Uses of Class
Packages that use ByteString
Implements the data access layer for the olap package.
Provides primitives for policy-based caching.
Contains the server-provider interfaces (SPIs) which user-defined
extensions to Mondrian should implement.
Mondrian utilities.
Uses of ByteString in mondrian.rolap
Methods in mondrian.rolap that return ByteStringConstructors in mondrian.rolap with parameters of type ByteStringModifierConstructorDescriptionRolapSchema
(SchemaKey key, ByteString md5Bytes, String catalogUrl, String catalogStr, Util.PropertyList connectInfo, DataSource dataSource) Create RolapSchema given the MD5 hash, catalog name and string (content) and the connectInfo object. -
Uses of ByteString in mondrian.rolap.cache
Methods in mondrian.rolap.cache with parameters of type ByteStringModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSegmentCacheIndex.findRollupCandidates
(String schemaName, ByteString schemaChecksum, String cubeName, String measureName, String rolapStarFactTableName, BitKey constrainedColsBitKey, Map<String, Comparable> coordinates, List<String> compoundPredicates) Returns a list of segments that can be rolled up to satisfy a given cell request.SegmentCacheIndexImpl.findRollupCandidates
(String schemaName, ByteString schemaChecksum, String cubeName, String measureName, String rolapStarFactTableName, BitKey constrainedColsBitKey, Map<String, Comparable> coordinates, List<String> compoundPredicates) SegmentCacheIndex.getConverter
(String schemaName, ByteString schemaChecksum, String cubeName, String rolapStarFactTableName, String measureName, List<String> compoundPredicates) Returns a converter that can convert the given header to internal format.SegmentCacheIndexImpl.getConverter
(String schemaName, ByteString schemaChecksum, String cubeName, String rolapStarFactTableName, String measureName, List<String> compoundPredicates) SegmentCacheIndex.intersectRegion
(String schemaName, ByteString schemaChecksum, String cubeName, String measureName, String rolapStarFactTableName, SegmentColumn[] region) Finds a list of headers that intersect a given region.SegmentCacheIndexImpl.intersectRegion
(String schemaName, ByteString schemaChecksum, String cubeName, String measureName, String rolapStarFactTableName, SegmentColumn[] region) SegmentCacheIndex.locate
(String schemaName, ByteString schemaChecksum, String cubeName, String measureName, String rolapStarFactTableName, BitKey constrainedColsBitKey, Map<String, Comparable> coordinates, List<String> compoundPredicates) Identifies the segment headers that contain a given cell.SegmentCacheIndexImpl.locate
(String schemaName, ByteString schemaChecksum, String cubeName, String measureName, String rolapStarFactTableName, BitKey constrainedColsBitKey, Map<String, Comparable> coordinates, List<String> compoundPredicates) void
(String schemaName, ByteString schemaChecksum, String cubeName, String rolapStarFactTableName, String measureName, List<String> compoundPredicates, SegmentBuilder.SegmentConverter converter) Sets a converter that can convert headers in for a given measure to internal format.void
(String schemaName, ByteString schemaChecksum, String cubeName, String rolapStarFactTableName, String measureName, List<String> compoundPredicates, SegmentBuilder.SegmentConverter converter) -
Uses of ByteString in mondrian.spi
Fields in mondrian.spi declared as ByteStringMethods in mondrian.spi that return ByteStringModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSegmentHeader.getUniqueID()
Returns a unique identifier for this header.Constructors in mondrian.spi with parameters of type ByteStringModifierConstructorDescriptionSegmentHeader
(String schemaName, ByteString schemaChecksum, String cubeName, String measureName, List<SegmentColumn> constrainedColumns, List<String> compoundPredicates, String rolapStarFactTableName, BitKey constrainedColsBitKey, List<SegmentColumn> excludedRegions) Creates a segment header. -
Uses of ByteString in mondrian.util
Methods in mondrian.util with parameters of type ByteString