Uses of Package
Packages that use mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher
Implements the data access layer for the olap package.
Manages a cache of aggregates containing cell values.
Defines a 'matcher' which scans the schema to find candidate aggregate tables.
Database-independent library for generating SQL.
Classes in mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher used by mondrian.rolapClassDescriptionAggregate table version of a RolapStar for a fact table.This class forms a collection of aggregate table explicit rules for a given cube.
Classes in mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher used by mondrian.rolap.agg
Classes in mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher used by mondrian.rolap.aggmatcherClassDescriptionAggregate table version of a RolapStar for a fact table.This class represents a dimension table.This is an aggregate fact table.This is a Column that is a Measure (contains an aggregator).Base Table class for the FactTable and DimTable classes.Base class for Level and Measure classesThe query join condition between a base table and this table (the table that owns the join condition).This class is used for holding dimension level information.A RolapConnection uses one AggRule.The set of "named" rules for matching aggregate tables.Base is the base class for all of the elements.This is a base class for all elements that can match strings where the case of the string is important.This is used to identify the "fact_count" column in an aggregate table.This is used to identify foreign key columns in a candidate aggregate table given the name of a foreign key column of the base fact table.This is the template used to specify columns to be ignored.This is the template that maps from a combination of level usage_prefix hierarchy_name level_name level_column_nameThis is the template that maps from a combination of measure measure_name, measure_column_name, and aggregate_name ("count", "sum", "avg", "min", "max", "distinct-count").A NameMatcher is a CaseMatcher that prepends and appends regular expressions to a given string as part of creating the matching regular expression.This element is used in a vector of child elements when one wishes to have one or more regular expressions associated with matching a given string.This is used to identify which tables in the database might be aggregate table of a given fact table.Container for the default aggregate recognition rules.This class forms a collection of aggregate table explicit rules for a given cube.This is the base class for the exact name based and name pattern based aggregate table mapping definitions.Metadata gleaned from JDBC about the tables and columns in the star schema.A table in a database.A column in a table.A usage of a column.Enumeration of ways that an aggregate table can use a column.
Classes in mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher used by mondrian.rolap.sql