Package org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core

Main classes in the JFreeReport class library.


Interface Summary
ContextAwareDataFactory Deprecated. Merged with DataFactory interface
DataFactory Creates a tablemodel on request.
DataRow The datarow is used to access the current row in the TableModel, Expressions and Functions using a generic interface.
ExtendedResourceBundleFactory Todo: Document me!

Date: 07.07.2009 Time: 13:57:09

ImageContainer A image container stores all layout information to process images in a report.
LocalImageContainer The LocalImageContainer makes the image available as 'java.awt.Image' instance.
MetaTableModel A extension of the classic table-model.
MultiStreamReportProcessTask A export task that generates multiple streams, like the HTML-output does.
NamedDataFactory Deprecated. This is handled by the datafactory-metadata.
PageDefinition A logical page definition for a report.
ReportDefinition A report definition.
ReportElement A structural layout element.
ReportEnvironment Provides a simplified interface to access information about the processing environment in a simple way.
ReportPreProcessor Todo: Document Me
ReportProcessTask A report task is a generic way to create documents of a certain type from a report object.
ResourceBundleFactory A resource bundle factory defines the locale for a report and is used to create resourcebundles.
RootLevelBand A RootLevelBand is directly connected with a report definition or a group.
URLImageContainer An image container, that references a remote image.

Class Summary
AbstractMultiStreamReportProcessTask TA common base class for MultiStreamReportProcessTask implementations.
AbstractReportDefinition The AbstractReportDefinition serves as base-implementation for both the SubReport and the global JFreeReport instance.
AbstractReportProcessTask A base class for common report process task implementations.
AbstractRootLevelBand The root-level band is the container that is processed by a report-state.
Anchor Deprecated. Ancors should not be created this way.
AnchorElement Deprecated. to create anchors, use the style-key 'Anchor-Target' instead.
AttributeNames A constant collection holding default attribute names.
Band A report band is a collection of other elements and bands, similiar to an AWT-Container.
ClassicEngineBoot An utility class to safely boot and initialize the Pentaho-Reporting library.
ClassicEngineCoreModule The CoreModule is used to represent the base classes of JFreeReport in a PackageManager-compatible way.
ClassicEngineInfo Details about the JFreeReport project.
CompoundDataFactory The compound data factory is a collection of data-factories.
CrosstabColumnGroup Can have either a column body or a details body.
CrosstabColumnGroupBody Todo: Document Me
CrosstabGroup A crosstab group represents the page, row, column and detail sections of a cube.
CrosstabOtherGroup Can have either a row- or a column body.
CrosstabOtherGroupBody Todo: Document Me
CrosstabRowGroup Can have either a row- or a column body.
CrosstabRowGroupBody Todo: Document Me
CrosstabSummaryFooter A details footer is printed between the last itemband and the first group-footer.
CrosstabSummaryHeader A details header is printed between the last group-header and the first detail band.
CrosstabTitleFooter A details footer is printed between the last itemband and the first group-footer.
CrosstabTitleHeader A details header is printed between the last group-header and the first detail band.
CustomPageDefinition A page definition, that consists of one or many pages.
DefaultImageReference An DefaultImageReference encapsulates the source of an image together with a java.awt.Image.
DefaultReportEnvironment A simple implementation that provides static environmental information.
DefaultReportPreProcessor An empty implementation that returns the report unchanged.
DefaultResourceBundleFactory A default implementation of the ResourceBundleFactory, that creates resource bundles using the specified locale.
DetailsFooter A details footer is printed between the last itemband and the first group-footer.
DetailsHeader A details header is printed between the last group-header and the first detail band.
DrawableElement Deprecated. This class is no longer used and will be removed in the next version.
Element Base class for all report elements (displays items that can appear within a report band).
ElementAlignment Represents the alignment of an element.
ExternalDataFactory A datafactory that allows to use a tablemodel passed in as a parameter as primary report-datasource.
Group A report group.
GroupBody This class only has two valid sub-classes and exists purely to limit the applicable composition options in the group-class.
GroupDataBody Todo: Document Me
GroupFooter A band that appears at the end of each instance of a group.
GroupHeader A report band that appears at the beginning of each instance of a group.
GroupList Deprecated. The group-list is a legacy class and should not be used outside the legacy handling.
ImageElement Deprecated. This class is no longer used and will be removed in the next version.
ItemBand A report band that displays a row of data items.
MasterReport A JFreeReport instance is used as report template to define the visual layout of a report and to collect all data sources for the reporting.
MetaAttributeNames Todo: Document Me
NoDataBand The No-Data-Band is printed if the current report has no data in its main data-table.
PageFooter A report band that appears at the bottom of every page.
PageHeader A report band used to print information at the top of every page in the report.
ParameterDataRow A static data row that reads its values from a report properties collection.
ParameterMapping A parameter mapping defines an aliasing rule for incoming and outgoing sub-report parameters.
RelationalGroup A group that accepts fields.
ReportAttributeMap A attribute map that keeps track of changes.
ReportEnvironmentDataRow Todo: Document me!

Date: 11.11.2009 Time: 15:11:56

ReportFooter A report band that appears as the very last band on the report.
ReportHeader A report band that is printed once only at the beginning of the report.
ReportProcessTaskUtil Todo: Document Me
Section A section is a small-scale band that allows to access the child elements but does not define how childs get added or organized in the section.
ShapeElement Deprecated. This class is no longer used and will be removed in the next version.
SimplePageDefinition A simple page definition defines a logical page, for which all physical pages have the same size.
StaticDataRow This is a static datarow holding a value for each name in the datarow.
SubGroupBody A group body that contains a sub-group.
SubReport A subreport element.
TableDataFactory The TableDataFactory provides keyed access to predefined tablemodels.
TextElement Deprecated. This class is no longer used and will be removed in the next version.
Watermark A report band used to print information at the background of every page in the report.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
EmptyReportException The EmptyReportException is thrown, it the report processing generated no content.
InvalidReportStateException An exception that can be thrown during report processing, if an error occurs.
ReportDataFactoryException A report data factory exception is thrown whenever querying a datasource failed for some reason.
ReportEventException The ReportEventException is thrown, if there were unrecoverable exceptions during the report processing.
ReportInterruptedException This exception is thrown when the current thread received the Interrupt-signal while the report is beeing processed.
ReportParameterValidationException Todo: Document Me
ReportProcessingException An exception that can be thrown during report processing, if an error occurs.

Package org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core Description

Main classes in the JFreeReport class library.

Some rules when working with the report definition objects:


A group is a set of database rows, where the contents of the group fields are equal for all rows.

Lets look at the following table:

Car Color Price
Toyota blue 10.000
Toyota blue 20.000
Toyota red 15.000
Lexus blue 25.000
Lexus yellow 15.000
BMW yellow 40.000
BMW blue 35.000
BMW green 5.000

Groups are always defined on sorted tables. A group is defined by selecting one or more rows, which should form the group. A group instance will contain all rows from the beginning of the group until one of the group fields changes.

Lets select the row car for our group:

Selecting that row as group argument will result in 3 group instances. The first group instance will contain the first 3 rows (as the contents of these rows are equal).

The next instance will contain all rows of the "Lexus" car and the last group contains all rows from the "BMW" rows.

If a group is defined by more than one field, then the group will end, if one of the group member fields changes.

Lets define a group which consists of "Car" and "Color".

The first instance of the group will contain the first 2 rows (Toyota,blue). Then the value in the column "Color" changes, so a new group instance is started. This new group contains a single row, as the column "Car" in the next row will contain a different value.

The next two group instances are "Lexus, blue" and "Lexus, yellow", both group instances contain 1 row, as the color changes after 1 row.

The next row starts a new group, as the column "Car" contains a different value (BWM instead of Lexus). It doesn't matter, that the color is still equal, to end a group instance, it is sufficient that one column value changed.