Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractElementFormatFunction
org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.function The function package contains statefull functions and stateless expression for JFreeReport. 

Uses of AbstractElementFormatFunction in org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.function

Subclasses of AbstractElementFormatFunction in org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.function
 class CreateHyperLinksFunction
          Deprecated. add style expressions to the 'href-target' and 'href-window' instead. It is much easier and less confusing.
 class ElementColorFunction
          Deprecated. add a style expression for the 'paint' style instead
 class ElementTrafficLightFunction
          Deprecated. This function can be safely replaced by a formula.
 class ElementVisibilityFunction
          Deprecated. add a style-expression for the visible style-key instead.
 class HideElementByNameFunction
          Deprecated. Use a formula
 class HideElementIfDataAvailableExpression
          Deprecated. Use a Style-Expression or make proper use of the No-Data-Band
 class HideNullValuesFunction
          Deprecated. This should be done using Style-Expressions.
 class NegativeNumberPaintChangeFunction
          Deprecated. The same thing can be achieved using a simple StyleExpression on the element's PAINT stylekey.
 class ShowElementByNameFunction
          Deprecated. This can be done easier using style-expressions
 class ShowElementIfDataAvailableExpression
          Deprecated. Use a formula instead.

Uses of AbstractElementFormatFunction in org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.function.sys

Subclasses of AbstractElementFormatFunction in org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.function.sys
 class AttributeExpressionsEvaluator
          Evaluates style-expressions and updates the stylesheet.
 class CellFormatFunction
          The cell-format function is an internal structure function that copies the format-strings of any text-field into the stylesheet of the element.
 class MetaDataStyleEvaluator
          Todo: Document Me
 class SheetNameFunction
          This function is used to generate sheet names into table exports.
 class StyleExpressionsEvaluator
          Evaluates style-expressions and updates the stylesheet.
 class WizardItemHideFunction
          Todo: Document me!

Date: 06.04.2009 Time: 18:54:33