Class SegmentLoader


public class SegmentLoader extends Object

The SegmentLoader queries database and loads the data into the given set of segments.

It reads a segment of measure, where columns are constrained to values. Each entry in values can be null, meaning don't constrain, or can have several values. For example, getSegment({Unit_sales}, {Region, State, Year}, {"West"}, {"CA", "OR", "WA"}, null}) returns sales in states CA, OR and WA in the Western region, for all years.

It will also look at the MondrianProperties.SegmentCache property and make usage of the SegmentCache provided as an SPI.

24 May 2007
Thiyagu, LBoudreau
  • Constructor Details

    • SegmentLoader

      public SegmentLoader(SegmentCacheManager cacheMgr)
      Creates a SegmentLoader.
      cacheMgr - Cache manager
  • Method Details

    • load

      public void load(int cellRequestCount, List<GroupingSet> groupingSets, List<StarPredicate> compoundPredicateList, List<Future<Map<Segment,SegmentWithData>>> segmentFutures)
      Loads data for all the segments of the GroupingSets. If the grouping sets list contains more than one Grouping Set then data is loaded using the GROUP BY GROUPING SETS sql. Else if only one grouping set is passed in the list data is loaded without using GROUP BY GROUPING SETS sql. If the database does not support grouping sets Dialect.supportsGroupingSets() then grouping sets list should always have only one element in it.

      For example, if list has 2 grouping sets with columns A, B, C and B, C respectively, then the SQL will be "GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((A, B, C), (B, C))".

      Else if the list has only one grouping set then sql would be without grouping sets.

      The groupingSets list should be topological order, with more detailed higher-level grouping sets occurring first. In other words, the first element of the list should always be the detailed grouping set (default grouping set), followed by grouping sets which can be rolled-up on this detailed grouping set. In the example (A, B, C) is the detailed grouping set and (B, C) is rolled-up using the detailed.

      Grouping sets are removed from the groupingSets list as they are loaded.

      cellRequestCount - Number of missed cells that led to this request
      groupingSets - List of grouping sets whose segments are loaded
      compoundPredicateList - Compound predicates
      segmentFutures - List of futures wherein each statement will place a list of the segments it has loaded, when it completes