Package mondrian.olap

Class MondrianProperties

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description AggregateRules
      String property containing the name of the file which defines the rules for recognizing an aggregate table. AggregateRuleTag
      String property that is the AggRule element's tag value. AlertNativeEvaluationUnsupported
      Alerting action to take in case native evaluation of a function is enabled but not supported for that function's usage in a particular query. CaseSensitive
      Boolean property that controls whether the MDX parser resolves uses case-sensitive matching when looking up identifiers. CatalogURL
      Property that contains the URL of the catalog to be used by CmdRunner and XML/A Test. CellBatchSize
      Integer property that, if set to a value greater than zero, sets a hard limit on the number of cells that are batched together when building segments. CheckCancelOrTimeoutInterval
      Positive integer property that determines loop iterations number between checks for whether the current mdx query has been cancelled or timeout was exceeded.

      Setting the interval too small may result in a performance degradation when reading large result sets; setting it too high can cause a big delay between the query being marked as cancelled or timeout was exceeded and system resources associated to it being released. ChooseAggregateByVolume
      Boolean property that controls whether aggregate tables are ordered by their volume or row count. CompareSiblingsByOrderKey
      Boolean property that controls whether sibling members are compared according to order key value fetched from their ordinal expression. CompoundSlicerMemberSolveOrder
      Property that sets the compound slicer member solve order. CrossJoinOptimizerSize
      Property that defines when to apply the crossjoin optimization algorithm. CurrentMemberWithCompoundSlicerAlert
      Alerting action to take when a CurrentMember function is applied to a dimension that is also a compound slicer DataSourceResolverClass
      Property that defines the name of the plugin class that resolves data source names to DataSource objects. DisableCaching
      Boolean property that controls whether a RolapStar's aggregate data cache is cleared after each query. DisableLocalSegmentCache
      Boolean property that controls whether the data from segments is cached locally. EnableCacheHitCounters
      This property is no longer used, and will be removed in mondrian-4.0. EnableDrillThrough
      If disabled, Mondrian will throw an exception if someone attempts to perform a drillthrough of any kind. EnableExpCache
      Boolean property that controls whether to use a cache for frequently evaluated expressions. EnableGroupingSets
      Property that defines whether to generate SQL queries using the GROUPING SETS construct for rollup. EnableInMemoryRollup
      Property which turns on or off the in-memory rollup of segment data. EnableNativeCrossJoin
      If enabled some NON EMPTY CrossJoin will be computed in SQL. EnableNativeFilter
      If enabled some Filter() will be computed in SQL. EnableNativeNonEmpty
      If enabled some NON EMPTY set operations like member.children, level.members and member descendants will be computed in SQL. EnableNativeTopCount
      If enabled some TopCount will be computed in SQL. EnableNonEmptyOnAllAxis
      Boolean property that controls whether each query axis implicit has the NON EMPTY option set. EnableRolapCubeMemberCache
      Property that determines whether to cache RolapCubeMember objects, each of which associates a member of a shared hierarchy with a particular cube in which it is being used. EnableTotalCount
      If enabled, first row in the result of an XML/A drill-through request will be filled with the total count of rows in underlying database. EnableTriggers
      Boolean property that controls whether to notify the Mondrian system when a property value changes. ExecutionHistorySize
      Property that defines how many previous execution instances the Monitor keeps in its history so that it can send the events which happen after the fact. ExpandNonNative
      If this property is true, when looking for native evaluation of an expression, Mondrian will expand non-native sub-expressions into lists of members. ExpCompilerClass
      Property that defines the name of the class used to compile scalar expressions. FilterChildlessSnowflakeMembers
      Property that defines whether to generate joins to filter out members in a snowflake dimension that do not have any children. FoodmartJdbcURL
      Property containing the JDBC URL of the FoodMart database. GenerateAggregateSql
      Boolean property that controls whether to print the SQL code generated for aggregate tables. GenerateFormattedSql
      Boolean property that controls pretty-print mode. HighCardChunkSize
      Property that establishes the amount of chunks for querying cells involving high-cardinality dimensions. IgnoreInvalidMembers
      Property that defines whether non-existent member errors should be ignored during schema load. IgnoreInvalidMembersDuringQuery
      Property that defines whether non-existent member errors should be ignored during query validation. IgnoreMeasureForNonJoiningDimension
      Property that defines whether to ignore measure when non joining dimension is in the tuple during aggregation. IterationLimit
      Integer property indicating the maximum number of iterations allowed when iterating over members to compute aggregates. Iterations
      Not documented. JdbcDrivers
      Property containing a list of JDBC drivers to load automatically. JdbcFactoryClass
      Property that defines the JdbcSchema factory class which determines the list of tables and columns of a specific datasource. LevelPreCacheThreshold
      Property which governs whether child members or members of a level are precached when child or level members are requested within a query expression. LocalePropFile
      String property that holds the name of the class whose resource bundle is to be used to for this schema. MaxConstraints
      Max number of constraints in a single 'IN' SQL clause. MaxEvalDepth
      Boolean property that defines the maximum number of passes allowable while evaluating an MDX expression. MaxRows
      Property that defines limit on the number of rows returned by XML/A drill through request. MemoryMonitor
      Property that defines whether the MemoryMonitor should be enabled. MemoryMonitorClass
      Property that defines the name of the class used as a memory monitor. MemoryMonitorThreshold
      Property that defines the default MemoryMonitor percentage threshold. NativizeMaxResults
      Property that controls the maximum number of results contained in a NativizeSet result set. NativizeMinThreshold
      Property that controls minimum expected cardinality required in order for NativizeSet to natively evaluate a query. NeedDimensionPrefix
      Property determines if elements of dimension (levels, hierarchies, members) need to be prefixed with dimension name in MDX query. NullDenominatorProducesNull
      Property that defines the behavior of division if the denominator evaluates to zero. NullMemberRepresentation
      Property that determines how a null member value is represented in the result output. OptimizePredicates
      Boolean property that determines whether Mondrian optimizes predicates. PropertyValueMapFactoryClass
      Property that defines the name of the factory class used to create maps of member properties to their respective values. QueryFileDirectory
      Property defining where the test XML files are. QueryFilePattern
      Property that defines a pattern for which test XML files to run. QueryLimit
      Maximum number of simultaneous queries the system will allow. QueryTimeout
      Property that defines the timeout value (in seconds) for queries. ReadAggregates
      Boolean property that determines whether Mondrian should read aggregate tables. ResultLimit
      Integer property that, if set to a value greater than zero, limits the maximum size of a result set. RolapConnectionShepherdNbThreads
      Maximum number of MDX query threads per Mondrian server instance. RolapConnectionShepherdThreadPollingInterval
      Property that defines the interval value between polling operations performed by the RolapConnection shepherd thread. SegmentCache
      Property which defines which SegmentCache implementation to use. SegmentCacheManagerNumberCacheThreads
      Maximum number of threads per Mondrian server instance that are used to run perform operations on the external caches. SegmentCacheManagerNumberSqlThreads
      Maximum number of threads per Mondrian server instance that are used to run SQL queries when populating segments. SolveOrderMode
      Property that controls the behavior of solve order of calculated members and sets. SparseSegmentCountThreshold
      Property that, with SparseSegmentDensityThreshold, determines whether to choose a sparse or dense representation when storing collections of cell values in memory. SparseSegmentDensityThreshold
      Property that, with SparseSegmentCountThreshold, determines whether to choose a sparse or dense representation when storing collections of cell values in memory. SqlMemberSourceValuePoolFactoryClass
      Property that defines the name of the class used in SqlMemberSource to pool common values. SsasCompatibleNaming
      Property that defines whether to enable new naming behavior. StatisticsProviders
      Comma-separated list of classes to be used to get statistics about the number of rows in a table, or the number of distinct values in a column. TestClass
      String property that determines which test class to run. TestConnectString
      Property containing the connect string which regression tests should use to connect to the database. TestExpDependencies
      Integer property that controls whether to test operators' dependencies, and how much time to spend doing it. TestHighCardinalityDimensionList
      Property containing a list of dimensions in the Sales cube that should be treated as high-cardinality dimensions by the testing infrastructure. TestJdbcPassword
      Property containing the JDBC password of a test database. TestJdbcUser
      Property containing the JDBC user of a test database. TestName
      String property that determines which tests are run. TestSeed
      Seed for random number generator used by some of the tests. TimeLimit
      Property that returns the time limit for the test run in seconds. UseAggregates
      Boolean property that controls whether Mondrian uses aggregate tables. VUsers
      Not documented. Warmup
      Property that indicates whether this is a "warmup test". WarnIfNoPatternForDialect
      Property that controls whether warning messages should be printed if a SQL comparison test does not contain expected SQL statements for the specified dialect. XmlaSchemaRefreshInterval
      Interval at which to refresh the list of XML/A catalogs.
      • Fields inherited from class

        properties, triggers
    • Field Detail

      • AggregateRuleTag

        public final transient AggregateRuleTag

        String property that is the AggRule element's tag value.

        Normally, this property is not set by a user.

      • AggregateRules

        public final transient AggregateRules

        String property containing the name of the file which defines the rules for recognizing an aggregate table. Can be either a resource in the Mondrian jar or a URL.

        The default value is "/DefaultRules.xml", which is in the mondrian.rolap.aggmatcher package in Mondrian.jar.

        Normally, this property is not set by a user.

      • AlertNativeEvaluationUnsupported

        public final transient AlertNativeEvaluationUnsupported

        Alerting action to take in case native evaluation of a function is enabled but not supported for that function's usage in a particular query. (No alert is ever raised in cases where native evaluation would definitely have been wasted effort.)

        Recognized actions:

        • OFF: do nothing (default action, also used if unrecognized action is specified)
        • WARN: log a warning to RolapUtil logger
        • ERROR: throw an instance of NativeEvaluationUnsupportedException
      • CaseSensitive

        public final transient CaseSensitive
        Boolean property that controls whether the MDX parser resolves uses case-sensitive matching when looking up identifiers. The default is false.
      • CatalogURL

        public final transient CatalogURL
        Property that contains the URL of the catalog to be used by CmdRunner and XML/A Test.
      • CellBatchSize

        public final transient CellBatchSize
        Integer property that, if set to a value greater than zero, sets a hard limit on the number of cells that are batched together when building segments.
      • CheckCancelOrTimeoutInterval

        public final transient CheckCancelOrTimeoutInterval

        Positive integer property that determines loop iterations number between checks for whether the current mdx query has been cancelled or timeout was exceeded.

        Setting the interval too small may result in a performance degradation when reading large result sets; setting it too high can cause a big delay between the query being marked as cancelled or timeout was exceeded and system resources associated to it being released.

      • ChooseAggregateByVolume

        public final transient ChooseAggregateByVolume

        Boolean property that controls whether aggregate tables are ordered by their volume or row count.

        If true, Mondrian uses the aggregate table with the smallest volume (number of rows multiplied by number of columns); if false, Mondrian uses the aggregate table with the fewest rows.

      • CompareSiblingsByOrderKey

        public final transient CompareSiblingsByOrderKey
        Boolean property that controls whether sibling members are compared according to order key value fetched from their ordinal expression. The default is false (only database ORDER BY is used).
      • CompoundSlicerMemberSolveOrder

        public final transient CompoundSlicerMemberSolveOrder
        Property that sets the compound slicer member solve order.
      • CrossJoinOptimizerSize

        public final transient CrossJoinOptimizerSize

        Property that defines when to apply the crossjoin optimization algorithm.

        If a crossjoin input list's size is larger than this property's value and the axis has the "NON EMPTY" qualifier, then the crossjoin non-empty optimizer is applied. Setting this value to '0' means that for all crossjoin input lists in non-empty axes will have the optimizer applied. On the other hand, if the value is set larger than any possible list, say Integer.MAX_VALUE, then the optimizer will never be applied.

      • CurrentMemberWithCompoundSlicerAlert

        public final transient CurrentMemberWithCompoundSlicerAlert

        Alerting action to take when a CurrentMember function is applied to a dimension that is also a compound slicer

        Recognized actions:

        • OFF: do nothing
        • WARN: log a warning
        • ERROR: throw an CurrentMemberWithCompoundSlicer MondrianException
      • DataSourceResolverClass

        public final transient DataSourceResolverClass

        Property that defines the name of the plugin class that resolves data source names to DataSource objects. The class must implement the DataSourceResolver interface. If not specified, the default implementation uses JNDI to perform resolution.


      • DisableCaching

        public final transient DisableCaching
        Boolean property that controls whether a RolapStar's aggregate data cache is cleared after each query. If true, no RolapStar will cache aggregate data from one query to the next (the cache is cleared after each query).
      • DisableLocalSegmentCache

        public final transient DisableLocalSegmentCache
        Boolean property that controls whether the data from segments is cached locally. To create custom caches, look for the SegmentCache SPI.
      • EnableCacheHitCounters

        public final transient EnableCacheHitCounters
        This property is no longer used, and will be removed in mondrian-4.0.

        Property that controls whether aggregation cache hit / miss counters will be enabled.

        Note that this will affect performance due to existence of sync blocks.

      • EnableDrillThrough

        public final transient EnableDrillThrough
        If disabled, Mondrian will throw an exception if someone attempts to perform a drillthrough of any kind.
      • EnableExpCache

        public final transient EnableExpCache
        Boolean property that controls whether to use a cache for frequently evaluated expressions. With the cache disabled, an expression like Rank([Product].CurrentMember, Order([Product].MEMBERS, [Measures].[Unit Sales])) would perform many redundant sorts. The default is true.
      • EnableGroupingSets

        public final transient EnableGroupingSets

        Property that defines whether to generate SQL queries using the GROUPING SETS construct for rollup. By default it is not enabled.

        Ignored on databases which do not support the GROUPING SETS construct (see Dialect.supportsGroupingSets()).

      • EnableInMemoryRollup

        public final transient EnableInMemoryRollup
        Property which turns on or off the in-memory rollup of segment data. Defaults to true.
      • EnableNativeCrossJoin

        public final transient EnableNativeCrossJoin
        If enabled some NON EMPTY CrossJoin will be computed in SQL.
      • EnableNativeFilter

        public final transient EnableNativeFilter
        If enabled some Filter() will be computed in SQL.
      • EnableNativeNonEmpty

        public final transient EnableNativeNonEmpty

        If enabled some NON EMPTY set operations like member.children, level.members and member descendants will be computed in SQL.

      • EnableNativeTopCount

        public final transient EnableNativeTopCount
        If enabled some TopCount will be computed in SQL.
      • EnableNonEmptyOnAllAxis

        public final transient EnableNonEmptyOnAllAxis
        Boolean property that controls whether each query axis implicit has the NON EMPTY option set. The default is false.
      • EnableRolapCubeMemberCache

        public final transient EnableRolapCubeMemberCache

        Property that determines whether to cache RolapCubeMember objects, each of which associates a member of a shared hierarchy with a particular cube in which it is being used.

        The default is true, that is, use a cache. If you wish to use the member cache control aspects of CacheControl, you must set this property to false.

        RolapCubeMember has recently become more lightweight to construct, and we may obsolete this cache and this property.

      • EnableTotalCount

        public final transient EnableTotalCount
        If enabled, first row in the result of an XML/A drill-through request will be filled with the total count of rows in underlying database.
      • EnableTriggers

        public final transient EnableTriggers

        Boolean property that controls whether to notify the Mondrian system when a property value changes.

        This allows objects dependent on Mondrian properties to react (that is, reload), when a given property changes via, say, MondrianProperties.instance().populate(null) or MondrianProperties.instance().QueryLimit.set(50).

      • ExecutionHistorySize

        public final transient ExecutionHistorySize

        Property that defines how many previous execution instances the Monitor keeps in its history so that it can send the events which happen after the fact. Setting this property too high will make the JVM run out of memory. Setting it too low might prevent some events from reaching the listeners of the monitor.

        This property is for internal use only and should not be changed unless required. Defaults to 1,000.

      • ExpCompilerClass

        public final transient ExpCompilerClass

        Property that defines the name of the class used to compile scalar expressions.

        If the value is non-null, it is used by the ExpCompiler.Factory to create the implementation.

        To test that for all test MDX queries that all functions can handle requests for ITERABLE, LIST and MUTABLE_LIST evaluation results, use the following:
      • ExpandNonNative

        public final transient ExpandNonNative
        If this property is true, when looking for native evaluation of an expression, Mondrian will expand non-native sub-expressions into lists of members.
      • FilterChildlessSnowflakeMembers

        public final transient FilterChildlessSnowflakeMembers

        Property that defines whether to generate joins to filter out members in a snowflake dimension that do not have any children.

        If true (the default), some queries to query members of high levels snowflake dimensions will be more expensive. If false, and if there are rows in an outer snowflake table that are not referenced by a row in an inner snowflake table, then some queries will return members that have no children.

        Our recommendation, for best performance, is to remove rows outer snowflake tables are not referenced by any row in an inner snowflake table, during your ETL process, and to set this property to false.

      • FoodmartJdbcURL

        public final transient FoodmartJdbcURL

        Property containing the JDBC URL of the FoodMart database. The default value is to connect to an ODBC data source called "MondrianFoodMart".

        To run the test suite, first load the FoodMart data set into the database of your choice. Then set the driver.classpath, mondrian.foodmart.jdbcURL and mondrian.jdbcDrivers properties, by un-commenting and modifying one of the sections below. Put the JDBC driver jar into mondrian/testlib.

        Here are example property settings for various databases.

        Derby: needs user and password










        Greenplum (similar to Postgres)






        LucidDB (see instructions)





        Oracle (needs user and password)








        ODBC (Microsoft Access)








        MySQL: can have user and password set in JDBC URL







        MariaDB: can have user and password set in JDBC URL















        As MySQL. (Infobright uses a MySQL driver, version 5.1 and later.)





        Postgres: needs user and password











        Netezza: mimics Postgres





























      • GenerateAggregateSql

        public final transient GenerateAggregateSql

        Boolean property that controls whether to print the SQL code generated for aggregate tables.

        If set, then as each aggregate request is processed, both the lost and collapsed dimension create and insert sql code is printed. This is for use in the CmdRunner allowing one to create aggregate table generation sql.

      • GenerateFormattedSql

        public final transient GenerateFormattedSql

        Boolean property that controls pretty-print mode.

        If true, the all SqlQuery SQL strings will be generated in pretty-print mode, formatted for ease of reading.

      • HighCardChunkSize

        public final transient HighCardChunkSize
        Property that establishes the amount of chunks for querying cells involving high-cardinality dimensions. Should prime with mondrian.result.limit.
      • IgnoreInvalidMembers

        public final transient IgnoreInvalidMembers

        Property that defines whether non-existent member errors should be ignored during schema load. If so, the non-existent member is treated as a null member.

      • IgnoreInvalidMembersDuringQuery

        public final transient IgnoreInvalidMembersDuringQuery

        Property that defines whether non-existent member errors should be ignored during query validation. If so, the non-existent member is treated as a null member.

      • IgnoreMeasureForNonJoiningDimension

        public final transient IgnoreMeasureForNonJoiningDimension

        Property that defines whether to ignore measure when non joining dimension is in the tuple during aggregation.

        If there are unrelated dimensions to a measure in context during aggregation, the measure is ignored in the evaluation context. This behaviour kicks in only if the CubeUsage for this measure has IgnoreUnrelatedDimensions attribute set to false.

        For example, Gender doesn't join with [Warehouse Sales] measure.

        With mondrian.olap.agg.IgnoreMeasureForNonJoiningDimension=true Warehouse Sales gets eliminated and is ignored in the aggregate value.

        [Store Sales] + [Warehouse Sales] SUM({Product.members * Gender.members}) 7,913,333.82

        With mondrian.olap.agg.IgnoreMeasureForNonJoiningDimension=false Warehouse Sales with Gender All level member contributes to the aggregate value.

        [Store Sales] + [Warehouse Sales] SUM({Product.members * Gender.members}) 9,290,730.03

        On a report where Gender M, F and All members exist a user will see a large aggregated value compared to the aggregated value that can be arrived at by summing up values against Gender M and F. This can be confusing to the user. This feature can be used to eliminate such a situation.

      • IterationLimit

        public final transient IterationLimit

        Integer property indicating the maximum number of iterations allowed when iterating over members to compute aggregates. A value of 0 (the default) indicates no limit.

      • Iterations

        public final transient Iterations
        Not documented.
      • JdbcDrivers

        public final transient JdbcDrivers
        Property containing a list of JDBC drivers to load automatically. Must be a comma-separated list of class names, and the classes must be on the class path.
      • JdbcFactoryClass

        public final transient JdbcFactoryClass

        Property that defines the JdbcSchema factory class which determines the list of tables and columns of a specific datasource.

        See Also:
      • LevelPreCacheThreshold

        public final transient LevelPreCacheThreshold

        Property which governs whether child members or members of a level are precached when child or level members are requested within a query expression. For example, if an expression references two child members in the store dimension, like { [Store].[USA].[CA], [Store].[USA].[OR] }, precaching will load *all* children under [USA] rather than just the 2 requested. The threshold value is compared against the cardinality of the level to determine whether or not precaching should be performed. If cardinality is lower than the threshold value Mondrian will precache. Setting this property to 0 effectively disables precaching.

      • LocalePropFile

        public final transient LocalePropFile

        String property that holds the name of the class whose resource bundle is to be used to for this schema. For example, if the class is com.acme.MyResource, mondrian will look for a resource bundle called com/acme/MyResource_<i>locale</i>.properties on the class path. (This property has a confusing name because in a previous release it actually held a file name.)

        Used for the LocalizingDynamicSchemaProcessor; see Internationalization for more details.

        Default value is null.

      • MaxConstraints

        public final transient MaxConstraints

        Max number of constraints in a single 'IN' SQL clause.

        This value may be variant among database products and their runtime settings. Oracle, for example, gives the error "ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000".

        Recommended values:

        • Oracle: 1,000
        • DB2: 2,500
        • Other: 10,000
      • MaxEvalDepth

        public final transient MaxEvalDepth

        Boolean property that defines the maximum number of passes allowable while evaluating an MDX expression.

        If evaluation exceeds this depth (for example, while evaluating a very complex calculated member), Mondrian will throw an error.

      • MaxRows

        public final transient MaxRows
        Property that defines limit on the number of rows returned by XML/A drill through request.
      • MemoryMonitor

        public final transient MemoryMonitor

        Property that defines whether the MemoryMonitor should be enabled. By default it is disabled; memory monitor is not available before Java version 1.5.

      • MemoryMonitorClass

        public final transient MemoryMonitorClass

        Property that defines the name of the class used as a memory monitor.

        If the value is non-null, it is used by the MemoryMonitorFactory to create the implementation.

      • MemoryMonitorThreshold

        public final transient MemoryMonitorThreshold

        Property that defines the default MemoryMonitor percentage threshold. If enabled, when Java's memory monitor detects that post-garbage collection is above this value, notifications are generated.

      • NativizeMaxResults

        public final transient NativizeMaxResults

        Property that controls the maximum number of results contained in a NativizeSet result set.

        If the number of tuples contained in the result set exceeds this value Mondrian throws a LimitExceededDuringCrossjoin error.

      • NativizeMinThreshold

        public final transient NativizeMinThreshold

        Property that controls minimum expected cardinality required in order for NativizeSet to natively evaluate a query.

        If the expected cardinality falls below this level the query is executed non-natively.

        It is possible for the actual cardinality to fall below this threshold even though the expected cardinality falls above this threshold. In this case the query will be natively evaluated.

      • NeedDimensionPrefix

        public final transient NeedDimensionPrefix

        Property determines if elements of dimension (levels, hierarchies, members) need to be prefixed with dimension name in MDX query.

        For example when the property is true, the following queries will error out. The same queries will work when this property is set to false.

        select {[M]} on 0 from sales

        select {[USA]} on 0 from sales

        select {[USA].[CA].[Santa Monica]} on 0 from sales

        When the property is set to true, any query where elements are prefixed with dimension name as below will work

        select {[Gender].[F]} on 0 from sales

        select {[Customers].[Santa Monica]} on 0 from sales

        Please note that this property does not govern the behaviour wherein


        is resolved into a fully qualified


        In a scenario where the schema is very large and dimensions have large number of members a MDX query that has a invalid member in it will cause mondrian to to go through all the dimensions, levels, hierarchies, members and properties trying to resolve the element name. This behavior consumes considerable time and resources on the server. Setting this property to true will make it fail fast in a scenario where it is desirable.

      • NullDenominatorProducesNull

        public final transient NullDenominatorProducesNull

        Property that defines the behavior of division if the denominator evaluates to zero.

        If false (the default), if a division has a non-null numerator and a null denominator, it evaluates to "Infinity", which conforms to SSAS behavior.

        If true, the result is null if the denominator is null. Setting to true enables the old semantics of evaluating this to null; this does not conform to SSAS, but is useful in some applications.

      • NullMemberRepresentation

        public final transient NullMemberRepresentation

        Property that determines how a null member value is represented in the result output.

        AS 2000 shows this as empty value

        AS 2005 shows this as "(null)" value

      • OptimizePredicates

        public final transient OptimizePredicates

        Boolean property that determines whether Mondrian optimizes predicates.

        If true, Mondrian may retrieve a little more data than specified in MDX query and cache it for future use. For example, if you ask for data on 48 states of the United States for 3 quarters of 2011, Mondrian will round out to all 50 states and all 4 quarters. If false, Mondrian still optimizes queries that involve all members of a dimension.

      • PropertyValueMapFactoryClass

        public final transient PropertyValueMapFactoryClass

        Property that defines the name of the factory class used to create maps of member properties to their respective values.

        If the value is non-null, it is used by the PropertyValueFactory to create the implementation. If unset, RolapMemberBase.DefaultPropertyValueMapFactory will be used.

      • QueryFileDirectory

        public final transient QueryFileDirectory
        Property defining where the test XML files are.
      • QueryFilePattern

        public final transient QueryFilePattern
        Property that defines a pattern for which test XML files to run. Pattern has to match a file name of the form: querywhatever.xml in the directory.


      • QueryLimit

        public final transient QueryLimit

        Maximum number of simultaneous queries the system will allow.

        Oracle fails if you try to run more than the 'processes' parameter in init.ora, typically 150. The throughput of Oracle and other databases will probably reduce long before you get to their limit.

      • QueryTimeout

        public final transient QueryTimeout

        Property that defines the timeout value (in seconds) for queries. A value of 0 (the default) indicates no timeout.

      • ReadAggregates

        public final transient ReadAggregates

        Boolean property that determines whether Mondrian should read aggregate tables.

        If set to true, then Mondrian scans the database for aggregate tables. Unless mondrian.rolap.aggregates.Use is set to true, the aggregates found will not be used.

      • ResultLimit

        public final transient ResultLimit
        Integer property that, if set to a value greater than zero, limits the maximum size of a result set.
      • RolapConnectionShepherdNbThreads

        public final transient RolapConnectionShepherdNbThreads

        Maximum number of MDX query threads per Mondrian server instance. Defaults to 20.

      • RolapConnectionShepherdThreadPollingInterval

        public final transient RolapConnectionShepherdThreadPollingInterval

        Property that defines the interval value between polling operations performed by the RolapConnection shepherd thread. This controls query timeouts and cancellation, so a small value (a few milliseconds) is best. Setting this to a value higher than mondrian.rolap.queryTimeout will result the timeout not being enforced as expected.

        Default value is "1000ms". Default time unit is "ms".

      • SegmentCache

        public final transient SegmentCache
        Property which defines which SegmentCache implementation to use. Specify the value as a fully qualified class name, such as org.example.SegmentCacheImpl where SegmentCacheImpl is an implementation of SegmentCache.
      • SegmentCacheManagerNumberCacheThreads

        public final transient SegmentCacheManagerNumberCacheThreads

        Maximum number of threads per Mondrian server instance that are used to run perform operations on the external caches. Defaults to 100.

      • SegmentCacheManagerNumberSqlThreads

        public final transient SegmentCacheManagerNumberSqlThreads

        Maximum number of threads per Mondrian server instance that are used to run SQL queries when populating segments. Defaults to 100.

      • SolveOrderMode

        public final transient SolveOrderMode
        Property that controls the behavior of solve order of calculated members and sets.

        Valid values are "scoped" and "absolute" (the default). See SolveOrderMode for details.

      • SparseSegmentCountThreshold

        public final transient SparseSegmentCountThreshold

        Property that, with SparseSegmentDensityThreshold, determines whether to choose a sparse or dense representation when storing collections of cell values in memory.

        When storing collections of cell values, Mondrian has to choose between a sparse and a dense representation, based upon the possible and actual number of values. The density is actual / possible.

        We use a sparse representation if (possible - countThreshold) * densityThreshold > actual

        For example, at the default values (countThreshold = 1000, SparseSegmentDensityThreshold = 0.5), we use a dense representation for

        • (1000 possible, 0 actual), or
        • (2000 possible, 500 actual), or
        • (3000 possible, 1000 actual).

        Any fewer actual values, or any more possible values, and Mondrian will use a sparse representation.

      • SparseSegmentDensityThreshold

        public final transient SparseSegmentDensityThreshold
        Property that, with SparseSegmentCountThreshold, determines whether to choose a sparse or dense representation when storing collections of cell values in memory.
      • SqlMemberSourceValuePoolFactoryClass

        public final transient SqlMemberSourceValuePoolFactoryClass

        Property that defines the name of the class used in SqlMemberSource to pool common values.

        If the value is non-null, it is used by the SqlMemberSource.ValueMapFactory to create the implementation. If it is not set, then SqlMemberSource.NullValuePoolFactory will be used, meaning common values will not be pooled.

      • SsasCompatibleNaming

        public final transient SsasCompatibleNaming

        Property that defines whether to enable new naming behavior.

        If true, hierarchies are named [Dimension].[Hierarchy]; if false, [Dimension.Hierarchy].

      • StatisticsProviders

        public final transient StatisticsProviders

        Comma-separated list of classes to be used to get statistics about the number of rows in a table, or the number of distinct values in a column.

        If there is a value for mondrian.statistics.providers.DATABASE, where DAtABASE is the current database name (e.g. MYSQL or ORACLE), then that property overrides.




        This would use JDBC's statistics (via the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo method) for most databases, but for connections to a MySQL database, would use external statistics first, and fall back to JDBC statistics only if external statistics were not available.

      • TestClass

        public final transient TestClass

        String property that determines which test class to run.

        This is the name of the class. It must either implement junit.framework.Test or have a method public [static] junit.framework.Test suite().


        See Also:
      • TestConnectString

        public final transient TestConnectString

        Property containing the connect string which regression tests should use to connect to the database.

        Format is specified in Util.parseConnectString(String).

      • TestExpDependencies

        public final transient TestExpDependencies

        Integer property that controls whether to test operators' dependencies, and how much time to spend doing it.

        If this property is positive, Mondrian's test framework allocates an expression evaluator which evaluates each expression several times, and makes sure that the results of the expression are independent of dimensions which the expression claims to be independent of.

        The default is 0.

      • TestHighCardinalityDimensionList

        public final transient TestHighCardinalityDimensionList
        Property containing a list of dimensions in the Sales cube that should be treated as high-cardinality dimensions by the testing infrastructure. This allows us to run the full suite of tests with high-cardinality functionality enabled.
      • TestJdbcPassword

        public final transient TestJdbcPassword
        Property containing the JDBC password of a test database. The default value is null, to cope with DBMSs that don't need this.
      • TestJdbcUser

        public final transient TestJdbcUser
        Property containing the JDBC user of a test database. The default value is null, to cope with DBMSs that don't need this.
      • TestName

        public final transient TestName

        String property that determines which tests are run.

        This is a regular expression as defined by Pattern. If this property is specified, only tests whose names match the pattern in its entirety will be run.

        See Also:
      • TestSeed

        public final transient TestSeed

        Seed for random number generator used by some of the tests.

        Any value besides 0 or -1 gives deterministic behavior. The default value is 1234: most users should use this. Setting the seed to a different value can increase coverage, and therefore may uncover new bugs.

        If you set the value to 0, the system will generate its own pseudo-random seed.

        If you set the value to -1, Mondrian uses the next seed from an internal random-number generator. This is a little more deterministic than setting the value to 0.

      • TimeLimit

        public final transient TimeLimit
        Property that returns the time limit for the test run in seconds. If the test is running after that time, it is terminated.
      • UseAggregates

        public final transient UseAggregates

        Boolean property that controls whether Mondrian uses aggregate tables.

        If true, then Mondrian uses aggregate tables. This property is queried prior to each aggregate query so that changing the value of this property dynamically (not just at startup) is meaningful.

        Aggregates can be read from the database using the ReadAggregates property but will not be used unless this property is set to true.

      • VUsers

        public final transient VUsers
        Not documented.
      • Warmup

        public final transient Warmup
        Property that indicates whether this is a "warmup test".
      • WarnIfNoPatternForDialect

        public final transient WarnIfNoPatternForDialect

        Property that controls whether warning messages should be printed if a SQL comparison test does not contain expected SQL statements for the specified dialect. The tests are skipped if no expected SQL statements are found for the current dialect.

        Possible values are the following:

        • "NONE": no warning (default)
        • "ANY": any dialect
        • "ACCESS"
        • "DERBY"
        • "LUCIDDB"
        • "MYSQL"
        • ... and any Dialect enum in SqlPattern.Dialect

        Specific tests can overwrite the default setting. The priority is:

        • Settings besides "ANY" in file
        • < Any setting in the test
        • < "ANY"

      • XmlaSchemaRefreshInterval

        public final transient XmlaSchemaRefreshInterval

        Interval at which to refresh the list of XML/A catalogs. (Usually known as the datasources.xml file.)

        It is not an active process; no threads will be created. It only serves as a rate limiter. The refresh process is triggered by requests to the doPost() servlet method.

        Values may have time unit suffixes such as 's' (second) or 'ms' (milliseconds). Default value is 3000 milliseconds (3 seconds). Default time unit is milliseconds.

        See also DynamicDatasourceXmlaServlet.

    • Method Detail

      • instance

        public static MondrianProperties instance()
        Returns the singleton.
        Singleton instance