Interface LayoutElement

public interface LayoutElement
This is where the computed style goes into. // todo: Produce the computed counterset!
Thomas Morgner
  • Method Details

    • getLayoutStyle

      LayoutStyle getLayoutStyle()
    • getCounters

      Map getCounters()
    • getStrings

      Map getStrings()
    • getPseudoElement

      String getPseudoElement()
      An element can be exactly one pseudo-element type. It is not possible for an element to fullfill two roles, an element is either a 'before' or a 'marker', but can as well be a 'before' of an 'marker' (where the marker element would be the parent).
    • getNamespace

      String getNamespace()
      May be null.
    • getTagName

      String getTagName()
      May be null.
    • getAttribute

      Object getAttribute(String namespace, String name)
      May never be null.
    • getLanguage

      Locale getLanguage()
      Returns the language definition of this layout context. If not set, it defaults to the parent's language. If the root's language is also not defined, then use the system default.
      the defined language, never null.
    • isPseudoElement

      boolean isPseudoElement()
    • getParentLayoutElement

      LayoutElement getParentLayoutElement()
    • getPreviousLayoutElement

      LayoutElement getPreviousLayoutElement()