the comma-separated names of JDBC driver classes. For example "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver,com.mysql.jdbc.Driver".
    • createDependencyTestingCompiler

      public static ExpCompiler createDependencyTestingCompiler(ExpCompiler compiler)
      Creates a compiler which will generate programs which will test whether the dependencies declared via Calc.dependsOn(Hierarchy) are accurate.
    • findBestMemberMatch

      public static Member findBestMemberMatch(List<? extends Member> members, RolapMember parent, RolapLevel level, Id.Segment searchName, MatchType matchType)
      Locates a member specified by its member name, from an array of members. If an exact match isn't found, but a matchType of BEFORE or AFTER is specified, then the closest matching member is returned.
      members - array of members to search from
      parent - parent member corresponding to the member being searched for
      level - level of the member
      searchName - member name
      matchType - match type
      matching member (if it exists) or the closest matching one in the case of a BEFORE or AFTER search
    • convertInlineTableToRelation

      public static MondrianDef.Relation convertInlineTableToRelation(MondrianDef.InlineTable inlineTable, Dialect dialect)
    • strip

      public static RolapMember strip(RolapMember member)
    • createProfilingCompiler

      public static ExpCompiler createProfilingCompiler(ExpCompiler compiler)
    • createEvaluator

      public static Evaluator createEvaluator(Statement statement)
      Creates a dummy evaluator.
    • constraintBitkeyForLimitedMembers

      public static void constraintBitkeyForLimitedMembers(Evaluator evaluator, Member[] members, RolapCube cube, BitKey levelBitKey)
      Modifies a bitkey so that it includes the proper bits for members in an array which should be considered as a limited rollup member.
    • makeRolapStarKey

      public static List<String> makeRolapStarKey(MondrianDef.Relation fact)
      Generates rolap star key based on the fact using fact alias and SQl filter data if this one is present in the fact
      fact - the fact based on which is generated the rolap star key
      the rolap star key
    • makeRolapStarKey

      public static List<String> makeRolapStarKey(String factTableName)
      Generates rolap star key based on the fact table name.
      factTableName - the fact table name based on which is generated the rolap star key
      the rolap star key