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Interface SpatialValueTree<K,E,V>

    • Method Detail

      • clear

        void clear(SpatialValueTree.SpatialRegion<K,E> regionKey)
        Clears all the values found at the provided region key.
        regionKey - The region key of the values to clear.
      • get

        Set<V> get(SpatialValueTree.SpatialRegion<K,E> regionKey)
        Looks up all the values registered in nodes intersecting with the provided region key.
        regionKey - The region key inside of which to search for value nodes.
        An unordered set of all the unique values intersecting with the region.
      • match

        Set<V> match(SpatialValueTree.SpatialRegion<K,E> regionKey)
        Looks up all the values registered in nodes intersecting with the provided region key. If a value is present in all of the nodes, a unique set of all the values found will be returned. An empty set is returned if no complete match could be found.
        regionKey - The region key inside of which to search for value nodes.
        An unordered set of all the unique values intersecting with the region and covering it entirely, or an empty set otherwise.
      • getDimensions

        List<K> getDimensions()
        Returns a list of all the dimensions present in this tree.
        A list of dimension unique ids.
      • getDimensionality

        int getDimensionality()
        Tells the number of dimensions in this tree.
        The number of dimensions.

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