All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AbstractBoot The common base for all Boot classes.AbstractModule The abstract module provides a default implementation of the module interface.ArgumentNullException BulkDataUtility A utility class to support reordering operations of arrays.ClassQueryTool The class-query tool loads classes using a classloader and calls "processClass" for each class encountered.Configuration A simple query interface for a configuration.ConfigurationDomain ConfigurationMetaData ConfigurationMetaDataEntry ConfigurationMetaDataParser CSVQuoter TheCSVQuoter
is a helper class to encode a string for the CSV file format.CSVTokenizer The csv tokenizer class allows an application to break a Comma Separated Value format into tokens.DebugLog This class provides static log messages for on-going bug-hunting efforts.DefaultConfiguration Default configuration.DefaultModuleInfo Provides a default implementation of the module info interface.DefaultObjectFactory DefaultObjectFactoryBuilder DependencyInformation An data-structure documenting external dependencies.Empty Class which holds a static reference to a set of empty objects.EmptyIterator<T> An helper class to implement an empty iterator.EmptyPerformanceLoggingStopWatch ExtendedConfiguration The extended configuration provides methods to make using the configuration easier.ExtendedConfigurationWrapper A wrapper for the extended configuration interface around a plain configuration.FastStack<T> A very simple unsynchronized stack.FilesystemFilter A filesystem filter.FloatDimension A dimension object specified usingfloat
values.FormattedMessage GenericObjectTable<T> A generic table storing objects in an fast array backend.HashNMap<K,V> The HashNMap can be used to store multiple values by a single key value.HierarchicalConfiguration A hierarchical configuration.ImageEncoder A image encoder.ImageEncoderRegistry IOUtils The IOUtils provide some IO related helper methods.JpegImageEncoder LFUMap<K,V> A Least-Frequently-Used Map.LibBaseBoot An utility class to safely boot and initialize the LibBase library.LibBaseInfo The project information for LibBase.Licenses Contains the full texts of the GNU General Public Licence and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.LinkedMap A fast linked-hashmap that avoids any unneccessay work.LinkedMap.MapEntry A cache map entry class holding both the key and value and acting as member of a linked list.LoggingStopWatch MemoryByteArrayOutputStream MemoryStringReader MemoryStringWriter MemoryUsageMessage A helper class to print memory usage message if needed.Messages A helper class for a simplified resource-bundle access.ModifiableConfiguration A modifiable configuration.Module A module encapsulates optional functionality within a project.ModuleInfo The Module info class encapsulates metadata about a given module.ModuleInitializeException This exception is thrown when the module initialization encountered an unrecoverable error which prevents the module from being used.ModuleInitializer The module initializer is used to separate the initialization process from the module definition.NullOutputStream A null output stream.ObjectFactory ObjectFactoryBuilder ObjectFactoryException ObjectTable<T> A lookup table for objects.ObjectUtilities A collection of useful static utility methods for handling classes and object instantiation.PackageManager The PackageManager is used to load and configure the modules of JFreeReport.PackageManager.PackageConfiguration The PackageConfiguration handles the module level configuration.PackageSorter Compares two modules for order.PackageState The package state class is used by the package manager to keep track of the activation level of the installed or errornous packages.PadMessage A message object that pads the output if the text is shorter than the given length.PasswordObscurification This class handles basic password obscurification.PasswordObscurification48 This class handles basic password obscurification.PerformanceLoggingStopWatch PngEncoder PngEncoder takes a Java Image object and creates a byte string which can be saved as a PNG file.ProjectInformation The project information structure contains information about the current project.PropertyFileConfiguration A report configuration that reads its values from an arbitary property file.ResourceBundleSupport An utility class to ease up using property-file resource bundles.SecurePasswordEncryption SingletonHint SqlCommentScrubber This class represents a parser that will remove SQL comments (both multi-line and single-line) from a string representing a SQL query.SqlScriptUtils User: Dzmitry Stsiapanau Date: 8/21/14 Time: 3:38 PMStackableException Deprecated. Use ordinary exception as your base class.StackableRuntimeException Deprecated. use RuntimeExpression instead.StopWatch StringBufferWriter StringEnumeration StringUtils String utilities.SubSystem A sub-system holds a separate collection of modules.SystemInformation SystemPropertyConfiguration A property configuration based on system properties.UnsupportedEncoderException UrlBuilder Utility class used to handle some of the messy items when building URLsURLEncoder Deprecated. VersionHelper A utility class for reading versioning information from a Manifest file.WaitingImageObserver This image observer blocks until the image is completely loaded.XMLParserFactoryProducer