Uses of Class
Packages that use RolapStar.Measure
Implements the data access layer for the olap package.
Manages a cache of aggregates containing cell values.
Defines a 'matcher' which scans the schema to find candidate aggregate tables.
Uses of RolapStar.Measure in mondrian.rolap
Methods in mondrian.rolap that return RolapStar.MeasureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic RolapStar.Measure
(Member member) Retrieves theRolapStar.Measure
in which a measure is stored.RolapStar.Table.lookupMeasureByName
(String cubeName, String name) Look up aRolapStar.Measure
by its name.Constructor parameters in mondrian.rolap with type arguments of type RolapStar.MeasureModifierConstructorDescriptionRolapCacheRegion
(RolapStar star, List<RolapStar.Measure> starMeasureList) -
Uses of RolapStar.Measure in mondrian.rolap.agg
Fields in mondrian.rolap.agg declared as RolapStar.MeasureMethods in mondrian.rolap.agg that return RolapStar.MeasureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCellRequest.getMeasure()
Returns the measure of this cell request.QuerySpec.getMeasure
(int i) Methods in mondrian.rolap.agg that return types with arguments of type RolapStar.MeasureMethods in mondrian.rolap.agg with parameters of type RolapStar.MeasureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(RolapStar.Measure measure) boolean
(RolapStar.Measure measure) protected boolean
(RolapStar.Measure measure) Allows subclasses to specify if a given column must be returned as part of the result set, in the select clause.boolean
(AggregationKey aggregationKey, RolapStar.Measure measure) static Segment
(SegmentHeader header, RolapStar star, BitKey constrainedColumnsBitKey, RolapStar.Column[] constrainedColumns, RolapStar.Measure measure, List<StarPredicate> compoundPredicates) Creates a segment from a SegmentHeader.Method parameters in mondrian.rolap.agg with type arguments of type RolapStar.MeasureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SegmentCacheManager cacheMgr, int cellRequestCount, RolapStar.Column[] columns, List<RolapStar.Measure> measures, StarColumnPredicate[] predicates, GroupingSetsCollector groupingSetsCollector, List<Future<Map<Segment, SegmentWithData>>> segmentFutures) Loads a set of segments into this aggregation, one per measure, each constrained by the same set of column values, and each pinned once.static void
(SegmentCacheManager cacheMgr, int cellRequestCount, List<RolapStar.Measure> measures, RolapStar.Column[] columns, AggregationKey aggregationKey, StarColumnPredicate[] predicates, GroupingSetsCollector groupingSetsCollector, List<Future<Map<Segment, SegmentWithData>>> segmentFutures) Called by FastBatchingCellReader.load where the RolapStar creates an Aggregation if needed.Constructors in mondrian.rolap.agg with parameters of type RolapStar.MeasureModifierConstructorDescriptionCellRequest
(RolapStar.Measure measure, boolean extendedContext, boolean drillThrough) Creates aCellRequest
(RolapStar.Measure measure, boolean extendedContext, List<OlapElement> nonApplicableFields) Segment
(RolapStar star, BitKey constrainedColumnsBitKey, RolapStar.Column[] columns, RolapStar.Measure measure, StarColumnPredicate[] predicates, List<Segment.ExcludedRegion> excludedRegions, List<StarPredicate> compoundPredicateList) Creates aSegment
; it's not loaded yet.StarSegmentConverter
(RolapStar.Measure measure, List<StarPredicate> compoundPredicateList) -
Uses of RolapStar.Measure in mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher
Fields in mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher declared as RolapStar.Measure