Uses of Class
Packages that use AggregationManager
Mondrian's core package, this defines connections and the catalog metamodel,
and allows you to execute queries.
Implements the data access layer for the olap package.
Manages a cache of aggregates containing cell values.
Uses of AggregationManager in mondrian.olap
Methods in mondrian.olap that return AggregationManagerModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract AggregationManager
Uses of AggregationManager in mondrian.rolap
Constructors in mondrian.rolap with parameters of type AggregationManagerModifierConstructorDescriptionFastBatchingCellReader
(Execution execution, RolapCube cube, AggregationManager aggMgr) Creates a FastBatchingCellReader. -
Uses of AggregationManager in mondrian.rolap.agg
Methods in mondrian.rolap.agg that return AggregationManagerModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic AggregationManager
Deprecated.No longer a singleton, and will be removed in mondrian-4.